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Everything posted by RacquelVigil

  1. Very good videos. I wish I would have seen them about 6 months ago but bravo. I am very interested in the Powershell scripts.
  2. Sorry for the late response. The Surface Pro 3s are x64 4GB RAM 128 - 256GB driver i5 2.5Ghz I was wondering what Cosmic had for the 300 Surfaces. 2 or 3? One last thing. The firmware updates cannot be pushed out if you are using WSUS. The automation with the Surface Pro 3s are not so automated. I had to have the Help Desk flash the UEFI prior to imaging. This makes for a grumpy staff when you have a whole pallet. Our district is going on Christmas vacation today so I will be back on the research and development after the new year. Cheers!
  3. This is somewhat off topic but wanted to share. We recently deployed over 1000 Surface Pro 2 tablets out to our school district with not much to do. "Thankfully". We just received our first pallat of Surface Pro 3 tablets and discovered that even with the PXE boot challanges of try try again and date and time issues (correct with cmd prompt prior to starting task sequence after PXE boot) but now 80% of these tablets overheat and boot to the UEFI screen. After much research I discovered that the overheating is a known issue that Microsoft will not acknowledge. A Microsoft spokesperson said that they are not aware of the issue but they are writing a firmware upgrade anyway (Surface Pro UEFI 3.11.350) to enhance system stability and help prevent the date and time from changing when the battery goes below 3% (? that spells acknowledgement). This firmware upgrade does not help the problem of overheating. I was told by our Microsoft education sales technical rep that our problem is a side effect of our custom image. I ruled out our image by just using the OOBE and the problem can be reproduced all day long. Custom or OOBE. The lots that we received came from lot 1433 and 1434. If your organization plans on doing a mass deployment please purchase a small lot and watch to see if they are affected by the overheating issue. Keep in mind that the more they overheat the worse they get so a one year warranty doesn't mean much when week 53 comes and you have a $1000 brick. I sent a few of ours to Microsoft for field testing but ultimately they will want to replace. For our organization that is a whole pallet. There are tons of reference to this overheating problem and highly recommend research prior to mass deployment.
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