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  1. hey anyweb This could be the problem, one of my test-clients has bad RAMs and I always shut him down dirty, cuz he's hanging. I'll try it out and give a small feedback. Thank you alittlelouder
  2. Hey I have to correct my self. I've tested wol on one client and it worked. Now I've tried the WOL on a second client on wich it didnt work. --> MAC-Address is available Here are the logs for the second job. wolcmgr.log wolmgr.log Thank you! alittlelouder
  3. Hey wmmayms System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (SP1) Version: 4.00.6221.1000 Yes, the MAC-Address is available and correct They seem to be fine, i checked them with SMS Trace... Hmm... very strange... It seems to work now... I didn't change anything... Emm... Is it possible to make my client start in PXE automatically, I mean without changing any BIOS-Settings...? Thank you alittlelouder
  4. Hey all Back from holidays... Already miss it... ;// Does really nobody have an idea, an issue like that or a helpful link? I'd be very glad if someone could help me... Thank you Regards, alittlelouder
  5. Hey Me again... I've installed the Out-of-Band Management on my SCCM-Server and enabled Wake-on-Lan on the System Site (Doesn't matter if i enable unicast or subnet-broadcast). If I check the option Wake-on-Lan in an advertisement of a Windows Deployment Task-Sequence the client does not start at the given time. The client stays powered off. The problem is not the switch, neither the client. I've tested wake-on-lan with a freeware tool called "Wake On LAN Ex". If i try to wake up my client with this tool it works. Could anyone help me? Thank you very much. alittlelouder PS: I'm having my final thesis of my apprenticeship in 2 weeks, SCCM is a part of it. That's why i ask such a lot questions... =D EDIT: Environment: SCCM-Server - Win2k8 Ent. x64 SQL-Server - Win2k8 Ent. x64, SQL2k8 Ent. Client - Win Vista SP1 Business x86
  6. Hey wmmayms Thanks for ur answer, it solved the problem. My problem was that i didnt update the Collection Membership. I've updated it manually and configured the scheduled task to do it once a hour. Thanks, alittlelouder /lukas
  7. The computer is listed in the query "all systems" but not in the collection "all systems". I've configured every discovery method. Regards, alittlelouder
  8. Hey all It's me again. I got a client, Vista SP1 Business in the domain widdpl.int (SCCM is in this domain too)... The discovery methods have been configured properly and work for all my servers. If I check "All Systems" under "Queries" the client I'm talking about (pc01) appears. If i check "All Systems" under Collections the client doesnt appear but the servers do. my environment looks like that (the servers/clients with a [x] do appear in the collection "All Systems"): srvadc01 -> DC [x] srvhyp01 -> Hyper-V [x] srvsql01 -> SQL2k8 [x] srvsus01 -> WSUS [x] srvscc01 -> SCCM07 SP1 [x] pc01 -> Client [ ] How can I make the client appear under "All Systems" in my collection? Can I move him from the query to the collection? I dont get that... =/ Thanks! alittlelouder /lukas EDIT: Sry i posted this in the wrong sub-forum... :S maybe u can move it to the troubleshooting part, anyweb...? ty
  9. Solution: Like i posted above;
  10. Hey Yes, I did. But I'm not sure if it worked. Maybe I'll do it a second time. Lukas EDIT: I checked my ExtADSch Log and everything was done successfully (-> No Errors) - intresting; in the System Management container aren't any objects... BUT, I extended my schema a second time according to ur guide - step by step. I checked my log again and it said at every container "already exists" but in the System Management container are now the needed objects such as SMS_SITE_DPL and the MP container. I queried every SCCM-Service in the Service Manager and the errors have been gone. I'll try to deploy the client a second time. EDIT2: It works! <3 anyweb =D Maybe i'll have other questions. But for now I'm happy. Thanks!
  11. Hey anyweb Yes, I'm sure. Every Status is Green. If i start the Serivce-Manager and do a query of every service the status remains green. =/ Expect the SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER, this status turns in Warning. My Log-File; SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER.txt
  12. Hey anyweb I use the domain admin; widdpl\Administrator This user - more precisely the "Domain Admins" group - is in the local admin group of every domain joined client - automatically (or am I wrong?). I read something about unapproved clients, what does that mean? Where can I approve clients? The setting is set to approve all clients (even unsecure)... Thanks Lukas
  13. Severity Type Site code Date / Time System Component Message ID Description Warning Milestone DPL 31.03.2009 08:04:38 WIDDPLSCC01 SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER 5447 MP has rejected a policy request from GUID:6966B201-97A2-4EED-9A9A-3C43A76ED5C5 because it was not approved. The operating system reported error 2147942405: Access is denied.
  14. Hello At first of all I have to say; u're tutorials rock, anyweb! I've installed the SCCM07 more or less with ur guide, everything seems to work fine (No Error or anything like that). I only use the Domain Administrator as Account, I dont use the SMSadmin nor the SMSread (It's for testing only!). I've created a boundary with my AD. I've added a Client Package from Definition (Configuration Manager Client Upgrade). I've configured the discovery-methods. Thats more or less everything i did. my environment looks like that: srvadc01 - Win2k8 Ent x64 - Domaincontroller - Joined Domain srvhyp01 - Win2k8 Ent x64 - Hyper-V Server - Joined Domain srvsql01 - Win2k8 Ent x64 - SQL 2008 Enterprise Server - Joined Domain srvsus01 - Win2k8 Ent x64 - WSUS Server - Joined Domain srvscc01 - Win2k8 Ent x64 - SCCM07 SP1 Server - Joined Domain pc01 - Win Vista SP1 Business x86 - Client1 - Joined Domain pc02 - Win Vista SP1 Business x86 - Client2 Every Server/Client is on the same subnet, the firewalls are disabled and the domain admin is local admin. If i right click on a client/server in a collection or in a query and choose "Install Client" the Wizard pops up, and afterwards the client doesnt install. Doesnt matter if it is a server or a client. The SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER has a warning saying something with the policy has been rejected................Access denied. EDIT: If i make an advertisment to deploy the Client Package it doesnt work too... =/ I'd really happy if any1 could help me... Thanks a lot! Regards Lukas
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