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  1. Thanks again Gareth, I've update my query.
  2. Thanks Garth, A colleague helped me to come up with a solution as well: SELECT v_GS_SYSTEM.Name0, count(*) As "Profile Count" FROM v_GS_USER_PROFILE INNER JOIN v_GS_SYSTEM ON v_GS_USER_PROFILE.ResourceID = v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID WHERE (v_GS_USER_PROFILE.localPath0 IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY v_GS_SYSTEM.Name0 ORDER BY count(*) desc Which also works.
  3. I'm trying to create a custom report which will give me an idea of how many local profiles are each machine. So far, I've been able to come up with a report which will tell me this but it lists the each instance of a profile with the workstation it's on. So, for example, if Bob1 and Bob2 have a profile on PC1 with will list this as two entries in the PC column. What I want to do is end up with a reports that will count the profiles and list those with the most in either descending order or over a certain amount (think I know how this is done). Here's what I have already: SELECT v_GS_SYSTEM.Name0, v_GS_USER_PROFILE.localPath0 FROM v_GS_USER_PROFILE INNER JOIN v_GS_SYSTEM ON v_GS_USER_PROFILE.ResourceID = v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID WHERE (v_GS_USER_PROFILE.localPath0 IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID, v_GS_SYSTEM.Name0, v_GS_USER_PROFILE.localPath0 ORDER BY v_GS_SYSTEM.Name0
  4. I managed to get this working but, as I've just started using Orchestrator, I wanted to see if a better solution could be found to a problem I encountered. Basically, I wanted to automate the removal of PCs from SCCM and AD before they are re-imaged as currently some technicians don't have permissions to remove these objects. To this end, I came up with the idea of having a runbook which would check to see if the machine was already found in either place, this would then set TS variables which would display this information in an HTA. The user could then choose to remove or keep the machine, and this would be picked up by a second runbook which actually removed the objects. Now, I know that the first runbook isn't strictly required. But as a learning exercise I wanted to get it working. What I found was that I had to run two scripts which queried ad & SCCM separately and return true or false and return these via one return data activity. Returning these back to the TS was the tricky bit. No matter how I did it, going by the ZTIExectuteRunbook log, it would seem that the two variables were returned more than once. So you would get the correct values returned, but also it would right them back blank. Depending on which variable was returned last would determine if the correct result was picked up by the HTA. To me what was happening is that the two scripts were finishing at different times, which caused the return data to be activated more than once. As each script only wrote one variable at a time, the other was left blank. I ended up splitting both into two different runbooks and calling them from a parent runbook. My question is, is there a simpler solution to this?
  5. Thanks for the suggestions. I ended up using MDT after following this video.
  6. Thanks, I'll give this a try. But for I would like to know where I'm going wrong even if I find a better solution.
  7. You mean, capture a WIM without any updates then re-run this WIM with the updates applied?
  8. Ok so I've set up a home lab with SCCM 2012 R2. I'm trying to use the native configmgr task sequence to build and capture a Windows 7 image and also totally patch it with all updates. To this end I've structured the update groups like here. The problem is I want to run a build and capture routine and have it fully patched, but when I do it hangs when installing the last of the 137 updates. Usually it stalls while installing the last of these updates. I've tried to follow these instructions but it hangs when still on the first phase, when it tries to install the last of the updates as before. Any ideas how I can get around this?
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