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Adam Bise

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  1. Yes! Thank you. That works much better!
  2. I want to create a collection using WQL to include computers with PC Bios SMBIOS BIOS Version "less than" 2.18.6. Problem is the version is a string and the less than operator uses sort order for strings so I wind up with machines with BIOS version 2.5.9 being GREATER than 2.18.6 I did find this post https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/aacdcbda-6d14-4adb-b032-c9034d975403/querying-for-version-number-baseline?forum=configmanagergeneral My question is, would this be the best approach? Is there a simpler regex query I could use to achieve the same result? Thank you
  3. I was having the same issue with an OSD deployment.OnOptionalExecutionRequests failed for program * : 0x87d01106 logged. All references to the TS were showing their content status was good. I found this post and deleted a bunch of update ADR deployments. Suddenly the issue disappeared. Strange thing was, this didn't seem to affect my app deployments, only my OSD TS, and even then only the windows 7 ones, and even further, only when installing from software center, PXE worked fine. I don't know how I would have fixed if not for your post, thank you!
  4. Where can I read more about this issue or about the limitations on how many deployments a collection can have before running into this issue? Thanks!
  5. I think this happens when you click start before running sysprep. Something about clicking start in Windows 10 seems to trigger store app installs. Also you can fix by creating a new local user, logging in as the new local user, delete local admin profile using control panel, log in as local admin (dont click start) delete new user profile and account, run capture media. If you are customizing an image prior to capture (and sysprep) as local administrator etc, try doing so without clicking start, or dump the local administrator profile mentioned above. Seems kind of retarded, perhaps I should have been using Audit Mode, although I read the same issue happens in that scenario as well. Anyway, you will save a little HDD space by running sysprep from a newly created profile.
  6. I tried updating to CU1 and that didn't fix the issue. I was hoping it was because of KB3073015 Since then I have tried deleting the Win10 devices form the database and re-adding them via system discovery, but still no client push. I did get the following message in ccm.log after the machines were re-added: Execute query exec [sp_CP_CheckNewAssignedMachine] N'P01', 1 SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER 10/28/2015 9:48:28 AM 6456 (0x1938) I created a win10 collection to use for installing the client for now.
  7. I had a similar issue and wound up fixing it by writing zeros to the first few MB of the disk and retrying. Something about the existing partitions it didn't like.
  8. OS name and version field says Windows 10 Pro 10.0
  9. Hoping I am missing something, because from what I can tell automatic client push is not working for Windows 10 clients. I have SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 The windows 10 clients are in the same IP address range as windows 7-8 clients, where client push is working automatically. Yet for Windows 10 clients, the job never shows up in ccm.log at all. Unless I trigger a manual install by right clicking and choosing install client, at which point it works great. So it's just the AUTOMATIC part that is broken. For these Windows 10 clients, they do show up in devices as no client, and properties show they are assigned to a site by the boundary group. Any suggestions?
  10. It works that way because most environments have multiple sites and multiple DPs which may not all have access back to a single server \ share. If your boss ever said to provision a new site then you would have shot yourself in the foot because you would have to re-create all of your applications instead of simply rolling out a new DP and distributing content. The only reason I install over the network is for a couple programs that exceed our client cache size and I'm in a single site environment. But I use our DP for everything else because we may need to roll out new sites in the future, at which point I will only need to look at those large programs instead of remaking them all.
  11. As long as "Install for system" is selected in the user experience tab of your DT Perhaps "Whether or not a user is logged in" is also needed, but I'm not sure about that. I always choose that option for any install that doesn't require running in the user context.
  12. I have applications which install over the network and it works just fine. Only a script folder is deployed. Then the script runs things like: "\\server\share$\program\setup.exe" /silent for example. I use a hidden $ share with authenticated users allow read, which includes computers, for both share and folder security.
  13. I had this issue when I deployed a TS referencing variables to a collection that was missing the variable.
  14. We had the same issues on our site after upgrading to 2012 R2 SP1 The command in SQL Mgmt Studio worked: delete from dbo.CI_CurrentRuleDetail where Setting_CI_ID = 'XXX' Where XXX is the Configuration Item ID in the line above the error in objreplmgr.log.. objreplmgr.log: *** delete vCI_ConfigurationItems where CI_ID=XXX SMS_OBJECT_REPLICATION_MANAGER 7/30/2015 8:49:32 AM 3156 (0x0C54) *** [23000][547][Microsoft] [sql Server]The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "CI_CurrentRuleDetail_CIID_FK". The conflict occurred in database "CM_P01", table "dbo.CI_CurrentRuleDetail", column 'Setting_CI_ID'.Failed to delete Deployment Type ScopeId_E36C69C0-4828-4E8D-AB4A-A820638A16BF/DeploymentType_16b9837d-6ef5-4bd6-8055-3d633c901d06/3 Thank You!
  15. I tried the above attempt but it didn't work, in fact only thing I could find on google was only for after the user had logged on and using MDT http://blog.danovich.com.au/2013/01/24/popup-message-during-sccm-task-sequence-in-full-os/ I did come up with something that does work but with a few caveats. Create a package with a script message.cmd: reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /v legalnoticecaption /t REG_SZ /d "Title Text" /f reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /v legalnoticetext /t REG_SZ /d "Message Text" /f reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v legalnoticecaption /t REG_SZ /d "reg add \"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\" /v legalnoticecaption /t REG_SZ /d \"\" /f" /f reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v legalnoticetext /t REG_SZ /d "reg add \"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\" /v legalnoticetext /t REG_SZ /d \"\" /f" /f Add a run command line as the last TS step referencing the package: cmd /c message.cmd Windows 7 machines that still use ctrl-alt-del policy will have to do that to see it, also only a local administrator can process RunOnce so the message will persist until an admin logs on. You may need to reboot again after running it also, not sure.
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