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Everything posted by jamitupya

  1. Hey guys, im getting this weird issue with only some advertisements displaying on my clients.... I finished building a custom 7 SOE wim file yesterday and am now advertising it back out to the same Collection however it is not displaying... this is happening in both virtual and physical environment.... its never done this before this week... I've gone back over the change logs and there has been nothing occur to this in a month so weird error... ideas? i have attached the client log file up to the advertisement screen smsts.log
  2. rip all of the product keys out of the xml and ts and try again... i seem to remember that was one cause of a 7002 error....
  3. do the laptops connect back to the company via vpn? if not i'd go with peter to enable autoupdates or enable internet based clients.
  4. This script will load a command line variable for the username or can auto to administrator and password from an ini file. ' Initialization Set wshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Get parameters Program = "AutoLog.vbs" If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 then username = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) Else username = TranslateLocalUser("Administrator") End if If WScript.Arguments.Count > 1 then password = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) Else password = ReadIni("C:\Build\Settings.ini", "LocalAdmin", "localAdminPassword") End if computerName = wshNetwork.ComputerName ' Set the AutoAdminLogon registry keys shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoAdminLogon", "1", "REG_SZ" shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultUserName", username, "REG_SZ" shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultDomainName", computerName, "REG_SZ" shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultPassword", password, "REG_SZ" shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoLogonCount", &H00000005, "REG_DWORD" ' READINI ( file, section, item ) ' file = path and name of ini file ' section = [section] must not be in brackets ' item = the variable to read [LocalAdmin] localAdminPassword=password Usage: cscript.exe //nologo c:\build\Autolog.vbs Remove AutoLogon ' Initialization Program = "DelAuto.vbs" Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' Clean up registry keys shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoAdminLogon", "0", "REG_SZ" shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultUserName", "", "REG_SZ" shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultDomainName", "", "REG_SZ" shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultPassword", "", "REG_SZ" shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoLogonCount", &H00000000, "REG_DWORD" Usage: cscript.exe //nologo c:\build\DelAuto.vbs
  5. the public hotfix is now available for this and works perfectly kb 978754 Still not on the site, but shouldn't be far off
  6. yeah, we save an hour or so per deployment by deploying a custom wim file.....
  7. We use scripts for all of these during the build phase as well as using GPO to enforce the changes. we use scripts because off the bat some of our machines are never connected to the corp network and our vpn firewalls do not allow GPO through to clients... stoopid but very common here id personally go with gpo
  8. http://blogs.technet.com/askcore/archive/2009/12/08/windows-7-useful-links.aspx
  9. Was looking for something and stumbled across this, thought you may find it usefull Variable:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb632442.aspx
  10. Hey guys, trying to dynamically create a shortcut in the start menu but failing misserably... point is to start this link during our OSD for Windows 7....for all intensive purposes, it should work, but wont display the link in the all users.... ideas? ' Initialization Program = "SetStart.vbs" Set shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") ' Create the shortcut and point it to the specified script (assume C:\Build) ' path = shell.SpecialFolders("ProgramData") & "C:\Profiles\Profiles\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" & "\Startup.lnk" path = "C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" & "\Startup.lnk" Set link = shell.CreateShortcut(path) link.TargetPath = "C:\Build\" & WScript.Arguments.Item(0) ' Name of the file to start If WScript.Arguments.Count > 1 then plog "Link = " & WScript.Arguments.Item(1) link.Arguments = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) ' Parameters to pass End if link.Save
