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  1. We preload Lexmark drivers in our task sequence so yes it’s possible. What happens when you try and map the networked printer? Have you checked to make sure the driver files are indeed present on the device after imaging?
  2. What is your tftp window size set too? Try setting it to 1 if it's not already.
  3. Is it getting to the task sequence wizard or is it bombing out out before then? If its booting into PE, can you open command prompt, pull up DISKPART and see any drives available?
  4. The image you are deploying in the task sequence.....is it from a capture or are you applying the OS from the WIM file?
  5. How are you boundaries set up? AD sites? Subnet? Are the boundaries associated to the correct boundary group?
  6. If I am understanding you right then you are having issues if the computer account already exists? Sounds like your DomainJoin account does not have permissions to reuse and existing account. I would check the account permissions. http://blog.coretech.dk/mip/creating-a-joindomain-account-for-use-with-sccm-osd/
  7. Have you successfully installed SSMS outside of SCCM using the same install string? There should be a log in %TEMP% if the install did indeed start. You can also add /log c:\LOGDIR to the install string to force the log output. In my experience with this error something is either wrong with the install string or the start-in location.
  8. Soufiane, looks like you have an incompatable app blocking the upgrade. Easiest way to find it is run the upgrade manually and it will tell you what fails the scan.
  9. No it should still upgrade. Since your installation window has closed, it will schedule an upgrade within 24 hours once it comes online. Client upgrades do respect maintenance windows though so check some machines to see if they have any applied.
  10. What do your client upgrade settings under your hierarchy settings look like? Are the 295 non-compliant devices servers or members of a collection that is excluded from the client auto upgrade?
  11. Looks like its not able to save the files locally. Does the new facility have a different model computer than you usually use? I would stick a pause in the TS steps before the Toolkit step and see if there are any hidden partitions on the disk that are not being formatted.
  12. Please post your logs and we will have a better idea. We are just guessing at possible issues until then.
  13. @Loki - I haven't had time to dig in any deeper to your issue but it's really odd that the network settings are missing from the Task Sequence wizard. The easiest way I have found to extend the period before the wizard starts is to set a prestart command in the boot image. However, this is just a workaround and I would look at using the script that Anyweb referenced above. At least then you will truly know if you are missing drivers. Also, what version of CM and ADK are you running?
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