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OSD Computer Name Dynamically Adjust
dpadgett87 posted a question in Frontends, HTA's and Web Services
Hi Guys, Does anyone have a HTA or powershell front end that i can use , or suggestions on how to use a current one out there, my requirements are pretty simple i think. We have about 100 different sites in 4 different countries, and we now name our computers with the following format OFFICE-Serial where office is a 7 digit identifier for the office, and serial is the last 7 digits of the serial number. Lets say i have the following. >England >>Manchester >>London >> South London >Scotland >>Inverness >>Edinburgh Names would be MANCHE-SERIAL STHLOND-SERIAL etc. I would like a drop down first to select the country, and then a drop down to select the site with results only from the country in question I would then need OSDComputer Name to prefix 7 digits of this name and then append "-" + serial number. Can anyone help me with this? i have this which is from technet and i have modified a bit, but dont know vb well enough to modify. <!--Script Settings <ScriptSettings xmlns="http://tempuri.org/ScriptSettings.xsd"> <ScriptPackager> <process /> <arguments /> <extractdir>%TEMP%</extractdir> <files /> <usedefaulticon>true</usedefaulticon> <showinsystray>false</showinsystray> <altcreds>false</altcreds> <efs>true</efs> <ntfs>true</ntfs> <local>false</local> <abortonfail>true</abortonfail> <product /> <version></version> <versionstring /> <comments /> <company /> <includeinterpreter>false</includeinterpreter> <forcecomregistration>false</forcecomregistration> <consolemode>false</consolemode> <EnableChangelog>false</EnableChangelog> <AutoBackup>false</AutoBackup> <snapinforce>false</snapinforce> <snapinshowprogress>false</snapinshowprogress> <snapinautoadd>2</snapinautoadd> <snapinpermanentpath /> <cpumode>1</cpumode> <hidepsconsole>false</hidepsconsole> </ScriptPackager> </ScriptSettings> endregion--> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"> <title>Imaging Solutions v2.3</title> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="maging Solutions" APPLICATIONNAME="Imaging Solutions" BORDER="none" CAPTION="yes" CONTEXTMENU="no" ICON="icon.ico" INNERBORDER="no" NAVIGABLE="true" SCROLL="no" SCROLLFLAT="yes" SELECTION="no" SHOWINTASKBAR="yes" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" SYSMENU="yes" TITLEBAR="no" VERSION="2.2"/> <script type="text/vbscript"> '******************************************************************************' ' Global Variables ' '******************************************************************************' dim varPanel varPanel = 1 dim logHTA logHTA = "\\cm1\source files\\" & strSerialNum & ".log" Dim oTSProgressUI Set oTSProgressUI = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSProgressUI") oTSProgressUI.CloseProgressDialog() Dim strComputer strComputer = "." Dim strSerialNum Dim strUser Dim oTSEnvironment Set oTSEnvironment = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment") '******************************************************************************' ' Window Onload Event ' '******************************************************************************' Sub Window_OnLoad '******************************************************************************' ' ComputerName Field Default Value ' '******************************************************************************' Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colSMBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS") For Each objSMBIOS in colSMBIOS strSerialNum = objSMBIOS.SerialNumber Next window.document.getElementById("ComputerName").value = strSerialNum End Sub '******************************************************************************' ' Size & Positioning ' '******************************************************************************' winWidth=800 winHeight=600 window.resizeto winWidth,winHeight centerX=(screen.width-winWidth)/2 centerY=(screen.height-winHeight)/2 window.moveto centerX,centerY posX=0 posY=0 move=0 '******************************************************************************' ' Function for Dragging Window ' '******************************************************************************' Function setPos() posX=window.event.screenX posY=window.event.ScreenY move=1 End Function Function moving() If move=1 Then moveX=0 