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Everything posted by danzi

  1. We use UI++ and it works great. We did not disable the TSVarEditor, as our tech staff won't do much in there. We use it the same way. Store the xml on a web location. You don't need a package that way. UI++ is injected into the boot image Extra Files and some bits need to be added to folders for it to work. But there is a forum to pust your XML on ui++ website and they'll help you to modify whatever you are trying to achieve
  2. Haha, nice! Well site codes are used so computer names are 100% unique due to the conventions in place. $tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment $OU = $tsenv.Value('OSDDomainOUName') $targetdomain = $tsenv.Value('OSDDomainName') $imaged_device = $tsenv.Value('OSDcomputerName') $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' function getcmp($computer){ $CompResultList = @() $DomainList = @("domainA","domainB") foreach($Domain in $DomainList) { if (!(get-adcomputer -identity $computer -Server $Domain -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {continue} $CompResultList += get-adcomputer -identity $imaged_device -Server $Domain } return $CompResultList } get-adcomputer $(getcmp -computer $imaged_device).name -server $targetdomain | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $OU -server $targetdomain is import module for AD missing?
  3. Hi Gurus, I have been using Onevinn's TSCommander by the brilliant Johann, but it fails in an environment where I have a forest with 2 subdomains. Got ~90 DCs, trust is full, but since the ConfigMgr site server is in Domain A, when I image computers in Domain B, the MoveToOU server-side script won't find a distinguished name - I think the built-in underlying scripts were never meant to work in such a scenario. Onevinn's Event log says, trying to find DN for the computer... but fails, so no OU move, nor addToADGroup, nothing works... Trying to run a custom script, but I have no other ideas than running (get-adforest).domains | % {get-adcomputer <computer> -server $_} to grab the device... probably it's something trivial though...
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