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  1. Sorry for the late reply. Wasn't out of space on the drive, but gave up in the end anyway, as it wasn't really worth the effort. Thanks for the help anyway!
  2. Thanks for the excellent post, Niall. I know it's an old one, but I'm having issues getting this to work. It builds the VHD, turns off the VM, then fails at "Getting the OS Information". The following is in the log: Getting the OS information. No drive letter for VHD C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\20141020-150542-7PDVZ2BNJA294FNC.vhd. MountVHD() failed. 0x80070003. GetVHDOSInformation failed; 0x80070003 wmain failed; 0x80070003 DeployToVHD failed. I'm running the console as admin on my Windows 8.1 machine with Hyper-V enabled (obviously). This happens with Windows 7 and 8.1 builds. New task sequence created as above. Can't find any info on the internet regarding errors creating VHDs, so I'm a bit stumped. Any ideas? Thanks!
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