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Everything posted by 0plank0

  1. Problem solved, I got 2 exact the same enviroments so i was comparing the both installation file size and the the ADK version When i checked the ADK version i noticed that the version of the working enviroment was 0.02 GB larger then the not working enviroment. so that means there is a difference. when i checked the installation with the option change i noticed that Deployment tools and windows preinstallation enviroment (windows pe) was unchecked. after checking this and installing the options i rebooted the server and i can add OSD again
  2. We got 12 locations on that enviroment, every location got his own OU, on the location where the problem was i saw that the old policy was applying on Gpresult /h name.html i saw that it was loadin old policy settings and not the new ones that are set. that indicates that on that OU the policy was not loading correctly the second thing is : that a collegue of an other department changed the policy of that OU on a GC domain controller and after he changed the policy directly in 5 seconds shutdown the server and moved the server from the location to a other location, so a reasson can be that the server didn't replicate correct to the PDC and that caused conflicts in the GPO settings
  3. Yes i can, I have 3 OSD already added before the update to 2012 r2 sp1 cu2. that ones are in this case windows 7 x32 and x64 after the update i try to add the already in SCCM existing OSD but even that one fails to Add as operating system. this files are on the same location as before
  4. Hello, I got 2 almost the same enviroments both upgraded to the latest version of sccm. 1 can easy add OSD and there is no problem the other enviroment is refusing adding the OSD i tried already existing OSD and new ones but all fails. i get the following error massage "The spicifed unc path does not contain a valid WIM file or you do not have permissions to acces it. specify a valid path" I try to add it by netwerk share, the server and netwerk acces account got full persmision to acces the share and folders under it. the more strange is that in my other enviroment the OSD addes perfectly no problems found. ive i try to ad an application there is no problemen and that also works fine, how can i troubleshoot on what point exactly the sccm refusing to add the OSD Version 5.0.8239.1302 SCCM 2012 r2 sp1 CU2 ADK version 8.1
  5. Solved! The OU in the active directory was corrupt. we deleted the OU and make a new OU that fixed the issue
  6. Hello, I got a windows 2012 R2 enviroment with mulitple extern locations. on 1 of the new locations i got a problem with the group policy, the Group policy is referending to a sysvol folder that is not existing under the Sysvol folders of any servers in the domain network. now i cant apply my new policy becouse its stuck on a sysvol folder that is not existing. is it possible that i can find the link between a policy and that sysvol folder (thats not existing) so i can delete the policy or change the link?
  7. Copied the templates succesfull in the syvol, worked for me
  8. That link answered my question! Now i got the following problem. i got 2 enviroments, 1 is a windows 2012 server enviroment. the other is an 2008 R2 enviroment. I cant find the group policy rules on the 2008 r2 enviroment, now i find windows 2012 / 8 templates by microsoft but i am not sure i've i can upgrade that in a live situation. How are the GPO stored? the information i found is that i need to overwrite the windows/sysvol/domain/policydefinition folder. i am affraid that i am overwriting my existing already running group policy's, and then deleting them. how does this work? is that a folder that display a template and in a other subfolder the policy's er defined and overlaying the templates? can i replace the ADM and ADMX files with the new 2012 files in a live situation?
  9. Hello all, I've upgraded my sccm server to 2012 sp1 and deployed windows 10 all went fine and applications installed without problems on the windows 10 machine. Right now i am setting my group policy right and facing a isue of windows 10 what i think need to be turned of in a domain network. You got different Privacy policy's that can send wifi passwords, account information, Keyboard recorder ( key logger) to the microsoft servers. Where and how can i set this OFF by group policy?
