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Jakob redtoo

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  1. It`s not necessary to disable or delete your ADR`s before upgrade. I would contact MS CSS as fast as possible, because normally it takes some time until you get professional support/person... cheers Jakob
  2. I`m not using UDI, only SCCM. But I have the same problem... regards Jakob
  3. The last time we installed MBAM on the Site Server we got problem with client authentification on the SCCM server. So like Niall sad, better on a seperate server... regards Jakob
  4. Yes, and check if you have only one MW applied. I would also try to increase the MW.
  5. Hello Auhn, what`s your configuration for "Display a temporary notification to the user that indicates the interval before the user is logged off or computer restarts"? Check this post https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/cc03f9f6-dcdb-4096-a115-f42b2ba348b8/windows-updates-not-running-even-when-maintenance-available?forum=configmanagersecurity Ans also here is an excellent Post about maintenance windows: http://blogs.technet.com/b/server-cloud/archive/2012/03/28/business-hours-vs-maintenance-windows-with-system-center-2012-configuration-manager.aspx​ cheers Jakob
  6. I just tested ii and for me it`s working with Windows 10 Enterprise (64).
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