Hi Guy's this is just a simple question, and maybe someone can help me with some tips and suggestions. I have been trying to deploy/capture an XP image from a HP DC7900 ultra-slim form PC. I have deployed images before with RIS with no problems, but now I am trying to use WDS to image and deploy to the aforementioned PC's.
I have follwed the instructions on this site, I have even managed to inject the NIC drivers, unfortunately I am still trying to find the correct ones.
A couple of questions to start with;
1- if I want to capture an XP machine, does it have to have the pre-installed version of XP, the one that is on the recovery disc, or can I use any ISO version?
2- has anyone successfully captured and deployed an XP machine? if so how did you do it?
Sorry to be a pain, but I have serched the net for this but everything thing seems to be on deploying Vista or Server 2008....
Any help would be appreciated