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Everything posted by spgsitsupport

  1. I have even re-created all certificates (just in case in some miraculous way they worked & then stopped) using this No dice!
  2. Followed this, after which... error 500, NO DIFFERENCE
  3. Failed to send http request /SMS_MP/.sms_aut?MPLIST. Error 12030 Call to HttpSendRequestSync failed for port 443 with 12030 error code. One day with nothing happening, SCCM 2012 R2 decided to melt MP stopped responding. OK, so I removed it & re-added (number of times) Nothing makes it work again (it installs just fine, dmpMSI.log shows all good) IIS is bound to 443 with correct certificate (which was also re-done just in case), it can be accessed just fine from any browser Certificate has "SSL Client Authentication" capability. Completed validation of Certificate [Thumbprint 312570dc352bf237162e895fc6cba5321c63c1ac] issued to 'servername.local' >>> Selected Certificate [Thumbprint 312570dc352bf237162e895fc6cba5321c63c1ac] issued to 'servername.local' for HTTPS Client Authentication Failed to send http request /SMS_MP/.sms_aut?MPLIST. Error 12030 Call to HttpSendRequestSync failed for port 443 with 12030 error code. Anybody any ideas how to fix the flakeiness of IIS/SCCM integration? Seb
  4. Yes, the migration of existing clients registered to Site AA1 move to new site BB2, is the interesting bit not covered in the guides I was reading (or did I miss it?) Will client "upgrade" with no issues? And re-register to new site? edit: Fully explained in Clients section here (but sadly it is in my testing not as easy! Clients will NOT re-assign to new site code, upgrade does not seem to make any difference either, I have not yet tried client push) Once all objects are migrated, you need to reassign your client in the new SCCM 1511 site. Many options can be used : Reassign client site with a script to migrate to the new hierarchy This is mandatory because of the new site code This script from Steve Thompson [MVP] does the trick! Use auto-upgrade when client are assigned to the new hierarchy Use client push to reassign clients and upgrade at the same time This will change the assigned site code automatically
  5. I had it originally without " " but VB complained If I do if intret = "0x40000101" or intret = 1073742081 then then it works OK, not ideal, but works
  6. I will give it a go, I was just hoping to need only the hex for VB wrapper
  7. DPInst Return Codes: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff544790(v=vs.85).aspx So I have Synaptics Dell Trackpad that I want to install with dpinst (no, I do not want to do PNP) So the success return code is 40000101 Of course I can use converted value of 1073742081 in TS But I would prefer to use VB wrapper to return 0 if the actual code was 40000101 on error resume next Set sho = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strCurrentDir = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, (InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, "\") -1)) strcmd = strcurrentDir & "\dpinst.exe /s /sw /se /sa" intret=sho.run(strcmd,0,vbtrue) if intret = "0x40000101" then wscript.quit(0) else wscript.quit(intret) end if The above works fine for installation, but it still gives in log Process completed with exit code 1073742081 InstallSoftware 13/04/2016 08:23:28 552 (0x0228) Command line returned 1073742081 InstallSoftware 13/04/2016 08:23:28 552 (0x0228) Process completed with exit code 1073742081 TSManager 13/04/2016 08:23:28 2436 (0x0984) not the expected 0 Where did I go wrong? Seb
  8. Using this, which only is an approximation of term NOW, I do not always get what I would expect. Something to do with Maintenance Window (which I can not logically understand), software installation outside MW etc There must be some twisted logic to it... I just do not get it
  9. Forgetting the Required in deployment, is there any option to run Program from a Package INSTANTLY NOW on a Device Collection? Thanks for pointers Seb
  10. Ofcourse you could also make computer object in question (or all computers in AD) to belong to a group that does have filesystem access rights to the share if you do not want to use the DP (might be unsupported, but will work anyway) Seb
  11. You can always capture with any WinPE boot and dism or wimlib. The media does not do any kind of magic
  12. Google being a bad example, as it auto updates just fine... It depends on application. Will it "upgrade" silent just fine.? Will it throw error that previous version must be uninstalled? You really need to test & see, there is not "one for all" solution
  13. As always in such situation. Straight after drivers package in TS, add yourself Pause step, so you can read the log (both, dism & smsts) and then you will know what is happening Seb
  14. I think I need to become a consultant...
  15. One could say that to every product using SQL. In that case we would have every second server (or more) with its own local SQL server...
