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  1. Hi cubspsycho85, Does your affected clients have the correct CCM CLient agent version running? https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3100144 ClientThe version that is displayed on the General tab of the Configuration Manager Control Panel item or the Client Version field of device properties in the Administrator Console is 5.00.8239.1301.
  2. Hi tjwillians74, Were you using a capture media created in SCCM to capture your image? Not exactly sure what is happening in your capture process, but here is a good material of doing a capture if you're unsure. https://www.windows-noob.com/forums/topic/5070-how-can-i-capture-an-image-using-capture-media-in-configmgr-2012/ cheers ej
  3. Hi Firstcom, Assuming that you're in a private network. have you tried testing WOL in your network environment? install WOL app send WOL packet to target machine using your PC did this work? https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680929.aspx WOL via Unicast Switches must forward UDP packets, and not all switches are configured to do so by default.WOL via Subnet Directed broadcast routers must be configured to forward subnet-directed broadcasts. highly recommended you include the additional security measure of allowing only the Configuration Manager site server to send subnet-directed broadcast traffic using a non-default port number for the wake-up packets. regards ej
  4. Hi All, Would like to know if there's a way to create a new Status Filter variable (Eg. %msgsys, %msgsrc and etc.) . At the start of the TS, the user who kicked-off the TS requires to authenticate before proceeding. Would like to capture the user's details (email, givenname and sn), store these into a variable (Eg. %email, %givenname & %surname) then pass it to the SCCM Status Filter Rules. Regards, ej
  5. Hi, I am trying to compile a SQL report in SCCM 2012 to retreive a list of Device Collection under a certain folder. So far i have found the following tables but cannot link it back to the collection table. Help Please SMS_Folers SMS_FolderMembers cheers ej
  6. Hi, We are currently migrating XP machines to Windows 7 Enterprise and would like to know if its possible to query the SCCM DB during OSD to install applications that are advertised to the machine? to ensure that after imaging all required software are installed instead of waiting. Regards, E'John
  7. is WDS installed in the DHCP server? - sorry my bad.. i totally missed what you have mentioned.
  8. this might help you. Sometimes you will need to edit the WebDAV_Schema.xml file to get the correct settings http://ajweh.com/blog/?p=103
  9. I assume that the package actually exist in NTFS? Does it have the correct Package version? are you able to access the other packages? (LAB00072?) tried refreshing the package?
  10. Hi, Are the drivers your injecting x86?
  11. Using an Unattend.xml file solved this problem for me. Create an Unattend.xml file by using Windows System Image manager 1. Load Windows 7 Enterprise WIM file (install.wim) 2. select which components or packages you want changed during OSD to include in your answer file(example: Regional Settings, Do not clear Taskbar, Copy Profile (good for syspreping!)) 3. Save your answer file as Unattend.xml or watever.xml 4. Create a new package only if you dont have an existing Custom Settings package in SCCM 5. edit your Task Sequence, under Apply Operating System Image --> tick Use an Unattend or sysprep answer file. 6. Locate your Unattend.xml this will give you control.
  12. Hi, Couple of questions... 1. after imaging did you find that NIC driver isnt installed? 2. Is the NIC driver included in the Boot Image? After looking at the log where drivers are being injected.. it seems like your using the wrong drivers or you havent packaged the drivers you imported to the system. hope this helps
  13. Hi, steps: 1. Open SCCM Console > Site Database 2. Navigate/expand System Status 3. Highlight Status Message Queries 4. Right-mouse click All Status Messages 5. Click Show Messages 6. Select date and time: 1hour 7. OK Most of the time it will show a full report. But it becoming frequent that it will show an empty report. There are no errors in the logs for all sites...
