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Everything posted by spgsitsupport

  1. TFTP server that comes with WDS works (after mod) fine for 1/2/3 machines booted at once. But if I do the whole room of 20+ machines, it all comes to almost stand still (no wonder, 20+ machines try to pull down 500Mb .wim image) That is from SCCM server - VM on Hyper-V with iSCSI 10G storage Boot via http using wimboot is much faster for PXE (or iso boot via ipxe & grub for that matter) Anybody has an idea how to FORCE client once booted to be directed to SCCM server for Task Sequence processing? Thanks Seb
  2. Ofcourse, completely go away from SCCM & use something else, as it is easier... (have Royce in a garage, use Fiesta to go about) So then you have 2 things to manage, bits in each...
  3. That reminds me of Windows 3.1 times, batch file to copy something somewhere. The best SCCM has to offer?
  4. I see that you miss a point, delivery man is "dumb" worker. SCCM is supposed to be the BRAINS of the operation. I am not asking how to copy file (but even this is not done "properly" in SCCM, one has to create script (no matter how simple or cleaver)) I am asking why Compliance& Remedy does NOT work for filesystem If you have nothing else to add, then please feel free to ignore this question
  5. I really like using Shortcut.exe from Optimum X Another SCCM shortfall if I must point out Needs Administrator/System privileges cmd /c shortcut.exe /F:"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\!VSubst.lnk" /A:C /T:"C:\Windows\VSubst.exe" /P:^"U: C:\Users\^%username^%^" /D:"Substitute U drive" Only needs user privileges cmd /c shortcut.exe /F:"C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\!VSubst.lnk" /A:C /T:"C:\Windows\VSubst.exe" /P:^"U: C:\Users\^%username^%^" /D:"Substitute U drive"
  6. It is not an issue of how easy or not it is to write a script. It is the fact that something again as simple is SIMPLY NOT BUILD IN to SCCM, so one has to "invent" a way to do it! Seb
  7. I want to make sure that a file exists on every machine in a specific folder. It seems that there is NO way to remedy this, as file system is not possible to remedy. So how to do such simple action - if not there, then copy it, "Required" Application? Seb
  8. That was completely wrong pointer (only run when no user is logged on) I am also struggling to get something to run on user logon (something that I could easily achieve with my previous solution) Do it with Task Scheduler is not an option, as I need to have it run ONLY when a member of specific group (Students) logs in. Basically I need to run delpro2 to delete "old" profiles, but ONLY when student logs in (as it will be 99.9% a student workstation) I do NOT want it to run when Staff logs in on ANY machine (staff or student workstation) Seb
  9. Forget doing applications, do only packages (it is dummy silent install after all). That way it is unlikely to fail (as there is no unnecessary logic involved)
  10. It DOES accept the same switches as a full FEPInstall/SCEPInstall.exe /q for silent extraction and /s for silent install https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg398035.aspx So I can now have fully updated SCEP during TS without WU
  11. No, that is not a solution, I have ALL the Packages/Programs with this option ticked (ran in task sequence without being deployed), that does NOT work if I have only last one in TS It also does NOT work if I have separate steps for each such Package But what WORKS: one creates additional Program in a Package that does not depend on anything & this program gets chosen for TS installation, that way it works, but each Package has to be selected in TS Seb
  12. Driver package actually works well, so no need to try to re-invent it...
  13. Security by obscurity... Microsoft way. Hidden shares are only hidden from... Windows clients. Wim can be perfectly easily opened with 7-zip (no need to invent anything else)
  14. It seems that it is (by design?) no possible to install Package/Program during OSD TS if such program has "Run another program first" So I did create group & had all of them in there, Pack1, Pack2, Pack3 But only Pack1 installed (does not depend on anything), Pack2 that depends on Prog1 did not install, Pack3 did not install Do I need to create another set of Packages that do not have these dependencies to be just used in TS? Seb
  15. And how does one do OR for a model? Model LIKE 'X' OR Model LIKE 'Y@ gives invalid syntax Of course I can have two separate steps, but one would be nicer Seb
  16. Because I do NOT stop user from using Run on Start Menu
  17. Why would boot fail when it is server by PXE? It is NOT the local machine that reads remote share, it reads the data send from tftp server Anyway, nobody answered what the default permissions are. As to what is the reason? Simple, I do not need to have all my users being able to read my .wim images & freely download them. On my network NO user sees more then they need to. Seb
  18. What are the default permissions for REMINST? I am sure I did not move away from defaults, but they have Everyone Read (which is definitely not what I would want) Seb
  19. Pause the TS before & after, check what happens. While in there you can re-run these same commands by hand. You will find out what is "happening" or not
  20. I am talking about update, NOT SCEP client itself! SCEP client & definitions updates are not an issue during TS
  21. Anybody knows if update has any silent switches for installation? So it could be installed in TS just after SCEP? Seb
  22. But the point is not to use MS Update, but local SCCM package via local WSUS. In that case I need to have WSUS update run 3 times a day, which runs auto rules to update package, but I am not convinced that it does get apply outside maintenance hours
  23. Seems that solution to this would be to make sure that there is NO MobileClient.tcf in the Client Package used for Setup Windows and ConfigMgr TS step WITHOUT MobileClient.tcf it does work Seb
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