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Everything posted by Joe13

  1. Also found this: 09/06/2019 12:55:06:378 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Passed OU doesn't match in size cracked DN: 120 106 09/06/2019 12:55:06:378 NetpCreateComputerObjectInDs: NetpGetComputerObjectDn failed: 0x50 09/06/2019 12:55:06:378 NetpProvisionComputerAccount: LDAP creation failed: 0x8b0 09/06/2019 12:55:06:378 NetpProvisionComputerAccount: Cannot retry downlevel, specifying OU is not supported
  2. This is what I get. I did two machine at the same time, one joined and other didn't 09/06/2019 13:09:54:216 unicodePwd = Account exists, resetting password: <SomePassword> 09/06/2019 13:09:54:216 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Attribute values to set: 09/06/2019 13:09:54:216 unicodePwd = <SomePassword> 09/06/2019 13:09:54:216 NetpMapGetLdapExtendedError: Parsed [0x5] from server extended error string: 00000005: SecErr: DSID-031A1256, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0 09/06/2019 13:09:54:216 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: ldap_modify_s failed: 0x32 0x5 09/06/2019 13:09:54:216 NetpCreateComputerObjectInDs: NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs failed: 0x5 09/06/2019 13:09:54:216 NetpProvisionComputerAccount: LDAP creation failed: 0x5
  3. Thanks, I managed to find some articles and it made a big difference.
  4. No one out of all the experts on here hmmm
  5. Don't want to high jack, but I'm interested, why would you want to HTTPS PXE deployments? Are you doing it over WAN or internet?
  6. Good day everyone. I'm experiencing a weird issue lately, in my TS under network configuration I have domain join enabled, everything setup to the correct OU etc. If I do a test it completes successful, apply and ok. When I go back in the settings, like immediately after the apply close and do the test again it fails. It fails with incorrect credentials / login. It was working fine for a while, I think it started after I upgraded to 1906. Is there any log file I can look at?
  7. Enabled PS on boot image. Will test this now.
  8. I have the following in a PS script but the TS fails. [string] $MacAddress = Get-WmiObject Win32_networkadapterconfiguration | where {$_.ipenabled -match "True"} | select -ExpandProperty MacAddress | select -First 1 [string[]]$TextFiles = Get-Content \\fileshare\*.txt foreach ($element in $TextFiles){ [string[]]$TextFilesSplit = $element.Split("=") [string]$MacFromArray = $TextFilesSplit[0] [string]$ComputerNameFromArray = $TextFilesSplit[1] $MacFromArray = $MacFromArray.Trim(" ") $ComputerNameFromArray = $ComputerNameFromArray.Trim(" ") if($MacAddress -eq $MacFromArray){ $OSDComputerName = $ComputerNamefromArray } { $TSEnv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment $TSEnv.Value("OSDComputerName") = "$OSDComputerName" } This is what the log file says Running powershell script: 'OSDComputerName.ps1'(PkgID: BFM000E5) with execution policy: 'Bypass' RunPowerShellScript 2019-08-23 09:11:47 2788 (0x0AE4) Filesystem::File::Exists( sPowerShellPath.c_str() ) == true, HRESULT=80070490 (main.cpp,345) RunPowerShellScript 2019-08-23 09:11:47 2788 (0x0AE4) PowerShell.exe does not exist at 'X:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe' RunPowerShellScript 2019-08-23 09:11:47 2788 (0x0AE4) ExecutePowerShellScript(sScriptName, sParameters, sPackageID, sExecutionPolicy, sOutputVariableName, dwPSRunExitCode), HRESULT=80070490 (main.cpp,876) RunPowerShellScript 2019-08-23 09:11:47 2788 (0x0AE4) Run PowerShell script failed to run, hr=0x80070490 RunPowerShellScript 2019-08-23 09:11:47 2788 (0x0AE4) Process completed with exit code 2147943568 TSManager 2019-08-23 09:11:47 1040 (0x0410) And I'm trying to run it like the attached.
