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  1. Can you post the technet link you found? I think I'm having this issue as well and would like to know more...
  2. When I try to download Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB4039871) From the update catalog it seems to link to the Win 8.1 patch instead? anyone else seeing this? Anyone be able to provide right patch in PM?
  3. Has anyone ran into this with SCCM/Windows 10? Installed Office 2016 and pin shortcuts. Use Export-StartLayout and then apply during a task sequence (Import-StartLayout). On the login of a new user the shortcuts will be broken (see here)... Checking paths, etc in layout file - everything looks correct. Has worked in the past...
  4. For those interested - Jason Sandys replied on another forum: That's a local security group, not an account. These are SQL Server accounts and part of the database -- they are not actual user accounts. You don't have to do anything with them as they are part of the DB and will be moved with the DB itself.
  5. CONFIGMGR_DVIEWACCESS does - only info I could find about it here ConfigMgr_DViewAccess This group is a local security group created on the site database server or database replica server by System Center 2012 Configuration Manager and is not currently used. This group is reserved for future use by Configuration Manager. All other accounts are set to "without login" in SQL
  6. SCCM database question. We are moving our sccm database (its on a remote server I KNOW... I inherited the setup) from SQL 2008 R2 to SQL 2014 in preparation for upgrading to SCCM 1702. I see four accounts created by SCCM during install - SMSDBUSER_READONLY, SMSDBUSER_READWRITE, SMSDBUSER_REPORTSCHEMA, and CONFIGMGR_DVIEWACCESS. He wants to transfer these accounts over but no where can I find documented passwords for these accounts. Any solutions besides resetting passwords? Was currently using this guide unless someone has a better suggestion: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/configurationmgr/2013/04/02/how-to-move-the-configmgr-2012-site-database-to-a-new-sql-server/
  7. As stupid as it seems I think when I ran into this it was because there is another database in the same instance that has a space in the name. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/batala/2011/08/01/sqlserverwriter-missing-when-vssadmin-list-writers-command-is-run/
  8. I think I figured this one out - even though I had disabled the use of a proxy everywhere in the GUI (after testing it) it looks like WSUS was still trying to use the proxy (which was blocking .txt/eula files). After cleaning any references to the proxy out of the registry it seems to be working now.
  9. Doing more digging and finding this in the logs. Synchronizing update af57b397-b222-494e-ab73-17ddddd6e44e - Feature update to Windows 10 Enterprise, version 1607, en-us -------------------- Update af57b397-b222-494e-ab73-17ddddd6e44e not synced due to pending EULA download If I go into wsus and say "retry downoad" it will just loop back to the failure state gain.
  10. So the update was finally released on the 16th - I can see it in WSUS "Feature Update to Windows 10 Enterprise, version 1607, en-us" but it isn't popping up anywhere in sccm "all software updates" or "all windows 10 updates" in windows 10 servicing. I have ran through the steps for KB3159706 (multiple times) and also KB3095113 is installed. The "upgrade" category is checked under SCCM Console --> Admin --> Site --> Configure Site Settings --> Software Update Point. Any ideas or suggestions? A few other people on here have had similar issues but they seemed to have resolved themselves after a day or two. Thanks for any help.
  11. Niall- Yes I saw that a while ago and looks like it was installed on 6/12/2016. I also went through the web.config manual config. I just re-did those steps from a backup copy of the file just to be safe...
  12. So the update was finally released on the 16th - I can see it in WSUS "Feature Update to Windows 10 Enterprise, version 1607, en-us" but it isn't popping up anywhere in sccm "all software updates" or "all windows 10 updates" in windows 10 servicing. Anyone else having better luck?
  13. We had internet based client management working but it possibly seems to have ran into issues when we upgraded to 1511 and moved the server. This is the behavior I am running into right now - I imaged a VM with our OSD image and then took the VM off site - so the VM is domain joined but currently outside the network of where I work. When I power up the VM and check in Control Panel the machine will almost always come up as "currently intranet". Because of this when it tries to download content from our DPs it sometimes tries to connect to our intranet only DP and will then hang/fail on downloading content. Occasionally (I haven't found the trigger) it will properly show up as "Currently Internet" - once it does this all content for apps/updates downloads and works correctly. I haven't been able to find a clear explanation of what logic/method SCCM uses to determine Internet vs Intranet I had an issue with the CRL which is now fixed, I no longer see that issue in the logs. Our boundary (group) is based off several IP ranges and AD membership. I am logging into the machine with an AD account that is using cached credentials. If I connect VPN it will also work fine. The most relevant log entry I can find is in ClientLocation.log (see below). If anyone wants any other log entries let me know... Unable to retrieve AD forest + domain membership. Error 0x8007054b ClientLocation 7/20/2016 8:56:25 PM 3148 (0x0C4C) Raising event: instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status { ClientID = "GUID:57BA9682-AF4F-4062-996D-3DBED13C2ACD"; DateTime = "20160721015625.800000+000"; HostName = "sccm01.xxx.xxx"; HRESULT = "0x00000000"; ProcessID = 2896; StatusCode = 0; ThreadID = 3148; }; ClientLocation 7/20/2016 8:56:25 PM 3148 (0x0C4C) Domain joined client is in Intranet ClientLocation 7/20/2016 8:56:25 PM 3148 (0x0C4C)
  14. Started seeing this issue recently. I connect to a client machine and run the SCCM software update cycles - check the updatedeployment.log and see: EnumerateUpdates for action (UpdateActionInstall) - Total actionable updates = 0 Yet if I use Windows Update and check directly online I see about 20 updates missing from the machine. Checking in SCCM [screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/4zzxFVv.png) shows these updates are "not required" on the machine even though they should be. The issue is pretty much the exact issue seen [here](https://www.windows-noob.com/forums/topic/13877-software-updates-not-installed-not-required-or-are-they/) or [here](https://www.windows-noob.com/forums/topic/13662-wsus-issues/) but checking some client machines I see that KB3065987, KB3112343, and KB3050265 are all installed (suggested fixes from these threads). The Software Update Group has 300 updates in it or so and this is happening for about 100 right now. Has anyone else ran into this or have any ideas?
  15. Do you have any "optional components" added to your x86 boot image but not your x64? Not sure what else it could be if you are using 64bit cctk...
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