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Everything posted by wmmayms

  1. Found this while googling the web..might work, give it a try and tell me how it works http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1240726&page=1
  2. im not sure this is possible (atleast not very easy), because you need that first reboot after changing computername before all parts of the change is written to the registry. If you add a computer after changing name (no restart) it will create a object in your directory with the old computername..
  3. Ever had to do a customer report on members in a spesific Active Directory group? If there are other groups in the group you want to inventory it can be a real pain, especially if you try to create a ldap query in your Active Directory Console, since this does not support nested groups.. SMS/SCCM however do! By Adding this report you will be able to inventory all members of a spesific group, even members of nested (sub) groups. To import it just rightclick on your reports node and choose import. IMPORTANT! To make this work you allso need to have your user discovery enabled. Also remember to set the polling schedule), since sccm reports can only inventory data from within the sccm db. Hope you enjoy the report! Cheers AD_group_inventory.zip
  4. It is allso possible to run your site database in compabillity lever: "SQL Server 2005 (90)" to solve this problem. After this has been changed, restart your MSSQL service and then reload your SCCM Console Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, been busy all summer
  5. I think it is only controlled by the local remote desktop or local admin group since remote tools is using RDP protocol since SCCm 2007. Edit: After a look at google: You allso need to give the person access to one or more collection in the console. So that he can query the SCCM DB.
  6. looking forward to seeing the comments also Keep up the good work!
  7. wmmayms


    Glad to be able to help
  8. Hello Sebastian Please specify what table/view and what column you are looking at and i will try to help you.
  9. Can´t fully understand how you mean. but if ou get a (bad environment) failure when trying to distrubute a prgm i would suggest to look a the below tab on your program: if this dosent solve the problem please attach your execmgr.log and the cas.log from the computer who is having problems.
  10. In most cases if you use .msi packages you can just use the /qb switch at the end to make it install silent with all the defualts.
  11. wmmayms

    SCCM clients....

    To me this sounds like a firewall issue. Try disabling windows firewall and then restart the machines. You can allso try to connect to the wmi repository manually from the site server by using "wbemtest" (run it from the command line) Click connect and connect to: \\<COMPUTERNAME>\root\default If you are able to enum Classes then you know that you are getting through the firewall on the client...
  12. Hm these problems should disapear if you have your clients uppdating their policys frequently. The polling interval can be set in the "computer client agent properties" found under client agents. If you use the tools found on this site you can trigger a policy updates manually on single computers or on whole collections: http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/rhouchins/a...lick-tools.aspx Allso if you are having policy problems i would recommend you to look into the the tool called "policySpy" found in the SCCM Toolkit: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...15-141683c7ad5f Allso these logs can be usefull on the client: <computername>\admin$\system32\ccm\logs\PolicyAgent.log <computername>\admin$\system32\ccm\logs\Policyevaluator.log
  13. Today when setting up a new enviroment with Win 2008, SCCM 2007 r2 and SQL 2008 i recived the following errors when rying to open the drivers node in the console: When looking into the <SCCM Install Dir>\AdminUI\AdminUILog\SmsAdminUI.log i recived the following errors: SQLMessage = "[42000][1934][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][sql Server]SELECT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_NULLS, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL, ANSI_WARNINGS, ANSI_PADDING'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or filtered indexes and/or query notifications and/or XML data type methods and/or spatial index operations."; \r\nSystem.Management.ManagementException\r\nGeneric failure \r\n at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode) Description = "Error waiting for query to return."; ErrorCode = 1078464258; After some googling i found the following link http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/955262 Seems it only affects the drivers node and is nothing serious. I apply the fix and tell you guys how itwent later on
  14. Firstly which version of SCCM are you using? Rightclick on your site and click properties. The information is below the general tab If you look into resource explorer for the object you want to "wol" Is the IP Address/Mac adress spesified here correct? SCCM uses hardware information when sending out the wol packages. what does these logs say? <SCCM instal dir>\logs\wolcmgr.log <SCCM instal dir>\logs\wolmgr.log
  15. hehe i dident see that but now i know! Get up the good work!
  16. wmmayms