  9. Hi, What would be the reason why the WINPE.wim file download will be slow, it will max out on 30Mbps but the install.wim will download at 1Gbps - the network drivers are imported.
  10. Ok I'm trying this one now Still looking for one which will use mac addresses from txt file.
  11. Hi all, I need some help and it might be something easy. I have no scripting skills and tried various methods on the internet but it's not working. All I want is for the TS to ask me what computer name I want for the deployment, some sort of popup.
  12. Solved this by automating diskpart commands.
  13. I did something now which made it work, not entirely sure how to correct this in the TS. When I booted F12, I used DiskPart to list disk, I cleaned it and created a partition. The deployment was successful after that. So it seems that the TS isn't partitioning the disk the way it should? What can I look at?
  14. Here is the log file, I cannot think why it would be hardware, I take the exact same models and boot PXE, my test machine has no issues. smsts.log
  15. Can someone shed some light on my new issue. I have 1 testing PC where everything works fine, any other PC fails with the same error, new or used PC. There are no more volumes available for use. ApplyOperatingSystem 2019-03-19 15:25:07 1780 (0x06F4) The requested target could not be resolved to a valid volume on this computer. Check your task sequence to ensure this drive is correct and that it is being created The parameter is incorrect. (Error: 80070057; Source: Windows) ApplyOperatingSystem 2019-03-19 15:25:07 1780 (0x06F4) Failed to run the action: Apply Operating System. Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows) TSManager 2019-03-19 15:25:07 1656 (0x0678) Attached is the first step of my TS where it fails.
  16. Back to square one! : device is in the database. SMSPXE 2019/03/15 9:32:19 AM 5180 (0x143C) : no advertisements found SMSPXE 2019/03/15 9:32:20 AM 5180 (0x143C) : No boot action. Aborted. SMSPXE 2019/03/15 9:32:20 AM 5180 (0x143C) I just used it, what now! Frustrated.
  17. I found the following in the log file: Install application action failed: 'AppName'. Error Code 0x87d00269 It seems like it cannot contact the MP - I'm not joining the domain so it seems that it cannot resolve the MP Name. I added the following in my Cfgmgr step SMSMP=ServerFQDN. Your thoughts on this? Running the TS again, will report back tomorrow.
  18. I have one running now with this options ticked, will post back
  19. Going to pull my hair out. Blank OS with drivers will install. As soon as I add apps it fails. One day it will install the next day it will fail. Cannot find log files to troubleshoot. Frustrating.
  20. See screenshot, when I add a step in TS to install software after the built in "Setup Windows and Configuration Manager" It proceeds past this step, by when it gets to install software on the bottom it shows Initializing SCCM client. Is this correct? I added restart commands between these steps. My software installs, when Windows is done the are no apps installed? It just wouldn't install, If I deploy the apps to a collection and install it from Software Center it works. Just not in the TS. Also added restart steps between app installs.
  21. Thanks Niall, I'm using a standard TS as suggested. With the Windows 10 start layout mod, where would I apply it? In your guide you said it should be - "Scroll down to a section that occurs after Set Status 4" But this was with MDT and SCCM TS. Edit: I added a new section below setup operating system and linked the package from there. Will test and report back. The TS is stuck at "just a moment", I've read that adding unattend.xml to skip OOBE will skip this step. I did this and now the TS fails at the end.
  22. This post forms part of option 3 and 6 of my OP. How can I make this TS lightweight, what steps can be disabled from screenshots attached? Do I use DISM to capture a custom image with drivers and software on it or how can I do this? Is it better to include the drivers with DISM or with this TS? Would it be possible to customize start menu tiles and shortcuts to my preference?
  23. Hi all, Does anyone know how to create a SCOM alert for DHCP scope count - It should alert me when we are running out of available IPs. I've seen this in a deployment a few years back. TIA!
  24. Hi there, How would I go about to free up some space on this SQL server?
  25. Cannot believe no one has replied or resolved this. I have the same issue, but SCSM issues two notifications on SRs, cannot find where the one is coming from, I'm sure it is something OOB config somewhere.
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