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  1. So I'm trying to Automate a few tasks when we have users leave the company. I was wondering if anybody has experience they can lend on how with in a runbook can you remove all the groups (minus domain users) a user is part of?
  2. We have been experiencing issues recently with any of our employees that have upgraded their home machines to Windows 10. If they try to use RDP with our gateway server it fails to connect. If they use a different machine from their homes running Windows 7 or 8.1 it connects just fine through the gateway. Has anybody else seen this?
  3. I just read that you can not have these run on the same server so that answers my question
  4. First off please let me know if I need to put this some where else if this is not the right spot. We have been running SCCM 2012 R2 for a while now, and we had reporting working from the beginning of spinning this solution up. A few days ago we started working on implementing SCVMM and SCOM; this is where our problems started. A quick run down of our setup. We have a SQL cluster running all our Databases, and a separate server running our reporting services. During the install of SCOM we loaded the reporting features on the same reporting server that we have been using for SCCM for years now. After which I noticed all our SCCM reports were gone. I have gone back through trying to reinstall the reporting service role to this server to see if that would get us our reports back, but after the install the site status for the reporting services in SCCM show an error. Every hour we have a message stating that "The report server service is not running on Reporting Service Point Server "servername"; start the service to enable reporting". This service is running, and we are able to run reports just fine through SCOM, but not through SCCM. I noticed the normal folder on the Reporting server that had the SCCM reports in it is now also gone. I'm wondering if this is now a permission issue or if I'm just over looking something. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Thank you T1mnl I will add the new exceptions and go from there
  6. Sure.....our full exclusion list is as followed c:\Program Files\Citrix c:\Program Files\Common Files\Mcafee c:\Program Files\Imprivata c:\Program Files\McAfee c:\ProgramData\Citrix c:\ProgramData\McAfee c:\ProgramData\Microsoft c:\ProgramData\SSOProvider c:\regfdata c:\users\*specific usersname*\AppData\Local\Citrix c:\windows\ccm c:\windows\ccmcache c:\windows\ccmsetup c:\windows\prefetch c:\windows\smscfg.ini c:\windows\system32\config c:\windows\system32\logfiles c:\windows\system32\wbem c:\windows\system32\winevt c:\windows\xpeagent
  7. We have a bunch of thin clients that are running Windows 7 embedded with the write filter active on them. We have the CCM, CCMcache, CCMsetup folders, and the smscfg.ini file excluded so when things are written to these the changes are applied. We are currently running CM 2012 R2. For a months these systems will be running fine, and then out of the blue they will start showing Inactive and they seem to stop talking to the server. When you look at the client activity it will show the devices haven't talked to the server in a long while. Eventually they switch to showing the client isn't even loaded anymore on the device. If you look at the thin clients the sccm client seems to be running fine. The only way to get the device to start talking to the server again is to stop the SMS host agent, delete the smscfg.ini file, and then start the service again. We have around 300 thin clients and I can't keep doing this manually. Does anybody have an idea of what might be causing these systems to go into this state? Thanks in advance for any ideas
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