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Everything posted by syparon

  1. This is a known bug. We decided to set up a transparent proxy and remove the proxy configuration in MECM.
  2. Gents, We are currently facing Sync issues between our site server and our 2 SUPs (separated servers). After some investigation we noticed that the site server wants to tell one of our SUP to start a synchronization but nothing is happening on the SUP side because of an access denied when the site server wants to connect to the SUP on port 8531. This error does not happen all the time ... The system wide proxy is configured to bypass the local range where the site server and the SUPs are located. We already cleaned up our WSUS. I think I have similar issue in WCM.log : Do you have an idea ?
  3. Great article ! Is it possible to have the recovery key escrowed in CM database and AD ?
  4. You can also use this script to copy drivers from a boot images to another one (even if you cannot see anymore the drivers tab)
  5. Hello, Did you look for those logs ? : - ContentTransferManager.log - DatatransferService.log - CAS.log
  6. Hello, Does anyone already faced this issue ? The user discovery method did discover new users in OUs but is not able to process the message to add them in DB:
  7. For me [WHERE Model NOT LIKE] is not a correct syntax. [WHERE NOT (Model LIKE "%Latitude 5520%") ] should work ... I tested it in my environment and it's working. Copy paste issue ? Try to type it ...
  8. BUG in SCCM 1810 since minor version 1024.

    Symptom : SCCM clients are not able to find any compatible HTTPS MP whereas there is no communication problem with HTTP MPs.
    Impact : All SCCM client since version 5.0.8740.1024 .
    Root cause :  "CCMUtilLib.dll" is not working as expected so the SCCM client is not able to verify that the client certificate is well issued from your PKI.

    Solution : Wait the SCCM 1902 release where the DLL is fixed :D

  9. We (Microsoft's support and me) finally found the root cause. It's a bug in CCMUtilLib.dll This bug is fixed in the future SCCM 1902 release (agent version : 5.00. 8778.1000).
  10. I have some input to give you about this issue : I've noticed that in the ClientIDManagerStartup.log it's says : I opened a case at Microsoft ... Waiting for the next. [Update : 12/03/2019] : Microsoft's lvl 3 support is still looking for a solution
  11. Hello, We just installed the hotfix for SCCM 1810 (KB4486457). This hotfix implies a new version of the SCCM agent (5.00.8740.1024). We configured SCCM to deploy automatically this agents on workstations and servers but we are experiencing the following issue (ccmsetup.log) : I managed to install the client by using the ccmsetup.exe with the following parameters : SMSSITECODE=LOL SMSMP=HTTPS://SCCM-SUPMPDP2.DOMAIN.COM DNSSUFFIX=DOMAIN.COM CCMFIRSTCERT=1 CCMCERTSTORE=MY But the SCCM client is not able to find its management point. Actually it finds both MP but considers they are not "Compatible" Do you have an idea ?
  12. Ty Phil2Pint, can you give me more info because I see on differents forum that you cannot specify directly some registry key in certain conditions ...
  13. Gents, Does somebody know if it's possible to use HTTPS with BranchCache in a SCCM context to retrieve content from neighbor workstations ? I think this can lead to unexpected issue if we previously configured BrancheCache through client settings ... Any idea ?
  14. Gents, I would like to know if it is possible to create a new DP and put the content library on a network share ... From my point of view it should work if we map the network share as a drive, but I cannot find the info on the Internet and I also would like to know if this setup would be supported. The shared folder's physical location would be on a NAS. BR, Sypa
  15. Hello, Did you try to press F8 before it reboots ? You will have the log file (smsts.log) in C:\windows\temp. You can also try to create a boot media and put it on a USB key ...
  16. If I were you I would just add a second DP (on your new server). After that, I would create a distribution point group and put your both DPs in this group. Thanks to this, the content will be replicated and you could remove the DP role on the old server.
  17. Sometimes you can observe this kind of behavior if you have supersedence in your DT and that the superseded app is retired ....
  18. I don't think you can do that ... (I'm maybe wrong) But why not enabling the delta discovery (every 5 minutes) ?
  19. Hello, Did you checked the tickbox : "Allow this application to be installed from the install application task sequence action without being deployed" ?
  20. Hello, If you are using roaming profile (I think it is the case ...), you may encounter this kind of issue. I've solved these issues by processing each roaming profiles to modify the following registry value : Path : HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Value Name : StartMenuInit Data : 0 Actually if the StartMenuInit value is equal to 0, your start menu will be built correctly. If you need more help, just let me know
  21. I've found a solution to my problem, I just configured the GPO settings below : - Configure Automatic Updates : DISABLED - Do not connect to any Windows Update Internet locations : ENABLED --> this allow us to prevent user from manually scanning update from the Internet. We disabled all other settings, because combination of some GPO settings can make the WSUS scan on machines unable to work (ISusInternal:: DisconnectCall failed, hr=8024000C and more precisely error 0x8024500c) Hope it could help someone else ...
  22. Gents, We use SCCM in our environment. When we uninstall the SUP, the local policy pointing to the SUP is deleted on all machines. In this case, We would like to prevents the Windows Update Agents from going on the internet and applying the new feature update. I already observed that some GPO cannot be use in parallel with SCCM (like "Do not connect to any Windows Update Internet locations") Do you now if this is possible and how can I configure this ?
  23. hello, Did you find a solution ? I'm facing the same problem and in my case the KB has been installed and I followed the procedure ....
  24. At first thank you very much for your answer Peter. The installation and the push worked well but the client didn't register to the correct MP I found a solution (actually it was easy :s) : I just put 1 parameter (the SMSSITECODE) and thanks to the boundaries the clients are able to find their MP. My error was to specify all MPs in the client push parameters !
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