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  1. Actually I didn't change anything at first but somehow I was not able to make it worked. Because msgbox coming empty, I thought it could not get the title, message values from TS. Then I decided to change the PS file and enter the custom message, title in the ps file, instead of fetching from TS. It works now. Here is the PS file I am using. Thanks. [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("This is the first line of your msg. `nThis is the second line of the msg", "This is the Title of Msg Box", [Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK, [Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Warning) Exit 0
  2. Ups, I just noticed my cmd line is wrong. Changing "-ExecutionPolic y bypass" to "-ExecutionPolicy bypass" fixed it. Now message box pops up but there is no title and message.
  3. Hi, I reviewed the how to article over and over again but my task sequence fails with the error : Failed to run the action: Display Custom Message. Incorrect function. (Error: 00000001; Source: Windows) This is my cmd line: ServiceUI.exe -process:TSProgressUI.exe %windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolic y bypass -nologo -file DisplayCustomMessage.ps1 I tried disabling 64-bit file system redirection and it didn't work. I copied ServiceUI.exe for 32bits to the package folder as you mentioned. smsts.log: Downloaded file from http://srvsccm2012.domain.edu.local:443/nocert_sms_dp_smspkg$/isu00150/sccm?/ServiceUI.exe to C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\ISU00150\ServiceUI.exe InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:51 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) VerifyContentHash: Hash algorithm is 32780 InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:51 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Content successfully downloaded at C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\ISU00150. InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:51 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Resolved source to 'C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\ISU00150' InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:51 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %* InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:51 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Set command line: Run command line InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:51 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Working dir 'C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\ISU00150' InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:51 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Executing command line: Run command line InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:51 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Process completed with exit code 1 InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) ======================= InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Matched Processes InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) ======================= InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Process Found: [TsProgressUI.exe] ID [11208] SESSION [5] InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) ======================= InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Logon Lookup InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) ======================= InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) [winlogon.exe] Session: [5] PID [12604] [Target Session [5] = Match] InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) ======================= InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Launch Process InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) ======================= InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Program to launch : [C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe] InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Command line : [C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolic y bypass -nologo -file DisplayCustomMessage.ps1] InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Process launching with PID [8036] InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Process exit code [1] InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) ======================= InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Exiting with [1] InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) ======================= InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Command line "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\ISU00150\ServiceUI.exe" -process:TSProgressUI.exe C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolic y bypass -nologo -file DisplayCustomMessage.ps1 returned 1 InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) ReleaseSource() for C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\ISU00150. InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) reference count 1 for the source C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\ISU00150 before releasing InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Released the resolved source C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\ISU00150 InstallSoftware 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 3272 (0x0CC8) Process completed with exit code 1 TSManager 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 10276 (0x2824) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! TSManager 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 10276 (0x2824) Failed to run the action: Display Custom Message. Incorrect function. (Error: 00000001; Source: Windows) TSManager 10/22/2018 9:22:58 AM 10276 (0x2824) This is my TS:
  4. I found Niall's answer on Technet forums for my question https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/fd298e93-079e-4018-bbe9-e6c4653c19f3/where-is-scriptroot?forum=configmgrgeneral Thanks Niall
  5. Hi, I followed this guide and everything went as explained in the tutorial. Now under the MDTToolkit Folder I have folders such as Applications, Captures, Operatings Systems, Scripts, Out-of-Box-Drivers and so on. So I guess my deployment share is the folder named MDTToolkit. When I start Deployment Workbench, there is no deployment share connected to Deployment Workbench. Should I connect it manually, or can I just use MDTToolkit folder as my deployment share. I am asking this because in my OSD TS, I need to add a run command line step to add wifi profile and in "Start in" option I need to specify "%deployroot%\Applications\wifi.xml" location. I need to make sure my deployroot is the folder named MDTToolKit folder. I hope I could explained what I am trying to do.
  6. In this article, you didn't create a reference image or you didn't capture image. You directly used DVD resource for deployment. In this video, (at 4min), they are saying we have to create a reference image for windows 10 deployment. Q1: Are they wrong or an update brought this feature and we don't need a reference image anymore? Q2: Does "Using DVD resource" bring any limitation?
  7. I checked my SMSPXE.log and it was showing errors: PXE::MP_InitializeTransport failed; 0x80004005 SMSPXE PXE::MP_LookupDevice failed; 0x80004005 SMSPXE PXE::MP_InitializeTransport failed; 0x80004005 SMSPXE PXE::MP_ReportStatus failed; 0x80004005 SMSPXE PXE Provider failed to process message. Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows) SMSPXE I checked DP properties for certificate under the general tab. Create self signed certificate was selected, I just specified to use a PKI certificate instead of a self-signed certificate. Now PXE boot works.
  8. Hi, I am running SCCM 2012 R2 Sp1 CU2 and getting the error below: The Windows Boot Configuration Data file does not contain a valid Operating system entry. Ensure that the server has boot images installed for this architecture. error 0x0000098 Any ideas?
  9. you are the best! Now I can go ahead and read the following post: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/topic/12873-how-can-i-deploy-windows-10-enterprise-x64-with-mdt-2013-update-1-integrated-with-system-center-2012-r2-sp1-configuration-manager/
  10. Hi, Thanks for your great articles! I have never worked on MDT before, so my question might be silly. Here it is; First I upgraded from 2012 R2 SP1 to 2012 R2 SP1 CU1 Uninstalled WAIK 8.1 Installed WADK10 as told Installed MDT 2013 Update 1 Now I dont see the custom boot images (In your article they are named as MDT 2013 Boot Image) and thinking maybe I did something wrong. Do we need to install MDT 2013 before installing MDT 2013 Update 1? Why I dont have those boot images? Thanks
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