  14. Hi, Every morning when a run 'All Status Message' query or other queries - occassionally it does not show any information at all. The only way i fix this issue is to restart SMS EXECUTIVE services. This is happening more often, before it was maybe once every two weeks and now its almost everyday?? Please Help! eJon
  15. ==================================================================================== edit/Add the following lines to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\SCCM\Deploy_SCCM_Definition_ENU.xml <Pane id="TimeZone"> <Condition><![CDATA[uCase(Property("SkipTimeZone"))<>"YES" and Property("DeploymentType")<>"REPLACE" ]]></Condition> <Initialization><![CDATA[TimeZone_Initialization ]]></Initialization> <Validation><![CDATA[TimeZoneName.Value <> "" and TimeZone.Value <> "" ]]></Validation> <Body><![CDATA[ <!-- Use the H1 Style for titles at the top of the page --> <H1>Please Select Your State<H1> <select id=TimeZoneList size=15 language=VBScript onchange="SetTimeZoneValue" class=wideedit> <!-- The following is a static table of Time Zones supported by Windows XP/2003 and Windows Vista TimeZone Format: <option value="TimeZoneNumber;TimeZoneName[;TimeZoneName_Alternate][;TimeZoneDescription_Alternate]">TimeZoneDescription</option> Where: TimeZoneNumber - The Time Zone number used in Windows XP/2003 (Whistler) Unattend.txt files. [GuiUnattended] TimeZone TimeZoneName - The Time Zone Name used in Windows Vista (Longhorn) unattend.xml files. <TimeZone> entries TimeZoneName_Alternate - This is the alternate Name used in Windows XP documentation. (Used to Match Time Zone only). TimeZoneDescription_Alternate - This is the Alternate Description used in Windows XP Documentation. (Used to Match Time Zone only). TimeZoneDescription - This is the value displayed in the dialog box. --> <!-- This is the original List of Timezones. Please select which ones you would like in the script <option value="90;Greenwich Standard Time">(GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia</option> <option value="85;GMT Standard Time">(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London</option> <option value="110;W. Europe Standard Time">(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna</option> <option value="95;Central Europe Standard Time">(GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague</option> <option value="105;Romance Standard Time">(GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris</option> <option value="100;Central European Standard Time">(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb</option> <option value="113;W. Central Africa Standard Time">(GMT+01:00) West Central Africa</option> <option value="130;GTB Standard Time">(GMT+02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk</option> <option value="115;E. Europe Standard Time">(GMT+02:00) Bucharest</option> <option value="120;Egypt Standard Time">(GMT+02:00) Cairo</option> <option value="140;South Africa Standard Time">(GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria</option> <option value="125;FLE Standard Time;(GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius">(GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kiev, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius</option> <option value="135;Israel Standard Time">(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem</option> <option value="158;Arabic Standard Time">(GMT+03:00) Baghdad</option> <option value="150;Arab Standard Time">(GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh</option> <option value="145;Russian Standard Time">(GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd</option> <option value="155;E. Africa Standard Time">(GMT+03:00) Nairobi</option> <option value="160;Iran Standard Time">(GMT+03:30) Tehran</option> <option value="165;Arabian Standard Time">(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat</option> <option value="170;Caucasus Standard Time">(GMT+04:00) Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan</option> <option value="175;Afghanistan Standard Time;Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan Standard Time">(GMT+04:30) Kabul</option> <option value="180;Ekaterinburg Standard Time">(GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg</option> <option value="185;West Asia Standard Time">(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent</option> <option value="190;India Standard Time">(GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi</option> <option value="193;Nepal Standard Time">(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu</option> <option