moveY=0 moveX=window.event.screenX-posX moveY=window.event.screenY-posY window.moveto(window.screenLeft+moveX),(window.screenTop+moveY) setPos() End if End Function Function stopMoving() move=0 End Function '******************************************************************************' ' Function to Close HTA ' '******************************************************************************' Function closeHTA() self.close End Function '******************************************************************************' ' Validate Variables ' '******************************************************************************' Sub runValidation If varPanel = 1 Then If ComputerName.value = "" Then msgbox("Please Enter a Computer Name") ElseIf Username.value = "" Then msgbox("Please Enter a Username") Else runInstall End If ElseIf varPanel = 2 Then runRefresh ElseIf varPanel = 3 Then runBackup End If End Sub '******************************************************************************' ' Configure Task Sequence Variables ' '******************************************************************************' Sub runInstall 'msgbox("Test: " & varPanel)' '************************************************************' ' Image Version ' '************************************************************' If ImageChoice.value = "1" Then oTSEnvironment("swn_OSPicker") = "Win7EntSP1x64" 'msgbox("OSImage Picker: " & oTSEnvironment("swn_OSPicker"))' End If '************************************************************' ' Computer Name ' '************************************************************' oTSEnvironment("OSDComputerName") = computername.value 'msgbox("ComputerName TSValue: " & oTSEnvironment("OSDCOMPUTERNAME"))' '************************************************************' ' AD OU ' '************************************************************' If ADOU.value = "1" Then oTSEnvironment("swn_ADOU") = "laptops" 'msgbox("AD OU TSValue: " & oTSEnvironment("swn_ADOU"))' ElseIf ADOU.value = "2" Then oTSEnvironment("swn_ADOU") = "laptopsnouac" 'msgbox("AD OU TSValue: " & oTSEnvironment("swn_ADOU"))' ElseIf ADOU.value = "3" Then oTSEnvironment("swn_ADOU") = "desktops" 'msgbox("AD OU TSValue: " & oTSEnvironment("swn_ADOU"))' ElseIf ADOU.value = "4" Then oTSEnvironment("swn_ADOU") = "desktopsnouac" 'msgbox("AD OU TSValue: " & oTSEnvironment("swn_ADOU"))' ElseIf ADOU.value = "5" Then oTSEnvironment("swn_ADOU") = "vdiworkstations" 'msgbox("AD OU TSValue: " & oTSEnvironment("swn_ADOU"))' End If '************************************************************' ' Set Primary User ' '************************************************************' oTSEnvironment("SMSTSUdaUsers") = Username.value '************************************************************' ' Job Role Picker ' '************************************************************' ' For Each oJobRole in rJobRole' ' If oJobRole.Checked Then' ' oTSEnvironment("swn_JobRole") = oJobRole.value' ' msgbox("You slected " & oJobRole.value & ".")' ' End If' ' Next' '************************************************************' ' Applications - Non-Licensed ' '************************************************************' '************************************************************' ' Applications - Licensed ' '************************************************************' closeHTA() End Sub Sub runRefresh msgbox("Test" & varPanel) End Sub Sub runBackup msgbox("Test" & varPanel) End Sub '******************************************************************************' ' Dump Variables ' '******************************************************************************' Sub dumpvariables Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(logHTA,8,True) For each varTSVar in oTSEnvironment.GetVariables objFile.WriteLine varTSVar & " = " & oTSEnvironment(varTSVar) Next objFile.Close End Sub '******************************************************************************' ' Panel Browsing - Change page and set variables ' '******************************************************************************' Sub setPanel1 Panel(1) varPanel = 1 End Sub Sub setPanel2 Panel(2) varPanel = 2 End Sub Sub setPanel3 Panel(3) varPanel = 3 End Sub </script> <script type="text/javascript"> '******************************************************************************' ' Panel Switching ' '******************************************************************************' var