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  1. Hello all, Quick question, We are trying to deploy Windows 10 to Surface Tablets and laptops, and we receive the same error on both devices. Have any of you seen this before? We are using the newest version of SCCM out. Failed to save environment to (80070057) TSManager 2/22/2016 1:29:37 PM 1868 (0x074C) SaveEnvironment(), HRESULT=80070057 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\executionengine\executionenv.cxx,421) TSManager 2/22/2016 1:29:37 PM 1868 (0x074C) Failed to persist execution state. Error 0x(80070057) TSManager 2/22/2016 1:29:37 PM 1868 (0x074C) Failed to save execution state and environment to local hard disk TSManager 2/22/2016 1:29:37 PM 1868 (0x074C)
  2. Are you installing SCCM from scratch, or just making a new server a new DP? Does the CM server have admin access to this machine? If not it wont be able to create the directories it needs.
  3. This could be happening for a couple reasons. 1.) You might not have a Distribution Point assigned to the IP range, thus the system boots into the PE, but can't find anywhere to pull Task Sequences from. 2.) How did you deploy the Task Sequence? Did you deploy it to unknown computers, or did you deploy it to a collection? If you deployed it to a collection, then you need to find the machines MAC address and create a computer object in this collection, so SCCM knows what Task Sequences this macine can use.
  4. Make sure your SUP synced lately, and make sure that your targeting a span when updates actually came out. It's possible nothing came out in the past week, so its not finding anything. I've also discovered that you have to set the package each time you run a rule, unless you have it set to automatically run. Figured this out after i got a bunch of random errors...
  5. How do you handle running this to make the client work? Do you have people run it after the image is deployed, I tried running it in multiple places during the OS Deployment, and it always causes the updates step to fail. Is there a way to make it run after windows updates apply?
  6. Has anyone run into a problem where the config mgr client stays stuck in provisioning mode after the TS completes? I currently have a couple scripts that force it out of this mode during the TS, but it causes the windows updates to fail to install at the end of the TS. If i take the scripts off, Windows Updates install, but then the client stays in provisioning mode and doesnt register with the CM.
  7. I have a question for you guys. Have any of you guys used sccm to image the Dell 7440 Ultrabooks with 16gb of ram in them? We have two models here, an 8gb model and a 16gb model. The 8gb ones image perfectly fine, the 16's fail out in great fashion. The 16's even install windows minus components... I'm just wondering if anyone has run into this. I tried to find logs, but there aren't any. When the image fails it fails with no log of anything happening.
  8. It's definitely failing because it's trying to install bitlocker, and cant find a TPM module to save the code to. The TPM error is a bit below the bitlocker error. Your also getting an error about the TS manager not being able to release an active TS request. Is it failing before Bitlocker, or while Bitlocker is trying to configure its self? If its failing before, try clearing any pxe requests for that machine/MAC address, and see if it goes farther then,
  9. I fixed this. I had to turn off find automatic settings in IE, and then my updates started working just fine.
  10. Have any idea how to fix that? I've never heard of that. I made sure it could access the network share that its using.
  11. Has anyone seen this before? This is preventing me from downloading updates during an ADR, and also preventing software groups from being made.
  12. So I remounted the boot.wim's and indexed them, now im down to only two errors: An error occurred while trying to initialize provider SMSPXE. Because the provider is not marked as critical, the Windows Deployment Services server will continue to run. An error occurred while trying to load the module from E:\SMS_DP$\sms\bin\smspxe.dll for provider SMSPXE. If the provider is marked as critical, the Windows Deployment Services server will be shut down.
  13. The errors i get are: An error occurred while trying to load the module from E:\SMS_DP$\sms\bin\smspxe.dll for provider SMSPXE. If the provider is marked as critical, the Windows Deployment Services server will be shut down. An error occurred while trying to initialize provider SMSPXE. Because the provider is not marked as critical, the Windows Deployment Services server will continue to run. An error occurred while trying to initialize provider WDSMDMGR from C:\Windows\system32\wdsmdmgr.dll. Windows Deployment Services server will be shutdown. Despite all these WDS starts, I just dont have most of the folders i need for the pxe point to work correctly. I see this looking through my logs too [CE0][Tue 10/28/2014 15:48:19]:Library path mismatch: \\?\E:\SCCMContentLib, E:\SCCMContentLib
  14. So I just set up a completely new sccm environment, and everything was working great. I got to the point where I'm starting to move us over so we image from R2, not SP1. I built brand new DPs and everything. When I go to enable PXE boot on a DP i want to handle pxe requests from, it works, but when i go to check WDS on my Server 2012 R2 server. WDS is started, but there are a few errors in the event viewer. I also dont have SMSBOOT in my remoteinstall directory. I do have the boot folder and everything inside it. Has anyone else run into this?
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