  10. First problem found : My DNS refresh time was to long, the DNS record didn't show the latest IP-Addres, so a WOL unicast didnt reached the right computer. Second test fase : I have putted the updates in a Task sequence, after the task sequence finished i will test the WOL function that is coming from the SCCM Site Controller
  11. Hello, i got a situation with a star network, in the star netwerk there is a SCCM main site server on IP network Then i got on al locations different Distribution points that have the Software update content, the distribution points got different IP : 192.168.xxx.xxx Now i created 1 update package with al the updates for windows 7, this package is distributed and Deployed on the distribution points and asset aplience. In the package i Enabled WOL function, also i enable the WOL function on the main Site. Now i got the problem the computers wont start up, ive i test from the distribution point with a CMD and mac adres the computer start up, this indicate that the WOL function of the computer is working and turned on. ive i try to wake up from SCCM server with the mac adress it fails. i am not sure ive that is the right way to check ive WOL is working from a different location. How do i configure WOL and Software Updates to work over different Networks in 1 Main site Hirachie. and how can i troubleshoot where a problem could be for not working of this function.
  12. Maybe wat can cause problems is that we already have an existing 2008 SCCM server running?, i am using other site code but its still uses the same AD system management folder
  13. I think its the network acces account, also with distribution the error : cannot acces folder is disapearing allot, but after that it still wil be distributed, cannot find or create sms... folder. after that it distributed anyway, and before this i had a succesfull task sequence. We decided to reinstall te server, becouse we made to much changes. we want a clear as possible server. so no i am working on a new SCCM 2012 R2 server installation in a domain network with different distribution points. (can i use the normal tutorial on the windows-noob site?)
  14. Hello, I got a 2012 r2 Enviroment, and suddenly al task sequence faild with error code 0x80070002 with 1 main system site with other distribution points on each site/building The task sequence fail after formatting and partition, Apply operating system : Ive i read the log file on the computer i cant find an error code what indicates what the problem is. I tried to use other image, redeistribute al content, create new distribution point. logfile found on x:/smstslog/smstslog.log , other logfile i get an acces denied error. <![LOG[Executing command line: "X:\WINDOWS\system32\diskpart.exe" /s "X:\WINDOWS\TEMP\DiskPartScript.txt"]LOG]!><time="12:29:38.458-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="1" thread="504" file="commandline.cpp:827"> <![LOG[Process completed with exit code 0]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.488-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="1" thread="504" file="commandline.cpp:1123"> <![LOG[Formatting partitions]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.488-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="main.cpp:906"> <![LOG[Partition: 1 Primary]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.488-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="1" thread="504" file="main.cpp:920"> <![LOG[skipping non-local logical drive: A:]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.488-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="1" thread="504" file="diskutils.cpp:1543"> <![LOG[Adding logical drive: C:]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.488-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="1" thread="504" file="diskutils.cpp:1537"> <![LOG[skipping non-local logical drive: D:]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.488-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="1" thread="504" file="diskutils.cpp:1543"> <![LOG[skipping non-local logical drive: X:]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.488-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="1" thread="504" file="diskutils.cpp:1543"> <![LOG[skipping non-local logical drive: Z:]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.488-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="1" thread="504" file="diskutils.cpp:1543"> <![LOG[Formatting drive C: with NTFS filesystem, method quick]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="1" thread="504" file="main.cpp:993"> <![LOG[Creating instance of service loader]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:907"> <![LOG[Loading service]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:912"> <![LOG[Waiting for service to initialize]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:919"> <![LOG[Querying for software providers]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:923"> <![LOG[Found a VDS software provider]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:933"> <![LOG[Querying for IVdsSwProvider]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:937"> <![LOG[Querying for packs]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:942"> <![LOG[Found a VDS pack]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:951"> <![LOG[Querying for IVdsPack]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:955"> <![LOG[Querying for volumes]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:960"> <![LOG[Found a VDS software provider]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:933"> <![LOG[Querying for IVdsSwProvider]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.504-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:937"> <![LOG[Querying for packs]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:942"> <![LOG[Found a VDS pack]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:951"> <![LOG[Querying for IVdsPack]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:955"> <![LOG[Querying for volumes]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:960"> <![LOG[Found a VDS volume]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:969"> <![LOG[Querying for IVdsVolumeMF]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:973"> <![LOG[Querying for access paths]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:979"> <![LOG[Found a VDS pack]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:951"> <![LOG[Querying for IVdsPack]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:955"> <![LOG[Querying for volumes]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:960"> <![LOG[Found a VDS volume]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:969"> <![LOG[Querying for IVdsVolumeMF]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:973"> <![LOG[Querying for access paths]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:979"> <![LOG[Found a volume with access path 'C:\']LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:991"> <![LOG[Querying for IVdsVolume]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:994"> <![LOG[Querying for IVdsVolumeMF]LOG]!