value="201;N. Central Asia Standard Time">(GMT+06:00) Almaty, Novosibirsk</option> <option value="195;Central Asia Standard Time">(GMT+06:00) Astana, Dhaka</option> <option value="200;Sri Lanka Standard Time">(GMT+06:00) Sri Jayawardenepura</option> <option value="203;Myanmar Standard Time">(GMT+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)</option> <option value="205;SE Asia Standard Time;S.E. Asia Standard Time">(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta</option> <option value="207;North Asia Standard Time">(GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk</option> <option value="210;China Standard Time">(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong SAR, Urumqi</option> <option value="227;North Asia East Standard Time;(GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulan Bator">(GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaanbaatar</option> <option value="215;Singapore Standard Time">(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore</option> <option value="225;W. Australia Standard Time">(GMT+08:00) Perth</option> <option value="220;Taipei Standard Time">(GMT+08:00) Taipei</option> <option value="235;Tokyo Standard Time">(GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo</option> <option value="230;Korea Standard Time">(GMT+09:00) Seoul</option> <option value="240;Yakutsk Standard Time">(GMT+09:00) Yakutsk</option> <option value="250;Cen. Australia Standard Time">(GMT+09:30) Adelaide</option> <option value="245;AUS Central Standard Time;A.U.S. Central Standard Time">(GMT+09:30) Darwin</option> <option value="260;E. Australia Standard Time">(GMT+10:00) Brisbane</option> <option value="255;AUS Eastern Standard Time;A.U.S. Eastern Standard Time">(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney</option> <option value="275;West Pacific Standard Time">(GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby</option> <option value="265;Tasmania Standard Time">(GMT+10:00) Hobart</option> <option value="270;Vladivostok Standard Time">(GMT+10:00) Vladivostok</option> <option value="280;Central Pacific Standard Time">(GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia</option> <option value="290;New Zealand Standard Time">(GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington</option> <option value="285;Fiji Islands Standard Time">(GMT+12:00) Fiji Islands, Kamchatka, Marshall Islands</option> <option value="300;Tonga Standard Time">(GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa</option> <option value="80;Azores Standard Time">(GMT-01:00) Azores</option> <option value="83;Cape Verde Standard Time">(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Islands</option> <option value="75;Mid-Atlantic Standard Time">(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic</option> <option value="65;E. South America Standard Time">(GMT-03:00) Brasilia</option> <option value="70;SA Eastern Standard Time;S.A. Eastern Standard Time">(GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, Georgetown</option> <option value="73;Greenland Standard Time">(GMT-03:00) Greenland</option> <option value="60;Newfoundland Standard Time;Newfoundland and Labrador Standard Time">(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland and Labrador</option> <option value="50;Atlantic Standard Time">(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)</option> <option value="55;SA Western Standard Time;S.A. Western Standard Time">(GMT-04:00) Caracas, La Paz</option> <option value="56;Pacific SA Standard Time;Pacific S.A. Standard Time">(GMT-04:00) Santiago</option> <option value="45;SA Pacific Standard Time;S.A. Pacific Standard Time">(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito</option> <option value="35;Eastern Standard Time">(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)</option> <option value="40;US Eastern Standard Time;U.S. Eastern Standard Time">(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)</option> <option value="33;Central America Standard Time">(GMT-06:00) Central America</option> <option value="20;Central Standard Time">(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US and Canada)</option> <option value="30;Mexico Standard Time">(GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey</option> <option value="25;Canada Central Standard Time">(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan</option> <option value="15;US Mountain Standard Time;U.S. Mountain Standard Time">(GMT-07:00) Arizona</option> <option value="13;Mexico Standard Time 2">(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan</option> <option