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Everything posted by relapse808

  1. I have a variable named CompSequence. The values are numbers for this variable. Depending on what number is chosen there will be specific software installed for that job role. I have found with more testing that sometimes it works they way I want to, sometimes its completely skipped, and sometimes a portion of the software for the variable value chosen will install. It is not consistent and I am having a real difficult time finding anything in the log files to why this is happening.
  2. No one has any suggestions? I am still stuck on this issue.
  3. You do have to use a WINPE6 boot image. You can use an older image but you have to mount it and put the latest dism version into the image and a step in the task sequence to load that version of DISM. With the WIN PE6(win10) I have had zero issues loading drivers for a surface 4 and elite x2. This is SP1 CU2.
  4. Greetings, I am working on creating our Windows 10 images for our company. I have everything in place as far as a reference image and driver packages created. I created the task sequence for our win 8.1 image, copied it, and then changed the driver packs and the image being installed. The base image will run just fine. I have several task sequence variables in this task sequence. The variable is called "CompSequence". You can put a number into this variable that will install software that is specific to each team in our company. The issue is when I put the number for a certain team into "CompSequence" variable the software for that variable is not installed and seems to just be ignored. I have reviewed some logs but I am unable to find a exact reason the variables are being ignored. Has anyone else run into this issue or can offer some assistance? I am using a Surface Pro 4 and a HP Elite X2 as my testing devices. Thanks, Lee
  5. It honestly sounds like the pc in question is not part of a collection that has task sequences advertised to it. Also keep in mind when you turn UEFI that the boot image much batch the bit level of the UEFI firmware(if your UEFI is 64 bit you must use a 64 bit boot image).
  6. Thanks for the advice. I did add that variable to the collection. IT turns out I made a stupid mistake and the apply network settings was in the TS twice instead of one apply network settings and one apply windows settings. OOPS.
  7. I am trying to export a task sequence to get to insight for remote imaging. I have done this one and it worked. During my first time exporting I found that having applications where the source folder has subfolders would cause a failure. I just ended up ripping those applications out and was able to export it. I am now trying to export my new task sequence. I get past the review process and get to where it exports. After a few minutes it will error our stating "error:network path not found". I have double checked the applications and there are none with subfolders in their source path. I then tried to export the first task sequence I was able to export, and I am now getting the same error message with that one. Any help on this would be great.
  8. it is worth noting I tried this powershell script and no success http://www.scconfigmgr.com/2013/10/02/prompt-for-computer-name-during-osd-with-powershell/ I have tried running the script after the partition of hard disk and also after the sccm client is installed and my machines still come out with the WIN-XXXXXXXXX name.
  9. Can you give more information? What is the error exactly?
  10. This could also be caused by spanning tree port fast not being enabled on the switch, not sure if that is your issue.
  11. Hi, I have been imaging windows 8.1 with SCCM for a while with no issue. I have been using the install.wim in the iso as my reference image. I never got prompted for OOBE or had issues with computer names when doing it this way. I reimage would result in the machine being the same name as before. My co worker has now made reference images with some software and all updates installed. These were captured using MDT 2013. The first thing that happened was the OOBE popping up after the first reboot which I dont want. I wrote a unattend.xml file and applied to that task which skips OOBE but now the computer name changes to WIN-XXXXXXXX after imaging. This name will change every single time you image the same system causing clutter in AD and SCCM. Does anyone know how i can resolve this so if I reimage a computer the name stays the same? Thanks, Lee
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