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  1. hi i got below error while i click on prepare Active Directory in first step of install lync note:i joined my lync server to AD and both of them has ping each other please help i have try and spent lot of time to reach to this step
  2. hi i use Server 2008 R2 Enterprise and i can't find RTC Group in AD user and computer? what should i do? i put picture below as i said
  3. Hi, when I click right on my site system-->(and choose \\sccm1:server that sccm and DC an Database installed) to choose new role "system role selection" I haven't role: Distribution Point I put picture please help what's problem?
  4. Hi, as I show below when I open control panel or administrative tools I can't find Configuration Manager i draw Red Rectangle on it as i said.... How I Should Find It? please help thanks
  5. thanks but how i check log file for this problem your link describe on 2012 but i run 2007......
  6. please helpppppppppppppppppp!!!!! I really need to solve this problem
  7. please help me , I sure that every thing install correctly i put start script in GPO and manually install ccmsteup.exe on my windows 7 ,but again I can't view hardware list????? ​what should I do?
  8. thanks sorry how i should check log files for My problem?it's not long time i strat sccm and your link little different fromsccm 2007?! Last night i check component status and i saw only 1 critical error but today lot of warning and error ... can this problem relevant and back to these warning:i mean that in hardware inventory can't see any things!!!!!! (i put picture of my sccm console)
  9. hi, I install sccm 2007 on server 2008 R2 and work properly,in computer management find my other computer that run windows 7 but even I click right on device (name pc:windows 7)and goto start->Resource Explorer ->Hardware Inventory or hardware in right panel I see :there is no item to show in this view please help me what's problem? I think because I run windows 7 and I think only I think sccm 2007 do not support windows 7.... thank you.
  10. thanks alot it working properly
  11. as you ask me ...my reason because is recently i start the system center and i follow Train Signal Course training and these tutorial video include SCCM 2007 and unfortunately he explained on server 2003
  12. thanks a lot . for your reply i want to install on SERVER 2008 R2 only 1 question : what you mean by RTM iso ...... above link that you put :http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=4707 isn't enough for installing SCCM 2007????????????????????????????????? you mean i should download another iso file OR your link sufficient
  13. please put me link of SCCM 2007 to download it......... is it : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=9236 ???????????????? but it is .EXE and not iso file...maybe i should extract it....is it true????????????
  14. sorry even i downloaded it from microsoft link i never burn software to DVD or any file is it possible this problem cause by this?.....
  15. thanks for your answer one guy said maybe your media or iso file or i mean installer (like ISO file ) IS WRONG ...could you help me where can i download SCCM 2007 before i download it from microsoft from this link:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=9236
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