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Sokoban last won the day on June 29 2016

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  1. Hi Find it ( if anyone is interestered ) Windows Setup failed with hexadecimal exit code 0x80070652 (decimal 2147944018). To identify the type of issue, lookup it against the table of known values of Windows Setup errors online. = Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install.
  2. Hi I have got same error on several machines when I have done Task Sequences Windows 10 22H2 Upgrade from Windows 10 1903 The error messages is in SMST.log --> "Windows Setup failed with hexadecimal exit code 0x80070652 (decimal 2147944018). To identify the type of issue, lookup it against the table of known values of Windows Setup errors online. OSDUpgradeWindows 04-09-2023 16:10:29 39084 (0x98AC) Failing this task sequence step OSDUpgradeWindows 04-09-2023 16:10:29 39084 (0x98AC) upgrade.Run(), HRESULT=80004005 (K:\dbs\sh\cmgm\1125_114522\cmd\1w\src\client\OsDeployment\UpgradeWindows\upgradewindows.cpp,1881) OSDUpgradeWindows 04-09-2023 16:10:29 39084 (0x98AC) Exiting with code 0x80004005 OSDUpgradeWindows 04-09-2023 16:10:29 39084 (0x98AC) Process completed with exit code 2147500037 TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) Failed to run the action: Upgrade Operating System. Error -2147467259 TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) Not in SSL. TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionRetCode=-2147467259 TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionName=Upgrade Operating System TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionSucceeded=false TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) Clear local default environment TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) Let the parent group (Upgrade the Operating System) decides whether to continue execution TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) The execution of the group (Upgrade the Operating System) has failed and the execution has been aborted. An action failed. Error 0x80004004 TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) Failed to run the last action: Upgrade Operating System. Result -2147467259. Execution of task sequence failed. TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:29 42592 (0xA660) Not in SSL. TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:30 42592 (0xA660) Showing task sequence error message after failure in task sequence step of type 'SMS_TaskSequence_UpgradeOperatingSystemAction' TSManager 04-09-2023 16:10:30 42592 (0xA660) Task Sequence Engine failed! Code: enExecutionFail TSManager 04-09-2023 16:25:37 42592 (0xA660) TSManager 04-09-2023 16:25:37 42592 (0xA660) Task sequence execution failed with error code 80004005 TSManager 04-09-2023 16:25:37 42592 (0xA660)" The task sequence manager could not successfully complete execution of the task sequence Error Messages 11170... I have done that : Check the SMSTS.log file for more information about the error. Look for any error messages that may provide more details about the issue. See below Verify that the computer has sufficient disk space to perform the upgrade. Ensure that there is enough free space on the system drive to accommodate the upgrade. 33 GB in C Free Check the network connectivity between the client computer and the Configuration Manager server. Ensure that the client computer can communicate with the server and that there are no network issues. The client can ping the SCCM Server Verify that the user account running the task sequence has the necessary permissions to perform the upgrade. Ensure that the account has administrative privileges on the client computer. Missing Network Access Account in SCCM ( it is needed ? ) Check if any antivirus or firewall software is blocking the upgrade process. Disable any antivirus or firewall software temporarily and try running the task sequence again. The clients is running Windows Defender Ensure that the necessary files and drivers are available on the client computer. Verify that the required drivers and files are present on the client computer and that they are accessible. How will I checked that ? Remotely ?? Please help ! // Sokoban
  3. HI I have solved that ... I uninstalled all Features and installed them again .. Thanks all support ?
  4. Property(S): SOURCEDIR = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\ Property(S): SourcedirProduct = {D0D952FC-4D3D-40F9-A4AA-649E398238F4} Property(S): ProductToBeRegistered = 1 MSI (s) (0C:48) [20:16:08:841]: Note: 1: 1708 MSI (s) (0C:48) [20:16:08:841]: Product: BGB http proxy -- Installation operation failed. MSI (s) (0C:48) [20:16:08:842]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: BGB http proxy. Product Version: 5.00.9068.1000. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: 1603. MSI (s) (0C:48) [20:16:08:847]: Deferring clean up of packages/files, if any exist MSI (s) (0C:48) [20:16:08:847]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603 MSI (s) (0C:04) [20:16:08:849]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed. MSI (s) (0C:04) [20:16:08:849]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
  5. Hi I have problem with the Management Point in SCCM I have trying uninstall and install again Management Point .. Still same error .. and I haven't CCMSETUP Installed on the SCCM server. I have that features installed: Remote differential compression BITS IIS 6 WMI Compatibility <Sat Mar 5 18:35:43 2022> bgbisapi.msi exited with return code: 1603 <Sat Mar 5 18:35:43 2022> Backing up C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\bgbisapiMSI.log to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\bgbisapiMSI.log.LastError <Sat Mar 5 18:35:43 2022> Fatal MSI Error - bgbisapi.msi could not be installed. Please Help // Sokoban
  6. Sorry , I don't understand your explanation, Something like that ? Can you send my link or something, that showing the process ?
  7. Thanks :-)... but can you show me a example , i'm not sure if understand your solution ... // Jonas
  8. Hi Thanks for your answer, I'm not sure you understand my question. Maybe I explain little bit unclear. I want to make that statement.. IF that OU = AAA Copy Files from \\Server\Folder\A IF That OU = BBB copy files from \\Server\Folder\B ... etc... It is possible to do that in Task Sequence ?
  9. Selcted OU will copy the files I want my selected OU will copy files to WMS folder in the desktop. And here is the selected OU choose the filepath. How will I do that ?
  10. Disable the secure Boot, App-V 1703 – Known issue with App-V Sequencer | blog.hosebei.ch
  11. Hi It have nothing about SCCM to do. Orca is program you can use to see info about your msi file before you install it, saving lot a time https://www.technipages.com/download-orca-msi-editor // Sokoban
  12. Hi I have a MDT deploy for both Windows 10 and Windows 7, without SCCM I have also a deployment database there is all info about like, computername and MAC address etc.. The problem is then I trying to start a deploy with PXE boot , wont the deployment database start to do a collect to the client, the deployment running without info from Database and then the deployment is finish. The error message is about access denied or database is not exist. It have works before and SQL database is running .. How will I do to troubleshooting that ? Sokoban
  13. I have solved that, I have done a common Backup of MDT database from the old SQL Server and then a restore to the new sql server.
  14. Hi I have install a MDT to a new server and I will transfer CSV files after I have Export from the old server. How will I do to do that ? I have three files, like :- Computers Roles Make and Model Please help :-) ---- S-O-K-O-B-A-N -----
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