    This report will list all computers that has a program with the name: %Adobe% listed in add/remove programs (note if a computer has 4 programs that has "Adobe in it´s name you will then get 4 rows in the report"): SELECT a.Netbios_Name0, a.User_Name0, a.Operating_System_Name_and0 FROM v_R_System a, v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS b WHERE a.ResourceID = b.ResourceID AND DisplayName0 LIKE '%adobe%' Example: This report will list all your adobe product and count how many you have got of each product (note that it will count unique rows (so if you have 2 diffrent versions of flash player then you will get 1 count on each)): SELECT DisplayName0, Count(*) AS 'Count', Publisher0, Version0, ProdID0 FROM v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS WHERE Publisher0 Like 'adobe%' OR Publisher0 Like '%adobe' GROUP BY DisplayName0, Publisher0, Version0, ProdID0 Example: This report can allso be linked to another report, so you can for exmaple see what 9 computers has Adobe CMaps installed. Tell me and i will show you
  17. I followed this when setting up a win 2008, sql 2008, SCCM 2007. I got one problem after installing, my Management Point dident install properly. To get MP to install properly i allso had to change these WebDAV settings: To do this: 1. Open IIS Manager (located under administrative tools) 2. Expand your site 3. Doubbleclick WebDAV Authoring Rules 4. Click WebDAV settings in the right column 5. Change according to my picture above 6. Click OK everywhere Done To se if your MP is installed correctly you can watch the log: <SCCM install dir>\logs\MPSetup.log
  18. Really Good job with the site mate!

  19. wmmayms


    If you wan´t a report that shows results when a computer has a spesific program installed i would use the v_R_System table (to get basic information about the client) and then join the v_GS_Add_Remove_programs view (holds information about everything in add remove programs). Your where clause is absolutly correct you coulduse it that way. But you can´t join 2 views if you don´t have thesame data in booth of the tables/views. I would use the views i mentioned above and join them on the resourceID. I havent got access to any enviroment from here. but ican post a complete script for you little later tonight.
  20. are the server located on the same subnet? are there any firewalls activated hardware or software? Is the primary DNS on the sccm server pointing on your domaincontroller?
  21. What happens if you choose a custom LDAP and choose browse?
  22. since sccm server is a member of the domain it has read access to all object in the domain unless you have spesified a deny permission somewhere. Firstly are you able to ping your domain from the sccm server? ping sccm.logitech.com ? If this works i would proberbly reboot my sccm server and make sure i was able to login with a domain account. If not rejoin the domain.
  23. wmmayms

    Rebuild vista

    This is untested (just setting up a new SCCM env so will be able to try it out soon). Think you could do something liek this: I know you can create 2 volumes on 1 disk. However this should only be done if it hasent been done before (so the partition tables don´t get messed up)...should be able to fix this with a condition. then you should be able to format only the primary partition and leave the extended partition unformated (which means no data that is saved on D:\ is lost) However this would mean that the first time you deployed this task sequence you would have to format the D:\ manually. When this has been done one, you can then reinstall as many times as you want and D:\ should allways keep the data. Atleast until the disk crashes
  24. Not at the moment no But here is a basic step by step: 1. Setup a new server, windows 2003, sql (if you are running on the same server). Note: use the same collation as you had in your previous sql 2. Install SMS 2003 with same configuration as old server 3. Run the recovery expert 4. Run the site repair wizard and point to the SMS backups folder Note: Before running the SMS site repair wizard, will have to make sure to install all the applications related to SMS (like ITMU, OSD feature pack etc) which are all exist in the previous SMS environment. I would recommend you to look at this information regarding backup and Recovery supplied by Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;Displaylang=en If you have any questions after reading through that documentation please post them here.
  25. My college Tobias told me about the place
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