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  1. Hi Paul, i will do that. Need to get some organisation wide deployments out over this holiday period but will attempt the upgrade again after that.
  2. I hadnt seen that article, but had seen similar recommending removing WSUS 3.0 before an upgrade from 2k8 to 2012R2 As this was 2012 to R2, i assumed it didnt matter (WSUS 6). Will attempt the same procedure anyway and post back with results.
  3. Hi, anyone experienced with this upgrade? We attempted it earlier today, but it was unsuccesful - WSUS appeared to fail, and generic troubleshooting, iuncluding recreating the SUSDB didnt look to get the software update point going again. Technet showed this as a supported upgrade (2012 to 2012R2) but im wondering if i missed something. We have just the one machine running SCCM alongside WSUS Any advice on this process?
  4. Just going with the package route for OSD instead has resolved any issues with the deployment error. at least so far >.>
  5. 2012 R2 SP1. and according to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Setup we are at CU1
  6. Hi, Wondering where to start with diagnosing this issue. It has actually been around for a while but seemed to disappear, and has now raised its head again. Seemingly at random, while imaging the TS will fail on Install Application step. This application works when deployed from Software Center, and works on the majority of deployements. This week, we imaged 30 laptops. 6 failed with the error. Reimaged those 6, 4 have failed with the error. Any ideas? where do i start
  7. Good writeup. I have just deployed this last week but with a far simpler script - you only need to copy the LayoutModification.xml to the defult profile copy /y "%~dp0LayoutModification.xml" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\LayoutModification.xml" Havent had any issues with this method - give it a try! *whoops, i see you mentioned the path - does the longer command do anything additional?
  8. Yup it is definitely before the setup config manager client step Il try the windows 10 ADK - havent upgraded that yet. Re: remaking the boot media - just follow the steps here to get the latest images out of the Win10 ADK? http://blogs.msdn.com/b/beanexpert/archive/2015/08/05/how-to-switch-to-windows-10-adk-on-configmgr-2012-r2-sp1.aspx
  9. Have just updated to CU1 and attempting to deploy a TS with windows 10 drivers. (Optiplex 3020) but it fails with 0x80070032 when applying the driver package. It is my understanding that the CU1 update would resolve win 10 driver deployment. Im deploying this to a 2nd Gen hyperV machine currently - i dont remember having issues with the drivers being applied to VMs with 7 Is there something additional i need to do to get drivers deployed? here is the smsts.log from the client: <![LOG[Calling Package manager to add drivers to the offline driver store.]LOG]!><time="13:41:15.896-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="0" thread="1680" file="sysprepdriverinstaller.cpp:512"> <![LOG[Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %*]LOG]!><time="13:41:15.912-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="0" thread="1680" file="commandline.cpp:229"> <![LOG[Set command line: "X:\WINDOWS\system32\dism.exe" /image:"C:" /windir:"WINDOWS" /apply-unattend:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\PkgMgrTemp\drivers.xml" /logpath:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\PkgMgrTemp\dism.log"]LOG]!><time="13:41:15.912-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="0" thread="1680" file="commandline.cpp:732"> <![LOG[Executing command line: "X:\WINDOWS\system32\dism.exe" /image:"C:" /windir:"WINDOWS" /apply-unattend:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\PkgMgrTemp\drivers.xml" /logpath:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\PkgMgrTemp\dism.log"]LOG]!><time="13:41:15.912-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="1" thread="1680" file="commandline.cpp:828"> <![LOG[Process completed with exit code 50]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="1" thread="1680" file="commandline.cpp:1124"> <![LOG[uExitCode == 0, HRESULT=80070032 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\osddriverclient\sysprepdriverinstaller.cpp,548)]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="0" thread="1680" file="sysprepdriverinstaller.cpp:548"> <![LOG[Dism failed with return code 50]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="3" thread="1680" file="sysprepdriverinstaller.cpp:548"> <![LOG[AddPnPDriverToStore( pszSource, sTargetSystemDrive, sTargetSystemRoot, wProcessorArchitecture), HRESULT=80070032 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\osddriverclient\sysprepdriverinstaller.cpp,658)]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="0" thread="1680" file="sysprepdriverinstaller.cpp:658"> <![LOG[Failed to add driver to driver store. Code 0x80070032]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="3" thread="1680" file="sysprepdriverinstaller.cpp:658"> <![LOG[InstallDriver( iInstallParams->sContentId, iInstallParams->sSource, iInstallParams->pBootCriticalInfo ), HRESULT=80070032 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\osddriverclient\driverinstaller.cpp,557)]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="0" thread="1680" file="driverinstaller.cpp:557"> <![LOG[ReleaseSource() for C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\WH100164.]