Hi All,
I have a primary site and a secondary site in my SCCM architecture, I have setup a secondary site server from scratch (Built a brand new Win2019 machine, Installed required roles, setup Secondary site with SQL Express)
After the setup I had noticed that the clients are not able to receive the MDM_Config
I had looked at the CCMMessaging.log and in the PolicyAgent.log and I'm getting 0x8000000A errors
Clients are workgroup computers, below are the list of troubleshooting steps taken,
Uninstalled and reinstalled MP role on the secondary site system server
Checked to see the AppPools have "Enable 32-bit applications set to FALSE"
Checked on ccm_system have Anonymous Authentication Enabled
Setup a brand new server with same name and IP and have rebuilt the server with all roles
Checked IUSR permissions for CCM/Incoming Folder
Checked CCM/Incoming folder and it's not empty
Reinstalled the client on Client Machine
Rebuilt WMI on client machine
Checked and confirmed http://Secondary.FQDN/sms_mp/.sms_aut?mplist and http://Secondary.FQDN/sms_mp/.sms_aut?mpcert are accessible
Checked Boundary and they're pointing to the right site system server
Changed it to primary and they get the config
These are the error messages from different logs
CCMMessaging.log (Client)
Raising event: instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status {ClientID= "GUID:xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx";DateTime="20230803003230.426000+000";Hostname="Secondary.FQDN";HRESULT="0x0000000";ProcessID=4432;StatusCode=0;ThreadID=33572;};
No reply message from Server. Server may be temporarily down or a transient network error.
Post to http://Secondary.FQDN/ccm_system/request failed with 0x8000000A
PolicyAgent.log (Client)
Requesting Machine policy assignments from authority SMS:ABC
[Assignment Request] Assignments request for Machine HOSTNAME completed with status 0x8000000A
Reached max retries count 3. WIll retry at the next polling cycle.
IIS Logs (secondary site system server)
<SecondaryServerIP> CCM_POST /ccm_system/request - 80 - <Client IP> ccmhttp - 500 0 0 28
Other workgroup computers are also getting the same error
MPControl.log (secondary site system server)
Call to HttpSendRequestSync failed for port 80 with status code 401, text:Unauthorized
Please note that there are "Call to HttpSendRequestSync succeeded for port 80 with status code 200, text:OK" but there is one error every 1 hour or so
MPFDM.log (secondary site system server)
No errors
Any help would be greatly appreciated