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  1. Not sure if it has any relationship. Earlier H/W and S/W inventory was not showing up. Now only S/W is not showing up for the client. Any ideas on troubleshooting S/W inventory ?
  2. Guy thanks. I can confirm the problem is fixed now. To summaries the steps which I believe helped. 1 ) From the Device collection Set the Device to Approved status. 2) Reboot the machine Wow !! magic. thanks guys.
  3. The Device is showing as approved in the Device list and Device collection. I have since than uninstalled the client and re-installed. No Success.
  4. It finds the site from the Site tab and boundary group is configured to use the site as per your post above.
  5. I overlooked the files. The client is actually registered. What else I can look for ?
  6. It seems the client is not registering, log files below. In my case the machine is Server 2008 R2. This is from ClientIDManagerStartup.log. I don't have an option to have another machine, its just one machine with (DC, SQL Server and SCCM) and the same machine i am trying to install the client No SMBIOS Changed ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:22 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) SMBIOS unchanged ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:22 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) SID unchanged ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:22 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) HWID unchanged ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:22 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) Windows To Go requires a minimum operating system of Windows 8 ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:23 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) GetSystemEnclosureChassisInfo: IsFixed=FALSE, IsLaptop=FALSE ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:23 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) Windows To Go requires a minimum operating system of Windows 8 ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:23 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) Computed HardwareID=2:CD682909A0B1AE86D98CFB7095E49771D509888D Win32_SystemEnclosure.SerialNumber=<empty> Win32_SystemEnclosure.SMBIOSAssetTag=<empty> Win32_BaseBoard.SerialNumber=None Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber=VMware-42 06 bc 5f 6a ed 6b 47-d0 2c cb e7 17 c2 69 87 Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.MACAddress=00:50:56:01:00:42 ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:23 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) [RegTask] - Client is not registered. Sending registration request for GUID:3DBEFAF9-0E2D-4392-8F90-F109B0EDD047 ... ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:23 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) [RegTask] - Client registration is pending. Server assigned ClientID is GUID:3DBEFAF9-0E2D-4392-8F90-F109B0EDD047 ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:24 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) [RegTask] - Sleeping for 60 seconds ... ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:51:24 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) [RegTask] - Client registration is pending. Sending confirmation request for GUID:3DBEFAF9-0E2D-4392-8F90-F109B0EDD047 ... ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:52:24 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) [RegTask] - Client is registered. Server assigned ClientID is GUID:3DBEFAF9-0E2D-4392-8F90-F109B0EDD047. Approval status 0 ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:52:24 AM 7148 (0x1BEC) Raising event: [sMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(1033)] instance of SMS_RemoteClient_Reassigned { ClientID = "GUID:3DBEFAF9-0E2D-4392-8F90-F109B0EDD047"; DateTime = "20140930095224.515000+000"; LastAssignedSite = ""; MachineName = "DILPREETSVR-001"; NewAssignedSite = "TST"; ProcessID = 4592; SiteCode = "TST"; ThreadID = 7148; }; ClientIDManagerStartup 9/30/2014 10:52:24 AM 7148 (0x1BEC)
  7. I have configured to use boundary IP range from to But this has also not helped me out. Is there any way of checking if the boundaries are set alright ? Thanks
  8. In a single boundary group i HAD three boundaries, 1) IP RANGE FROM TO 2) AD site and Service. This site has affected PC 3) IPv6 Prefix for this affected PC. Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::f8c4:f50:9059:5a47%14 IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : I have now one boundary with AD site and services. And when the client is installed. I am able to see the Site from Client applet. Thanks
  9. GarthMJ : I have added new boundary with IPv prefix in the existing boundary group. Uninstalled existing client and installed client once again without any success. If there any way I can confirm that it boundary issue or something else ? Thanks DP
  10. Hello Guys, I am very new to sccm 2012 and it seems I have hit a stow stopper when installing Client In my test lab i have one machine Server 2008 R2 hosting SCCM, SQL Server and DC. I only have one machine (no separate machine for client) so I need to learn using this only. Machine has 4 processors and 16 GB RAM. So H/W is not that bad. Installed all the above three components and when tried to install the client on this machine I have only TWO actions listed. This client has not sent its H/W and S/W inventory too. Client machine in my case is also the domain controller. My Server Time was 3:23 PM when the installation was started. You might want to ignore the logfiles prior to this timestamp I am attaching the ccmsetup.log, Loccationservices.log, Clientlocation.log, Datatransferservice.log and ContentTransfermanager.log and ccm.log I have tried to install it from Command prompt using CCMSETUP.EXE and from the GUI using Client installation. Rebooted machine several times. Still no luck. Help me Guys. Thanks for reading !! Cheers DP Forum Files.zip
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