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About mlawrence005

  • Birthday 05/23/1975

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  1. as an update to this I discovered that I was not conducting the best practices as provided by MS for WSUS and the SUP. please ignore.
  2. I've also continued monitoring the WCM.log and its also continuing to produce this message that I'm quite frankly not really understanding: "Remote configuration failed on WSUS Server. SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 7/21/2014 1:01:05 PM 3656 (0x0E48)" I'm confused as to why its stating that "remote" configuration failed when my CAS is the active software update point. Unless that setting in SC12Cm means it's looking for a configured site server? Thank you.
  3. Version 6.3.9600.16384 as was installed via the roles on Server 2012 R2
  4. sorry to resurrect this old thread, but after following rezachin's instructions to the letter WSUS still won't sync and still produces this message in the WCM log: "The installed WSUS build ( does not have the valid and supported WSUS Administration DLL assembly version. Please install WSUS 3.0 SP2(minimum 3.1.6001.65) or above SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 7/21/2014 9:01:06 AM 3656 (0x0E48)" Is there any additional troubleshooting steps you would recommend? I have restarted the SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER service (several times) Uninstalled/reinstalled the WSUS role Firewall is OFF Thanks!
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