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Everything posted by syparon

  1. thx for your answers I think Leon is right because my updates are well deployed and if I well understood SCEP, updates are for the malwares definition database ?....
  2. I've found a solution, actually the device collection variables have to be set on the collection where the TS is deployed. Otherewise it will not work and even if you add the freshly deployed machine in the collection during the OSD.
  3. Gents, I'm trying to setup the client push in order to push the client in multiple domains (untrusted) I tried to add the property SMSMP with all the MPs separated with ";" and I also tried to add the parameter SMSLP and I did the same but it did not work at all. Does somebody have an idea ?
  4. I found an explanation : SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE is a calssed used by asset intelligence. If it is not activated so it's not included in the hardware scan (so no info at all )
  5. Gents, I'm a little bit confused with those classes ("SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE" and "SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS"). From my point of view "SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE" is inconsistent and does not reflect the reality but I thought that this class was an addition of SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE and SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE64 ?! Any info about this ?
  6. Gents, I have a quetion regarding SCEP : Why some machines have a version lke whereas some other machines can already be at version : . I used the client push method to install SCEP, so all my machines should have SCEP at the same version right ?
  7. Hello, What is this package ? Do you only have a problem with this package ? Can you verify that the package is well distributed on the distribution point ? (I think you do not send the correct log file because there is no error inside ) If you have the package ID you can make a quick test : 1 - Go to your DP via the SCCM console 2 - Remove the content (package) 3 - Wait a little bit (around 5 min) 4 - Distribute the package to your DP and carefully watch the log "distmgr.log" on your server to know if there is distribution issue. (you can also check the graph in the console)
  8. Actually, I don't know what happened but it seems that my MP was faulty. Even after several reinstallations (even with ccmclean) I could no see this log file. Here's what I performed : - Uninstalled all roles on my site system servers - Used CCMCLEAN with correct parameters. - Uninstalled roles and features needed by SCCm (IIS, WSUS, .NET) I lost the GUI but anyway I reinstalled it with DISM and powershell. Then, I reinstalled all roles and the SCCM client. FINALLY MY LOG FILE : MPCONTROL.LOG APPEARS AGAIN !!!!!!!
  9. Gents, Do you knbow why my log file MPCONTROL.LOG is not populated. My MP is working well but still cannot see this log file
  10. You are right, thx for your answer ! A software update deployment package is the vehicle used to download software updates to a network shared folder, and copy the software update source files to the content library on site servers and on distribution points that are defined in the deployment. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg682168.aspx
  11. Actually after some discussions and documentations the facts are the following : The SCCM client talk with the MP (management point) in order to get the policies and to know where the WSUS server is and when the software update scanning needs to run. When a software update scan is initiated, the SCCM client will instruct the local Windows Update agent to connect to the WSUS server and to perform the scan locally. When done, the SCCM client is taking the scan result from the Windows Update agent and send a status message to the MP with info about updates (needed or not).
  12. Gents, Do you know if software updates are stored in the content library and then distributed by the distribution points or if they are stored on the SUP (so clients need to download them from SUP) If there is an article dealing about this please do not hesitate to send the link.
  13. Gents, I cannot find a correct article answering to the following question : Do the SCCM clients directly communicates with the SUP ? I don't know if clients are communicating with the SUP or if the SUP is communicating with the MP and then client with the MP. Do you have an idea ?
  14. Gents, Does somebody know if it is possible to deploy critical updates as with windows 7 ? I cannot find any stuff about this I think it is replaced by the Servicing Plans ... But, from my point of view Microsoft releases new build only once per a month, am I right ? So if there is critcal vulnerabilities in the system how can they be managed ? BR Sypa.
  15. Gents, Is somebody can explain me how the re-evaluation is working for compliance baselines ? I put the schedule to 20 minutes in the deployment but the configuration baseline is just re-evaluated randomly ... Best Regards
  16. Thanks for your answer GarthMJ if you look at the picture that I put in my furst post you can see that the completion status (Deployment status summary) is not giving the same result as the Deployment status (Deployment Status per Deployment tab) I would like to know why there is a difference because for me it's the same.
  17. I have the same result in the report, somebody else have an idea ?
  18. Hello, I definitely cannot understand the monitoring part !!!! Do you know why there are sometimes inconsistencies between the Deployment Status Summary that you can see in the Monitoring>Deployment tab and the Deployment Status Per Deployment Type that you can see by clicking on View Status ? (See file attached) I really love to know more about this because if we cannot monitor correctly the deployments we made, it would be difficult to know what to do in case of failure because we don't even know those ...
  19. Shame on me ! This issue was appearing because I did not synchronized with Windows Update. We can track the Category aare added in the following log file : WSYNCMGR.log
  20. Yes I am well in 1511 and the update is installed
  21. Hello, Is somebody can explain me why I cannot see any product like "Windows 10" or "Windows server 2012 r2" in the product tab of the Software Update Component settings ?
  22. Gents, We are managing MS updates through SCCM and it is working well. We are now facing to a reboot issue. We enable the following GPO : No auto-restart with logged on users for scheduled automatic updates So there is no automatic restart but there is still a reboot required at the end of the grace period I think. I would like to increase this period or delete the reboot any idea ? Sypa
  23. Thank you Peter
  24. Gents, I think I did not manage to work with maintenance windows and I have some questions : - Why am I seeing software updates in the software center during a maintenance window ? - Why can I still install updates from the software center during a MW ? - Is there a way to make a software update available only during the MW ? Sypa
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