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Everything posted by JMS

  1. We have reformated this server and did notuninstalled the sccm2007 application porperly. I understand that by removing the sccm 2007 server applicatin it would have removed also AD objects pertaining to this site. This was a primary site that reported to a parent site. Is there a way to manually removed the AD objects pertaining to this site safely?
  2. Guys, we decided to do a fresh install, but I have now a new problem. We have reformated this server and did not uninstalled the sccm2007 application porperly. I understand that by removing the sccm 2007 server applicatin it would have removed also AD objects pertaining to this site. This was a primary site that reported to a parent site. Is there a way to manually removed the AD objects pertaining to this site safely?
  3. We just recently upgraded from SMS 2003 SP 3 to SCCM 2007. THe upgrade was performed by another administrator. Apparently everything worked for a few days and even some clients were upgraded to the sccm 2007 client. At some point things started going wrong to the point where we were not able to even install the clients. we keept seeing bits errors in the logs. We have try doing several things but nothing has worked. Frankly we are looking for a way to reinstall this server without affecting the clients. Can some one tell us which is the best way to reinstall sccm on the server without afecting the clients using the same site name?
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