panels = new Array("","panel1","panel2","panel3"); 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No backups or user data migration will occur on the machine. </div> <div id="divbodysub"> <label for="ImageName">Choose the OS Image:</label> <select id="ImageName" class="inputfields" tabindex="1" name="ImageChoice" size="1"> <option value="1">Win 7 Ent x64</option> </select><img class="helpbutton" src="images/help.png"images/Metrostation/MB_0011_info3_blue.png"" width="16" height="16" alt="Choose the image to use"> <script type="text/javascript">ImageName.focus();</script> </div> <div id="divbodysub" style="float:left"> <div id="divcontainersplit"> <div class="containertitle"> Computer Information </div> <div class="divcontainersub"> <label for="ComputerName">Computer Name:</label> <input id="ComputerName" class="inputfields" name="ComputerName" tabindex="2" type="text" size="57" maxlength="15" disabled="true"> </div> <div class="divcontainersub"> <label for="ADOU">Active Directory OU:</label> <select id="ADOU" class="inputfields" tabindex="3" name="ADOU" size="1" style="width:278px;"> <option value="1">Laptops</option> <option value="2">Desktops</option> <option value="3">Servers</option> </select> </div> <div id="divcontainersplit"> <div class="containertitle"> Locale </div> <div class="divcontainersub"> <label for="ADOU">Select Region:</label> <select id="ADOU" class="inputfields" tabindex="3" name="ADOU" size="1" style="width:278px;"> <option value="1">Scotland</option> <option value="2">Wales</option> <option value="3">Ireland</option> <option value="4">England</option> </select> </div> </div> <div id="divcontainersplit"> <div class="containertitle"> Locale </div> <div class="divcontainersub"> <label for="ADOU">Select Region:</label> <select id="ADOU" class="inputfields" tabindex="3" name="ADOU" size="1" style="width:278px;"> <option value="1">London</option> <option value="2">Manchester</option> </select> </div> </div> <div id="divcontainersplit"> <div class="containertitle"> User Information </div> <div class="divcontainersub"> <label for="Username">Domain\Username:</label> <input id="Username" class="inputfields" name="Username" tabindex="4" type="text" size="55"/> </div> <div class="divcontainersub"> <div> Job Role: </div> <div class="divcontainersub"> The username entered in the above field will determine what role based applications are installed based on the Job Role collection they are apart of.</li> </div> </div> </div> <div id="divbodysub"> <div id="divcontainer" > <div class="containertitle"> Applications - Non-Licensed </div> <div class="divcontainersub"> <!-- <input type="checkbox" name="7zip" value="7zip" tabindex="9">7-zip <input type="checkbox" name="iTunes" value="iTunes" tabindex="10">iTunes --> </div> </div> </div> <div id="divbodysub"> <div id="divcontainer" > <div class="containertitle"> Applications - Licensed </div> <div class="divcontainersub"> <!-- <input type="checkbox" name="AdobeAcro9Pro" value="AdobeAcro9Pro" tabindex="51">Adobe Acrobat v9 Pro <input type="checkbox" name="Cygnet8" value="Cygnet8" tabindex="52">Cygnet v8 --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END Install Page --> <!-- BEGIN Refresh Page --> <div id="panel2" class="bodypanel" style="display:none;"> <div id="divbodysub"> Description: This page is for the reinstallation of an OS to a machine that has been previously imaged. This process gives some options for data backup. </div> <div id="divbodysub"> <label for="ImageName">Choose the OS Image:</label> <select id="ImageName" class="inputfields" tabindex="1" name="ImageName" size="1"> <option value="1">Win 7 Ent x64</option> <option value="2">Other</option> </select><img class="helpbutton" src="images/help.png" width="15" height="15" alt="Choose the image to use"> </div> </div> <!-- END Refresh Page --> <!-- BEGIN Backup Page --> <div id="panel3" class="bodypanel" style="display:none;"> Backup </div> </div> <!-- END Backup Page --> <div id="divbottomnav"> <div id="bottomnav"> <ul> <li onclick="close ()"><a href="#" tabindex="1001">Quit</a></li> <li onClick="runValidation"><a href="#" tabindex="1000">Run</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="divfooter"> <div> <img id="logo2" src="images/logo/sublogo.png" /> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>-
- Computername
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