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Everything posted by Dom

  1. II tried the same TS on three machines: - XP picked the TS but failed later with 0x80004005 (smsts.log per attachment) --> incorrect site code??? - Vista did not picked the TS --> I am reimaging this machine - W2K08 did not picked the TS --> incorrect site code...??? DTS instead of SRV all machines have been moved from the old site DTS to the new site SRV but did not get the new site code why? The three machines except their OS are supposdely the same... - Same hardware - Same Subnet - Same NIC Any idea is welcome... Thanks, - Dom smsts.zip
  2. Hello, NSLOOKUP works fine both ways(SCCM Server to Client & Client to SCCM Server) C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Cache is empty is it normal? Control Panel > Configuration Manager > Actions contains only Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle User Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle Hardware Inventory is correct Software Inventory remains empty and Last Scan is blank .... Should I delete the machine again from the console and do a discover + install client + computer association etc... the site is correct with SRV where should I look for the issue...Netbios name: unkown... from the smscliui... HKLM > Software > Microsoft > SMS > Mobile Client > AssignedSiteCode contains SRV the correct site it seems my error is: sending with winhttp failed; 80072ee7 TSMBootstrap 6/3/2009 12:46:08 PM 1952 (0x07A0) it is received on CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: CONFIGMGRSRV.AD.MEDCTR.UCLA.EDU:80 CCM_POST /ccm_system/request TSMBootstrap 6/3/2009 12:46:08 PM 1952 (0x07A0) what is this? Thanks
  3. Yes I had this but as I am able to resolved the firewall (and DNS) now I can do a NSLookup both ways, ping both ways everything is fine... so why the Netbios name could be unknown? The machine is known from the SCCM Console, I added with the Discovery Active Directory System then Computer Association (OSD) by the Mac Address and everything came up supposedly fine as have the HW Inventory done, the Client installed. I noticed the Client has Configuration manager but so far I see only Machine Policy and Evaluation Cycle and User Policy and Evaluation Cycle under the Actions tab of the Client!!! should I wait for the others to appear and try to process later... As the machine was previously used on another site server I did: - Delete the Client on the machine: ccmsetup /uninstall - Delete the machine from the previous server - Add the boundaries to the new server What did I miss? If a boundary is set like this: (Full IP Subnet) - (IP Range) which one overwrite the other??? I might have to remove the full subnet, isn't it? any ideas? Thanks, - Dom - Thanks, Dominique
  4. it seems there was a firewall issue along the path at least . Now I turned off the firewall before processing ... but still not working the Client did not catch the TS!!!
  5. it is a new TS so it should not have run already the TS...
  6. ATTENTION this is a try on STEP3 to deploy (the image not to capture which is still failing...") Hello, Could it something due tio the Client Unassigned? if so why is it unassigned as it is showing with a Cleint and site code on the SCCM Site Server? Thanks, Dom
  7. ATTENTION this is a try on STEP3 to deploy (the image not to capture which is still failing...") Hello, I have advertised a TS using the full process http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=562 But when booting on the Client Server it does not see the TS... If I checked the collection the Server is in, the Task Sequence is under the Advertise Tab of the properties... There is nothing in the smstslog (attached) Where to look for more information? Thanks, - Dom smstslog_trn3.zip
  8. As I am doing or at least trying a CAPTURE ONLY with the TS steps below: 1)- Install Deployment Tools Sysprep 2)- Prepare ConfigMgr Client for Capture 3)- Prepare OS 4)- Restart Computer "The currently installed default operating system." is checked. 5)- Capture Operating System Image The error 0x00000032 seems to be as Jason said 'file in use' but I am the only one working on configuration manager and the test machine is on my desk... Which file could be in use??? The error is shown when the 'Install Deployment Tools' is displayed on the screen after may be 30 seconds... so it could be the one involved in the issue or the next one... For the sysprep I am using a package in the folder \\server name\Sysprep on the sccm folder where I have copied sysprep.exe, sysprep.xml, setupcl.exe (as well as on the test machine these files under the folder C:\sysprep). The package on the SCCM server is the one used in step one 'Install Deployment Tools' The command line for the program in the pacakage on the server is 'sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:sysprep.xml' Something should be wrong as it always fails... Thanks, - Dom
