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  1. Folks Not even sure if this is possible. I'm using the built-in UDI wizard to create a frontend to my SCCM OSD. We have multiple domains (with differing software package requirements) and the domain can be chosen during the UDI process. What i am trying to do is, display a different set of Programs to install, based on whatever domain the machine is going to be joining. Not sure this is even possible to be honest. What i am trying to avoid is having a huge Programs list with each Domain as a "header", basically trying to keep the choices to 1 single page, without the need to scroll all over the place to add packages. Hope that makes some sense. Thanks
  2. Here's how i would do it. Create a collection of machines that have McAfee installed. Once you're satisfied that this collection populates with all the correct computers, create another collection (McAfee missing) with All Client Workstations as the limiting collection. Once this is setup add the first collection (McAfee installed) as an exclusion collection. This means that it should contain all machines that do not have McAfee installed.
  3. Hi everyone Have a TS that upgrades Win10 clients to Win10 170x. There are a number of steps in the TS, showing splash screens, removing some software, etc ,etc. I based it upon Niall's TS here at windows-noob. Have a slight problem though, namely Task Sequence progress bar not showing. Basically there's a pre-upgrade step that removes some software and then reboots the machine. After reboot the TS progress bar does not come back, even though i can see from SMSTS.log that the TS is indeed running. Obviously this might cause confusion to end users, wondering if their "upgrade" is finished (when it's not from the log files). I should point out that the progress bar doesn't appear if nobody logs on, or if the last person (before the restart) logs on. Anyone have any ideas as to how i can get the Progress Bar to appear? Thanks
  4. I would suspect that 1.2.6 got pulled from the website to allow work on a Spectre/Meltdown version. Cannot really answer your question though, i'd suspect a bug in the version you have installed.
  5. Hi all Currently preparing for the 1710 upgrade from a previous version. According to MS, it's advisable to upgrade ADK on site servers beforehand. Currently running ADK 1607 (10.1.14393.0) and our default Production Boot Image is located in the ADK installation folder. I'm supposing that if/when i upgrade ADK to 170x that this default boot image would get overwritten, is that a correct assumption? If it is, any ideas of what i can do to prevent or remediate this? I don't want to have a situation where the we upgrade to 1710 and immediately afterwards, PXE/USB boot media no longer works due to missing PE drivers (our current boot image has a bunch of PE drivers added to it). Any thoughts from anyone? Thank you
  6. Why spin out the MP? I'd put it all on the same server and keep the DP "local" to the clients (on the same LAN, if possible). 3,000 clients is well within the capabilities of a single Primary, assuming you've specified your Primary hardware correctly.
  7. It's my understanding that the purpose of importing drivers in the WSUS DB is for the purpose of deploying to machines that are already built/imaged, not to supplement the actual imaging process. What you could try is imaging the computer with a completely "vanilla" build&capture image, see what drivers are missing after the imaging process and then just download these drivers and create a drivers package or deploy using the dism command against a standard package (my preferred method). I'm kinda surprised that you don't have some set of hardware "standards" that you maintain, this makes it a lot easier to manage your hardware inventory and imaging processes, but if you don't, you don't. Another suggestion is t try and determine what is the most common model of machine that you intend to image, prepare a TS for that model alone. That at least targets the maximum number of "default" machines in your org. Personally the Task Sequences i manage handle over 35 different models of machine from 4 different manufacturers. This is reasonably manageable for me. I wouldn't try and get a "magic" bullet solution that will fit every possible scenario, it most likely doesn't exist here.
  8. Has anyone had any success attempting the above? I've followed the guide on this forum and it seems to work great up to Win 10 1607 but i cannot get it to work with 1703 or 1709. For me, what i'm seeing is that the Time and Currency Combo box in UDI (which should be UserLocale) is not getting populated with the selection that the user chooses in UDI. I have my unattend.xml setup with the various TS variables (%OSDUserLocale%, %OSDUILanguage%, etc) but the value does not get populated and it means that later steps in the TS do not run because the UserLocale variable is blank/not populated. Anyone come across this yet? Any ideas to solve?
  9. Any topics i have read on this up to now have suggested not to include drivers in the WSUS update catalog. The reason been, that it causes a lot of bloat in the WSUS DB. I'd suggest you use standard packages for your drivers and deploy them during the TS. This is the preferred and supported way of doing it, and is likely to be the method you will find most online help for in getting it setup. To me, it doesn't make a pile of sense to apply drivers after the OS has been laid down when you have a method of applying them during the imaging process itself. Just my opinion though.
  10. I use the method discussed here. Works very nicely.
  11. Perhaps you have a firewall rule that blocks remote connections to WMI on a client machine? If you launch wbemtest from the Primary Site then hit the connect button and type in \\<machine-name>\root\cimv2 (make sure that DNS resolves the machine name correctly first), does it connect? If not, then i'd suspect there's something on the client side that's preventing you from connecting to WMI remotely, possibly a firewall rule. Somewhere to start at least.
  12. I should also point out that any 1607 machines that we have upgraded to 1703 do not have an activation problem
  13. The Build & Capture is to a Workgroup, joining the domain is done via UDI in the Task Sequence itself. I built the .wim exactly the same as 1607 (which worked just fine).
  14. Hi all Have an issue with my 1703 TS. I did a Build & Capture using MDT (just the same as i've always done). Uploaded the .WIM into CM12, distributed, etc, etc. The TS itself throws no errors but upon completion, when the user logs on, it says that Windows is not activated. Anyone come across this issue before?
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