value="10;Mountain Standard Time">(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US and Canada)</option> <option value="4;Pacific Standard Time">(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada); Tijuana</option> <option value="3;Alaskan Standard Time">(GMT-09:00) Alaska</option> <option value="2;Hawaiian Standard Time">(GMT-10:00) Hawaii</option> <option value="1;Samoa Standard Time">(GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa</option> <option value="0;Dateline Standard Time">(GMT-12:00) International Date Line West</option> --> <option value="250;Cen. Australia Standard Time"> South Australia </option> <option value="255;AUS Eastern Standard Time;A.U.S. Eastern Standard Time"> Victoria </option> <option value="225;W. Australia Standard Time"> Western Australia </option> <option value="255;AUS Eastern Standard Time;A.U.S. Eastern Standard Time"> New South Wales </option> <option value="260;E. Australia Standard Time"> Queensland </option> <option value="255;AUS Eastern Standard Time;A.U.S. Eastern Standard Time"> Australian Capital Territory </option> <option value="265;Tasmania Standard Time"> Tasmania </option> <option value="245;AUS Central Standard Time;A.U.S. Central Standard Time"> Northern Territory </option> </select> <input type=hidden Name=TimeZone /> <!-- XP Style TimeZone PST = 004 --> <input type=hidden Name=TimeZoneName /> <!-- Vista Style TimeZone PST = "Pacific Standard Time" --> ]]></Body> </Pane> =================================================================================== Edit and Add the function to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\SCCM\Deploy_SCCM_Scripts.vbs Function SetTimeZoneValue ' When the user selects a value in the TimeZoneList we must populate the hidden Text Values Dim TimeSplit TimeSplit = split( TimeZoneList.value , ";" ) If ubound(TimeSplit) < 1 then ElseIf not isNumeric(TimeSplit(0)) then Else TimeZoneName.Value = TimeSplit(1) TimeZone.Value = TimeSplit(0) End if End function Function TimeZone_Initialization Dim TimeZone, i, TimeSplit, Item, test 'If either of the TimeZone Properties have been set, then select the coresponding list item. If Property("TimeZone") <> "" or Property("TimeZoneName") <> "" then For i = 0 to TimeZoneList.Options.Length - 1 TimeSplit = split( TimeZoneList.Options(i).value , ";" ) If ubound(TimeSplit) >= 1 then If Property("TimeZone") <> "" then If IsNumeric(Property("TimeZone")) then ' Check Windows XP style Name If CInt(Property("TimeZone")) = cint(TimeSplit(0)) then TimeZoneList.SelectedIndex = i SetTimeZoneValue Exit function End if Else ' Check Windows Vista Style Name If UCase(Property("TimeZone")) = UCase(TimeSplit(1)) then TimeZoneList.SelectedIndex = i SetTimeZoneValue Exit function End if End if ElseIf Property("TimeZoneName") <> "" then ' Check Windows Vista Style Name If UCase(Property("TimeZoneName")) = UCase(TimeSplit(1)) then TimeZoneList.SelectedIndex = i SetTimeZoneValue Exit function End if End if End if Next End if ' Extract out the current TimeZone For each TimeZone in objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_TimeZone") Exit for ' Take the first entry and break out of loop Next If IsEmpty(TimeZone) then Exit function End if 'Try to match the timezone against the current Timezone Name For i = 0 to TimeZoneList.Options.Length - 1 TimeSplit = split( TimeZoneList.Options(i).value , ";" ) If UBound(TimeSplit) >= 1 then ' Compare the Description If UCase(TimeZoneList.Options(i).Text) = UCase(TimeZone.Description) then TimeZoneList.SelectedIndex = i SetTimeZoneValue Exit function End if ' See if there is a match in the alternate description or other Values For each test in array(TimeZone.Description,TimeZone.StandardName) If test <> "" then For each item in TimeSplit If Item <> "" then If UCase(test) = UCase(Item) then TimeZoneList.SelectedIndex = i SetTimeZoneValue Exit function End if End if Next End if Next End if Next ' Try to match against the closest GMT value (This *May* select an entry that is not *exact*) For i = 0 to TimeZoneList.Options.Length - 1 test = Instr(1, TimeZone.Description," ") If test <> 0 then If left(TimeZone.Description, test) = left(TimeZoneList.Options(i).Text, test) then TimeZoneList.SelectedIndex = i SetTimeZoneValue Exit function End if End if Next End function =================================================================================== Step 3 - Create a new Boot Image with Media Hook this should give you a prompt to select region. However the codes provided to you are just examples.
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