  9. hi Any, Here we go Still getting error 0x00000032 ?? Thanks, - Dom
  10. Hi Any, Sorry my mistake (I know you'll say again...!!! = I was using 'Open Answer File' instead of 'Select Windows Image' Thanks.... in progress... - Dom
  11. One more from MICROSOFT Because of the changes in the servicing stack in Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows Server 2008, Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) cannot create catalog files for some Windows images of different architecture types. The following list describes the Image Manager architecture types and catalogs that can be created for each one. x86 Windows SIM: Can create catalogs for x86, x64, and Itanium-based Windows images. x64 Windows SIM: Can create catalogs only for x64 Windows images. Itanium-based Windows SIM: Can create catalogs only for Itanium-based Windows images. So the SCCM Server is Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x64 Edition Service Pack 2 .... and Windows System Image Manager 6.0.6001.18000 is it viable? is it x86 or x64 for WSIM how to know?
  12. Reviewing the sysprep it seems failing by itself... I used the Windows Image System Manager and opened the install.wim from the Windows Server 2008 Std. and Ent. Eds. x86 through Tools > Create Catalog and I am getting an error: Could it be the source of my issues... Should I use another file install.wim? Thanks, - Dom
  13. On the primary child server SRV. So I should boot from the CD not from the harddrive, isn't it? It is the same CD i am using for the build and capture which is working well.... I used also this CD for Vista and it works as well only for the build and capture... As the sysprep works only when the workstation is disjoined from the domain and I could get the task to the workstation only when the workstation is joined to the domains there is something confuse at these steps... the error so far is 0x00000032 (no more 0x000004 so unpredictable) when displaying the step: "Running Action: Install deployment Tools" I noticed a file under c:\windows\systems32\sysprep\sysprep_suceeded (TAG File) on both Clients what is it referencing to? it is the date/time I ran the sysprep ... so is it the next step which is failing... Thanks, - Dom
  14. An update of where I am on the try to capture a Windows Server 2008 image ... it is still failing ... I posted on technet and myitforum as well but so far I'm in a loop... main question the TS should it be available to Boot Media? should I boot from CD or HD? Should I wait the ad to come on the workstation? As the machine is disjoined from the domain to allow sysprep to run there is something wrong in my approach... but I could not find what Agree on sysprep so I was waiting and even doing a 'Initiate Action' on 'Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle' which should retrieve the policy faster anyway... but nothing happened. I will delete the advertisment again and recreate it ... Yes 'Polling Interval' is still the default 60 minutes. What do you call 'Client Center'? The 'Configuration Manager Properties' --> 'Actions' tab on the Client? the 'Run Advertised Programs' on the Client? the 'smscliui.log' file? something else? Now it is Friday, May 29,2009 9:15 a.m. it is over 12 hours the ad has been created and still nothing on the workstation... Which Log Files should I look for more information as nothing is going on even after re-advertising the TS? As nothing seems to work properly I need to ask some basic questions: - The Task Sequence has been advertised as defined above: . should I boot from the CD? ('Make this task sequence available to boot media and PXE' is checked in the Advertisment Properties) . should I wait for the TS to appear in the 'Run Advertised Programs'? (Schedule is set to 'As sson as possible' - 'Allow users to run the Program independently of assigments' is unchecked - 'Show the Task Sequence Progress' is checked Boot from CD: 'Failed to Run Task Sequence' there are no task sequences available for this computer --> Click Finish to reboot Boot from HD: ' No task appears in the Run Advertisment Programs maybe due to the box unchecked 'Allow users to run the Program independently of assigments' but yesterday at least it was showing before I removed the workstation from the domain... It seems I am missing at least one step but i couldn't find which one? I went to the client