  16. How so? Why keep on same server when one can have it on an SQL cluster?
  17. On a single server?
  18. Nobody has any idea? Am I the only one with this problem? Seb
  19. Sadly WinPE wim image can not be easily edited outside Console, due to the hash checking mechanism (if one touches .wim after) But one can get around these unpractical restrictions with bit of thinking In that case one could easily add a single executable that waits for any predefined hotkey I used AutoIt solution from here, works great Seb
  20. NONE of the below is in any way supported by anybody (but me). Probably too scary for most, but works extremely well As default I use ipxe with pxelinux menu & wimboot, where SCCM default boot is just one of the options. That way I get (the missing so far in SCCM) fast http download of the .wim boot file! DHCP supplies boot file entry undionly.0, which is served by SCCM WDS TFTP which points to pxelinux.0 served by SCCM WDS server again, for menu It can be made even "more exciting", where the WinPE boot "thinks" that it was actually PXE booted, already to the image that is to be used in TS for the very computer: Lets say that we wimboot over http PC#1, which is in Collection#1 that has to run TS#1 which uses BootImage#1 Using instructions, ipxe with pxelinux menu & wimboot will happen really fast BUT most likely TS will reboot again to BootImage#1 as specified in TS#1, which will then carry on with TS#1 But that is not so nice, as speed advantage of wimboot is negated by another download of BootImage#1.wim & another reboot. So if one creates bootable media iso - either by Console GUI or using: Creating a SCCM Task Sequence boot media using vbscript... & in process selects BootImage#1 & then use that Variables.dat (why on earth it is not possible to just edit this file!?), which stores info about the site, where to conenct etc), the startnet.cmd can be adjusted as this: echo ** Patching Ramdisk reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control" /v PEBootType /t REG_SZ /d "Error" /f reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control" /v SystemStartOptions /t REG_SZ /d " MININT RDIMAGEOFFSET=8192 RDIMAGELENGTH=3161088 RDPATH=NET(0)\\SMSIMAGES\\SP10010C\\WINPE.SP10010C.WIM" /f reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control" /v FirmwareBootDevice /t REG_SZ /d "ramdisk(0)" /f reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control" /v PEBootTypeErrorCode /t REG_DWORD /d "2147942413" /f where WINPE.SP10010C.WIM is the BootImage#1 selected in iso (the above values I picked up from PXE SCCM WinPE booted machine, while running TS#1) In that case machine wimboot over http & instantly runs TS#1 (which is assigned as PXE ONLY REQUIRED to Collection#1, exactly where imagined machine belongs = in my case deployed it to all Workstations). No more separate .wim download and/or another reboot. That will of course assumes that one has TsmBootstrap.ini with Unattended=true (in other case one can still get the normal TS Menu) One can of course argue that there is no PXE Deployment record for machine in SCCM DB, but I rather have this for the speed of initial boot Edit Possibly one could get really creative using tsenv2 from 1E and do on-fly replacement of variables ie TSEnv2.exe set _OSDOSImagePackageId=00200005 Setting _OSDOSImagePackageId=00200005 Sadly TSEnv2 ONLY runs if TS Environment is initialized, which is too late to do clever stuff of Ramdisk patching in same session if bootimages (booted & expected) are different = so this is a nogo! And to get rid of the WinPE Command Prompt shell window (which runs the startnet.cmd), there is nice Auto-it solution (ShellExecuteWait) here Seb
  21. This one works fine for me
  22. So checked all logs as per: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb932135.aspx MCS is enabled - had to re-install it, as per http://blogs.technet.com/b/configmgrteam/archive/2013/08/07/known-issue-update-to-mcs-msi-fails-to-upgrade-the-multicast-configuration.aspx Image is multicast enabled: http://henkhoogendoorn.blogspot.co.uk/2010/11/using-multicast-functionality-in.html But I am sure image is NOT delivered via multicast (definitely there is no multicast mentioned on client screen). smsts.log has multicast location mention, and not a single fail or error None of the logs involved have any error apart from: MCSIsapi.log Looking for: S:\SCCMContentLib\DataLib\SP1000B7* Failed to find the package. The package (image) got fully re-distributed, it definitely EXISTS in S:\SCCMContentLib\DataLib If I enable in (test) image properties to ONLY deliver the image via multicast then (test) TS fails instantly on Apply OS, but with NOT a single mention of fail in the smsts.log SP1000E0 content location: mcs://SP-V-SCCM.domain.local/SMS_MCS/.sms_mcs?filePath=https://SP-V-SCCM.domain.local/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/SP1000E0&PackageFlags=135266336&packageID=SP1000E0&version=2 SP1000E0 http content location: https://SP-V-SCCM.domain.local/NOCERT_SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/SP1000E0 SP1000E0 multicast content location: mcs://SP-V-SCCM.domain.local/SMS_MCS/.sms_mcs?filePath=https://SP-V-SCCM.domain.local/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/SP1000E0&PackageFlags=135266336&packageID=SP1000E0&version=2 and MCSIsapi.log shows: HealthCheckRequest::HandleMessage failed with errorcode (0x80004005) McsIsapi 27/01/2016 03:21:03 4280 (0x10B8) Failed to process HEALTHCHECK request for client ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff McsIsapi 27/01/2016 03:21:03 4280 (0x10B8) MCSRequestHandler::HandleMessage for Op HEALTHCHECK failed with server errorcode 2052 McsIsapi 27/01/2016 03:21:03 4280 (0x10B8) Looking for: S:\SCCMContentLib\DataLib\SP1000E0* Failed to find the package. But the package is definitely there! Seb
  23. One like this does it fine, and also this WAY quicker than WDS tftp Seb
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