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Everything posted by mazen

  1. Hello, I’ve server running SBS 2003 with Exchange 2003 can I install windows server 2008 R2 and add this server as additional domain controller to SBS 2003 domain controller. Regards’
  2. Hi, Yes, both in the same domain. so I’ve to extend the primary and secondary
  3. Hello, I’ve windows 08 R2 domain controller and additional domain controller; I want to install Configmgr 07 R2 when I extend the active directory do I have to extend both? Regards’ Mazen
  4. mazen

    Hyper-V Server 2008

    Hello, Yes, I did my vista is business SP1 x86. you need to choose between x64 and x86 depending on what operating system you have installed.
  5. mazen

    Hyper-V Server 2008

    hi, I’ve download the management tools but I got the attached error, Regards’ Mazen quote name='anyweb' date='15 September 2009 - 08:25 PM' timestamp='1253035519' post='3665'] you need the windows vista management tools then more about that here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/952627
  6. mazen

    Hyper-V Server 2008

    Hi, I've installed Hyper-V Server 2008 and I’ve Windows Vista Business SP2but I couldn’t manage the server from the vista, how I can manage the server Regards'
  7. in the attache the execmgr.log from client PC i've checked the Package Status in the cosole node in the attach regards' mazen execmgr.log.txt
  8. in the zip file log file of execmgr.log in the client Pc
  9. Software distribution When I distribute software (Adobe)the client, receive the advertisement notification of new program when I click on run I got error message: The requested software cannot be located the system might be in the process of transferring theses files. Try again later or if this operation continues to fail after several attempts please contact your administrator or helpdesk operator In the package status log, file message SMS Distribution Manager successfully distributed package "JED00007" to distribution point "["Display=\\CMSRV\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=JED"]\\CMSRV\". SMS Distribution Manager copied package "JED00007" from "C:\SMS_Packages\apps\" to "MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=JED"]\\CMSRV\SMSPKGC$\JED00007\". SMS Distribution Manager is starting to distribute package "AdbeRdr" to distribution point "["Display=\\CMSRV\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=JED"]\\CMSRV\". Pls. advice Regards’
  10. Hi, Problem solved the firewall in the clients PC's was on; I turned off the firewall it works fine... Regards’ Mazen
  11. it's clean installation yesy i can ping the DC and any clients On this setup no it's not working but the (ConfigMgrServer showing Approved) thx. mazen
  12. yes, there's: 1- SMS-MP-001MECCM Type mSSMSManagement Point 2- SMS-SLP-001MECCM Type mSSMSServerLocatorPoint 3- SMS-Site-001 regards' mazen
  13. Thanks anyweb, I’ve check boundaries it's the default first site name and in the system management See snapshoot below:
  14. Hi, I’m facing problem that all the clients and servers discovered and assigned to the ConfigMgr but only the ConfigMgr server approved the others not approved I’ve checked error log file I got below error: Systems Management Server cannot update the already existing object "SMS-Site-001" in Active Directory. Possible cause: This site's SMS Service account or the site server's machine account may not have full control rights for the "System Management" container in Active Directory Solution: Give the site's SMS Service account full control rights to the "System Management" container, and all child objects in Active Directory. Possible cause: The Active Directory object "SMS-Site-001" has been moved to a location outside of the "System Management" container, or has been lost. Solution: Delete the object from its current location, and let SMS create a new object. Possible cause: The Active Directory schema has not been extended with the correct SMS Active Directory classes and attributes. Solution: Turn off Active Directory publishing for each site in the forest, until the schema can be extended. The schema can be extended with the tool "extadsch.exe" from the SMS CD. I checked the SMS Service account and the site server's machine account have full control rights for the "System Management" container in Active Directory and SMS Service account full control rights to the "System Management" container, and all child objects in Active Directory. The Active Directory schema has been extended. any advice to solve this problem... regards' mazen
  15. I've installed and configure the WSUS and ConfigMgr 2007 now how i can manage the update if it's pushed to the clients any advaice pls. regards'
  16. hi, i want to know the configuration to compare it with my setup if i do any mistake regards'
  17. Hi, I've installed SCCM 2007 SP1 on Windows St.R2, now i'm facing some problems I’ll describes these problem as points so Pls. who has any solution mention the point No. for this solution In the site status : 1. SMS_Site_Component_Manager (Critical ) 2. SMS_Hierarchy _Manager (Warning) 3. SMS_MP_Control_Manager (Warning) Pls. advice Regards’
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