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Everything posted by kelemvor

  1. We only ever had this with the E6440 model. We got around it by simply NOT installing any drivers during the Task Sequence and just letting Windows install whatever it needed to. I then checked to see what items were not able to be installed (showed errors in Device Manager) and we just install the drivers for those specific items. We did this by a Bat file that runs a for loop and installs the drivers via the pnputil.exe command. for /f %%i in ('dir /b /s \\domain\netlogon\files\drivers\e6440\*.inf') do pnputil.exe -i -a %%i We ended up with 5 or 6 drivesr that we had to install and just put them in the folder above. This command is run AFTER the rebooting into Windows. Problem hasn't come back with this model. All our other Dell models we just install drivers during the Install OS section with the normal Apply Driver Package step.
  2. So one of our images is running through to completeion but it seems to just be skipping every step it comes across after the first reboot into the Setup Windows step. I don't see any errors in the smsts.log file (attached). It's doing a lot of "Parsing step node:" but then it doesn't seem to actually do anything. The SCCM Client doesn't install and none of my applications install. These all used to work and I have no idae what the heck broke them. Since the client doesn't even seem to install I can't test deploying these manually either. Are there any other log files I can check that might shed some light on this or does anyone have any ideas? I'm brand new to SCCM and am just trying to get our base images up and running so we can start wrking on more advanced things. Thanks!! smsts-20140701-132325.log
  3. This has been plaguing us for weeks now and we've found no solution. We are using SCCM 2012 R2 and are setting up Dell Latitude E6440 laptops. We deploy drivers via the DelL CAB file we downloaded and imported into a driver pack. We then use the Apply Driver Package step in the Task Sequence. Our images work fine when we first made them but then after a few days to a week something gets corrupted and we end up with gibberish for the font and we can't read anything on the screen. Everything looks fine until the reboot after the Driver step. When it does the Detecting Devices part tehe font will be fat and bold isntead of the normal font. Then when it gets passed that area you end up with the screenshots attached. If I disable the Driver step in the Task Sequence, everything installs fine. I thought I had it taken care of by just grabbing the drivers that Windows couldn't find on its own and packaging those up as a mini driver pack. It worekd for a few days and then the problem came right back. I haven't been able to find anyone who has seen this before and haven't been able to find anyone that had any ideas as to why this happens. It seems to be related to the drivers but in the past we've also just recaptured a base machine and used the same driver pack and the problem also went away for a few days before it came back. This is really throwing us all for a loop and is starting to get really annoying... If anyone has any ideas at all, please let me know.
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