and checked: - Configuration Manager > Advanced Tab there is no Site If I use 'Configure Settings" to assign a site and run 'Discover' I am getting an error 'Automatic site discovery was unsucessful' in the locationservice.log I have some information: LSGetAssignedSiteFromDirectories LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSGetGPSiteCode LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSGetGPSiteCode: Failed to Get Site Code from Group Policy Reg key [software\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client] (80070002) LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSJoinedToADDomain LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSGetAssignedSiteFromSLP LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSGetSLP LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSGetSLPFromRegistry LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSGetSLPFromRegistry: Failed to get SLP from Registry (80004005) LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSJoinedToADDomain LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSWinsResolveSMSName LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) AddSLPToList LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) Adding SLP [] in the list LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSBuildSLPUrlString LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSGetADSiteName LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) Unable to retrieve AD site membership LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) [CCMHTTP] HTTP ERROR: URL=, Port=80, Protocol=http, SSLOptions=0, Code=0, Text=CCM_E_BAD_HTTP_STATUS_CODE LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) Raising event: instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status { DateTime = "20090529171757.609000+000"; HostName = ""; HRESULT = "0x8004027e"; ProcessID = 3956; StatusCode = 404; ThreadID = 3964; }; LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSGetAssignedSiteFromSLP: GetURLSyncInStringEx failed with Error (8004027E) LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSGetAssignedSiteFromSLP : No site code returned from SLP LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 3964 (0x0F7C) LSGetHomeMPFromWMI LocationServices 5/29/2009 10:17:57 AM 4004 (0x0FA4) My issue with this log is that the is refering to the primary parent site MED not the primary child site SRV i'm working on... I checked the registry: HKLM > Software > Microsoft > SMS > Mobile Client > AssignedSiteCode is set to SRV which is correct There is a SLP on SRV site not on MED site I tried on another workstation where I was able to get the site code within Configuration manager > Advanced tab and run a sucessful discovery. Still the same issue the advertise ts does not show up... after two hours... even doing a 'Initiate Action' on 'Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle' Thanks, - Dom
  15. Hi Any, I have passed this issue after disjoining from the domain the workstation receiving the OS. For whatever reason XP & Vista don't care if the workstation is in a workgroup or a domain bit Windows Server 2008 should be ONLY workgroup... ... So the build and capture works like a charm now I have done 3 Vista and 5 2008 to confirm... DNS, DHCP, etc... it works... Now I would like to ONLY Capture the image from the reference machine after some manual update... I created a TS that I advertised to a collection with the machine : The TS steps are: 1)- Install Deployment Tools Sysprep 2)- Prepare ConfigMgr Client for Capture 3)- Prepare OS 4)- Restart Computer "The currently installed default operating system." is checked 5)- Capture Operating System Image So it is still complaining that the Install Deployment Tools should be run in Full OS(from the SMSTS.log file)!!!, was it not the set "The currently installed default operating system" in the restart which should do this or there is(are) other(s) parameter(s) to set??? Is the step too late in the TS? it was the order advised to me on technet???? Could I use the same CD to boot from for the TS "Build & Capture" and "Capture ONLY"? Does the CD should get some different information between these two TSs? (I am using the same so far to be sure the drivers are okay as it works for "Build & Capture") The boot from CD is a step 0 before step 1 so the machine is picking the TS assigned.... Any other way to proceed... I could not get PXE... NETWORK FIGHTING As I have remove the workstation from the domain to make the 'Build and Capture' TS to work http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums...27-2b5eb8a11d85 http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums...39-521ed45ba2bc should I rejoin the domain before running the capture step 0? step 1? Thanks, - Dom