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="1" thread="1680" file="resolvesource.cpp:3873"> <![LOG[reference count 1 for the source C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\WH100164 before releasing]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="1" thread="1680" file="resolvesource.cpp:3883"> <![LOG[Released the resolved source C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\WH100164]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="1" thread="1680" file="resolvesource.cpp:3921"> <![LOG[pDriverInstaller->InstallDriverPackage( sPackageId, pBootCriticalInfo ), HRESULT=80070032 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\osddriverclient\osddriverclient.cpp,380)]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="0" thread="1680" file="osddriverclient.cpp:380"> <![LOG[Failed to provision driver. Code 0x80070032]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="3" thread="1680" file="osddriverclient.cpp:380"> <![LOG[Exiting with return code 0x80070032]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.146-720" date="08-13-2015" component="OSDDriverClient" context="" type="1" thread="1680" file="osddriverclient.cpp:418"> <![LOG[Process completed with exit code 2147942450]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.177-720" date="08-13-2015" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1088" file="commandline.cpp:1124"> <![LOG[!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.177-720" date="08-13-2015" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1088" file="instruction.cxx:805"> <![LOG[Failed to run the action: Apply Driver Package - Optiplex 3020. The request is not supported. (Error: 80070032; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="13:41:16.177-720" date="08-13-2015" component="TSManager" context="" type="3" thread="1088" file="instruction.cxx:911">
  10. for reference, this i s the script i have as a package during the TS powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "cpi '%DEPLOYROOT%\Sources\Deployment Scripts\Remove Preinstalled Apps\remove_apps_win10.ps1' -destination C:\Windows\Temp; C:\Windows\Temp\remove_apps_win10.ps1; ri C:\Windows\temp\*.ps1 -Force" <# ************************************************************************************************************ Purpose: Remove built in apps specified in list Pre-Reqs: Windows 8.1 ************************************************************************************************************ #> #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main Routine #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get log path. Will log to Task Sequence log folder if the script is running in a Task Sequence # Otherwise log to \windows\temp try { $tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment $logPath = $tsenv.Value("LogPath") } catch { Write-Host "This script is not running in a task sequence" $logPath = $env:windir + "\temp" } $logFile = "$logPath\$($myInvocation.MyCommand).log" # Start logging Start-Transcript $logFile Write-Host "Logging to $logFile" # List of Applications that will be removed $AppsList = "Microsoft.3DBuilder", "Microsoft.BingFinance", "Microsoft.BingFoodAndDrink", "Microsoft.BingHealthAndFitness", "Microsoft.BingNews", "Microsoft.BingSports", "Microsoft.BingTravel", "Microsoft.BingWeather", "Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub", "Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection", "Microsoft.Office.OneNote", "Microsoft.Reader", "Microsoft.SkypeApp", "Microsoft.WindowsAlarms", "Microsoft.Windows.Photos", "Microsoft.WindowsCamera", "microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps", "Microsoft.WindowsMaps", "Microsoft.WindowsPhone", "Microsoft.XboxApp", "Microsoft.ZuneMusic", "Microsoft.ZuneVideo" ForEach ($App in $AppsList) { $Packages = Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $App} if ($Packages -ne $null) { Write-Host "Removing Appx Package: $App" foreach ($Package in $Packages) { Remove-AppxPackage -package $Package.PackageFullName } } else { Write-Host "Unable to find package: $App" } $ProvisionedPackage = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq $App} if ($ProvisionedPackage -ne $null) { Write-Host "Removing Appx Provisioned Package: $App" remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -packagename $ProvisionedPackage.PackageName } else { Write-Host "Unable to find provisioned package: $App" } } # Stop logging Stop-Transcript
  11. Hi there, we are investigating windows 10 deployments, and so far have all our major software working on all our hardware. What we would like now is the best way to ensure a fast logon. Our current situation would have 5-6 users per day logging on to a machine (1 each hour), with the possibility of them using new machines. Im trying to add a package that removes the preinstalled apps, but no luck with that working from the TS yet (it works if i run it manually). Are there any other modifications that can be made to improve logon time? (Remove the "Hi" screens, etc) What is everyone else doing in regards to this - do you just accept the increased logon time? Look forward to some opinions or thoughts
  12. Hi there, do you have an example of how i could use this query? i would need to find a file C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Studio Ultimate 2013\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
  13. Hi there, I understand this model if i wanted VS deployed everywhere as well. I would only want this updated deployed were VS is ALREADY installed ( so a dependency, but without automatically isntalling VS)
  14. Hi there, Earlier we made Visual Studio ultimate 2013 available for installation. Some clients have manually installed it, now we need to apply the patches to it (Update 4) Is it possible to set the Update 4 Application to be required, but only IF Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 is installed? I havent been able to find this setup (i have found setting VS2013 Ultimate as a dependency for the Update 4 though)
  15. Thanks, im trying that now. In the meantime ive got it working by reimporting the image and adjusting the task sequence to use the new (same??) base image. Thankfully its working with only the change to the OS. Il follow this up, but for now there is a working solution
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