  11. MsiExec.exe /X{25097770-2B1F-49F6-AB9D-1C708B96262A} REMOVE=ALL REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS /qn i just did this on my lab (but with the R2 agent) and it seemed to work ok... curious error.... MsiExec.exe /X{25097770-2B1F-49F6-AB9D-1C708B96262A} REMOVE=ALL REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS /qn <-- my R2Agent uninstall
  12. check out wsname http://mystuff.clarke.co.nz/MyStuff/wsname.asp run command line: use wsname commandline add a restart computer, continue on with process :-)
  13. Hi All, I have this issue with an SQL Server at the moment... I update the SPN using: C:\Users\Administrator>setspn -A MSSQLSvc/HOSTNAME.DOMAIN.DNS:1433 DOMAIN\ SQLEngine_JPTKYDNSV2 Registering ServicePrincipalNames for CN=SQLEngine HOSTNAME,OU=Accounts,OU=M icrosoft SQL Server,OU=Enterprise Applications,DC=DOMAIN,DC=dns MSSQLSvc/HOSTNAME.DOMAIN.DNS:1433 Updated object i wait for the replication to occur or kick it off manually with: C:\>repadmin /syncall CALLBACK MESSAGE: The following replication is in progress: From: 6f69988a-4eff-4278-85a4-2bd1c7fe27a9._msdcs.domain.dns To : acd5ca47-422e-48bd-a05d-c16c45a10693._msdcs.domain.dns CALLBACK MESSAGE: The following replication completed successfully: From: 6f69988a-4eff-4278-85a4-2bd1c7fe27a9._msdcs.domain.dns To : acd5ca47-422e-48bd-a05d-c16c45a10693._msdcs.domain.dns CALLBACK MESSAGE: SyncAll Finished. SyncAll terminated with no errors. Looks OK running setspn -L returns C:\Users\Administrator>setspn -L HOSTNAME Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=HOSTNAME,OU=Servers,OU=Microsoft SQL Server,OU=Enterprise Applications,DC=DOMAIN,DC=dns: TERMSRV/HOSTNAME TERMSRV/HOSTNAME.domain.dns HOST/HOSTNAME HOST/HOSTNAME.domain.dns Running a duplicate check returns C:\Users\Administrator>setspn -X Processing entry 0 found 0 group of duplicate SPNs. Weird? Now, if i manually go into the account in ADSIEdit and add the SPN that way, it seems to work fine, though our SQL Server still doesn't run with KERBEROS
  14. pleasure? worked?
  15. not on that particular lab. I'm going to take it offline if not able too prune and move to another server. just researching how to move the other services on it now....
  16. I've got a lab with a database partition with a size of 20Gb which is now full, i cant relocate the DB at present so was wondering if anybody knew a way to prune unecessary data (logs, etc) from it? its not feasible for me to re-install at present but can if needed. thanks in advance
  17. yeah i've got it installed but if your asking for that number you wont get it.... however, it has a few additional issues, cpu load takes a hit when the console is open, check out kb306392 when talking to support. We haven't put the patch into the validation lab yet. next shot for that is feb 1
  18. yeah we had this issue but we resolved this a long time ago. i do know we had heaps of issues with pushing software out during OSD, the only way we ever got it to work was with the cscript.exe //nologo c:\<fullpath>\script.vbs we did a whole heap of things in the mean time so i will have to go back through the change management to look it up.. will do on tuesday when back in office.
  19. FYI I've run this up in lab but still getting issues importing drivers, specifically any of the intel drivers still aren't working. Will test more next week
  20. Rajiv, Peter has it covered, however if you just are interested in a FEW workstations not getting the IE8 patch look into the IE80Blocker.bat file from ms http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=21687628-5806-4ba6-9e4e-8e224ec6dd8c use this, linky here apply this blocker and done....
  21. just use the cluster resource name to login. If you hit the browse button it should search the LAN for all db servers and select from the list :-) then once it's logged in, on the left tree menu right-click databases select create :-) note this is from memory, will confirm on 08 cluster in about 8 hours :-)
  22. idiot..... forgot to import the server mp's :S
  23. you can continue to use just WSUS in your environment sure, just don't intergrate it and it will continue to work, if you just maintain the wsus server and setup the individual clients to collect wsus updates should all still work. One of our environments: SCCM: OSD, Software Distribution, reporting, Asset Intelligence WSUS for Updates
  24. Yup got exceptions in both client and servers, look into it further tomorrow
  25. yup, got the authentication and everything Seems to be working.
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