  16. Hello, I am fighting with Windows Server 2008 Image capture now as I had finally with the huge help of Torsten made the capture of Vista Image sucessfull. For Windows Server 2008 I am still getting the error 0x0000032 I had, have, will have verify the accounts and passord but still the same error... anything specific to Windows Server 2008? I started with http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=562 to create the image and capture it. Now as I am still failing on the capture I have reduced the TS to "Prepare ConfigMgr Client for Capture" (no settings), "Prepare Windows for Capture" (Nothing checked) and "Capture Operating System Image with : Destination: \\CONFIGMGRSRV\Imaging\Capture\W2K08.wim Account: AD\SVCCONFIGMGRSRV Even simplified as is it fails the same way... Thanks, - Dom
  17. Dom

    Doc 518

    Hi Any, I reviewed the doc 518 and I could not find the assigment of the Distribution Point for the Image, am I missing something? Thanks. - Dom
  18. Hi Any, The machines are still in a WORKGROUP and effectiveley could not be reached through a simple ping... let me see what is going on... Does the Captures is done from the server (so no ping...) to the machine (pull) or from the machine to the server (push!!) ping to the machine does not work... ping from the machine to the SCCM server works... IPCONFIG /ALL is okay with DNS values...WINS values... TELNET CONFIGMGRSRV 80 works fine from both machine (Vista or Windows Server 2008) Do I need to join the domain to capture the image created on the workstations? Could it Security more than DNS? Still looking I re-run the process now and still issues... If I do a TELNET CONFIGMGRSRV.AD.MEDCTR.UCLA.EDU 80 it works Which account is it? I used the one I specified under "Capture the Reference Machine" when editing a TS, is it correct? I used the account and password "Capture the Reference Machine" after the image process is done and I am able to connect...!!! Or should it be the one under "Apply Windows Settings" (Enable the account and specify the local administrator password) when editing TS? Or should it be the one under "Capture the Reference Machine"? **BTW the "Capture the Reference Machine" & "Apply Network Settings" are the same for me. The shares \\CONFIGMGRSRV.AD.MEDCTR.UCLA.EDU\SMSPKGD$ or \\CONFIGMGRSRV\Imaging are shared "everyone" full control and "NTFS Users" Full Control. The subfolder Captures is not shared but it has the same NTFS security... Should I put the FQDN for the servername \\CONFIGMGRSRV.AD.MEDCTR.UCLA.EDU\Imaging\Captures? Thanks, Dom smsts.zip
  19. Hello, I have run (apparently sucessfully) the Build and Capture process through a Task Sequence for Windows Server 2008 but I could not find the image captured files anywhere??? per attachment the smsts.log files and ccm.log... Thanks, - Dom smsts.log smsts_20090504_163719.log ccm.log ccm.zip
  20. I am using 521/511/512...
  21. Hi Any, Where should I look for the image captured? I don't see any file created *.wim 05/04/2009 except the boot image... I checked the capture folder used in the process nothing either... did I miss a Task? - The machine is in a WORKGROUP - There is connection to the server: ping ok... Thanks, - Dom Image03.bmp
  22. The boot.wim was wrong as it was picked from the OS CD and not from the WAIK. After creating a new boot.wim now it is booting and I have been able to build an image... I am checking now why the capture did not create anything... Thanks,
  23. The boot.wim was wrong as it was picked from the OS CD and not from the WAIK. After creating a new boot.wim now it is booting and I have been able to build an image... I am checking now why the capture did not create anything... Thanks,
  24. F8 is enabled through the "Enable command support (testing Only)" checked box on the WINDOWS PE tab of the "boot-VISTA-O" properties. I have tried VISTA & WINDOWS SERVER 2008 boot.wim from their own CDs but still having the same error as above... No PXE I am making a bootable CD ... I am using http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=512 to create the boot image. Everything looks great except that the PC will not boot... As I copied the boot.wim from each CDs to a "new folder" C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\OSD\boot\i386 and renamed them as boot-VISTA-O & boot-W2K08-O does this could create issues? Should I copy more files to the "new folder" C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\OSD\boot\i386? Thanks, - Dom
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