><time="12:29:43.520-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="0" thread="504" file="diskvolume.cpp:1070"> <![LOG[OSDDiskPart.exe completed successfully]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.555-60" date="12-10-2014" component="OSDDiskPart" context="" type="1" thread="504" file="main.cpp:1309"> <![LOG[Process completed with exit code 0]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.555-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="commandline.cpp:1123"> <![LOG[!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.555-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="instruction.cxx:804"> <![LOG[successfully completed the action (Schijf 0 - BIOS partitioneren) with the exit win32 code 0]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.555-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="instruction.cxx:830"> <![LOG[MP server http://W2K12R2-SCCM.#######. Ports 80,443. CRL=false.]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.555-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="utils.cpp:5881"> <![LOG[setting authenticator]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.586-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="utils.cpp:5903"> <![LOG[set authenticator in transport]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.586-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:7734"> <![LOG[sending StatusMessage]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.617-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:4023"> <![LOG[setting message signatures.]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.633-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:1295"> <![LOG[setting the authenticator.]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.633-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:1325"> <![LOG[CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: W2K12R2-SCCM.SCO-T.local:80 CCM_POST /ccm_system/request]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.633-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="808" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:8604"> <![LOG[Request was successful.]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.704-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:8939"> <![LOG[set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionRetCode=0]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.704-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="executionenv.cxx:668"> <![LOG[set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionSucceeded=true]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.704-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="executionenv.cxx:668"> <![LOG[Expand a string: %_SMSTSMDataPath%\Logs]LOG]!><time="12:29:47.704-60" date="12-10-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="808" file="executionenv.cxx:782"> smsts.log
  15. After searching, the main problem is in the Group policy's Can't read the dutch group policy and getting te error that admx files can not be found. Now i downloaded the 2008 r2 english admx files and place them in the right spot.stil getting problems with reading the GPO's, also putted the 2012 r2 policy's in the policy definition folder. this kind of errors i get : Resource '$(string.AxISURLZonePolicies)' referenced in attribute displayName could not be found. File \\W2K8R2-DC01.[Domainname].local\sysvol\[Domainname].local\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\ActiveXInstallService.admx, line 28, column 276 Resource '$(string.AppCompatTurnOffApplicationImpactTelemetry)' referenced in attribute displayName could not be found. File \\W2K8R2-DC01.[Domainname].local\sysvol\[Domainname].local\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\AppCompat.admx, line 39, column 292 is there a way to convert te policy to English language or let the English DC read the dutch policy
  16. Hello, I got an existing enviroment in windows server 2008 r2 Dutch. I want to upgrade to windows server 2012 R2 Englisch, i already got a domein controller on 2012R2 englisch Now the following problem shows up, becouse the language difference the 2012 R2 domain controller can not read al the group policy on the Dtuch 2008 R2 server. How can i solve this problem?, is there a way trough language pack? or is that only for the GUI. Primary domain controller 2008 r2 Dutch
  17. Oke! thanks that is a good guide, verry helpfull
  18. Hello, I got an existing SCCM 2007 enviroment, i want to migrate the 2007 enviroment to SCCM 2012 r2 The problem is that the 2007 version is in dutch, we want to install the 2012 R2 in englisch for better support. Can i install a Second SCCM primary server, without conflicting the original? Self i am thinking that it can becouse i am not adding the existing boundaries i've they exist in the 2007 enviroment. But i am not sure ive the AD changes can conflict the existing SCCM enviroment. Or is there a easy way to connect the new envirmonent with the old and switch over the primary role
  19. Maybye i missed the information, but how can i reach the client log files? or how can i copy them to the server My Deploymend crashes by resolving dependies for task sequence, so i dont got a stable windows installation to check the folder.
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