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    Melbourne, Australia

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  1. Sounds great and look forward to it, And regarding the firewall ports? I'm using the step by step as a rough guide to build a new preview lab with Server 2019, SQL 2019 and Tech Preview config manager / ADK insider builds. I like to live dangerous Cheers Mark
  2. Hi Nial, I noticed this is a little dated, are you planning to update this for SQL 2019? I've also noticed that your scripts configure a lot more things like more firewall rules ect.. than the "do it your-self" method has. Are the extra firewall rules in the script needed or are the optional? Cheers Mark
  3. yes we have it working win PE10 and had to add the intel USB 3 drivers and intel I219LM nic drivers to win PE as well as have it in the driver packs for the HP 800 G2 we have 4 driver packs for all the different OS we support win 7 x86, win 7x64, win 8.1 x64 and win 10 x64
  4. What's the easiest way to clear tpm when a vendor has disabled all wmi ppi options for clearing tpm without physical presence in the bios and their bios config tool also does not work. Step by step no mbam just ad ds
  5. Win 7 x64 also requires usb 3 controller drivers, we have this model working for Win 7, 8.1 and 10 x64 OSD's However if you have switchable gfx enabled in bios then you will need to install the intel gfx drivers first and then stage the amd or NVidia gfx drivers as a package afterwards. Also note this model does not support win 7 x86.
  6. Not sure I need to put any drivers in the Boot image since I checked Ipconfig as well as disk part once WInPE 10 was loaded, which also lead me to believe that I would not need a driver pack for the win 10 OS build before capture. But im assuming I can slot a deploy driver pack step in the TS somewhere if you think this will help ?
  7. I've attached a steps record of my build and capture task sequence please have a look and let me know if it looks OK. Not sure what network issues there could be, the DC looks like it's performing as it should be and not having any problems with DHCP or DNS they are just lab VM's. Perhaps I missed some firewall settings along the way ? I can take some screenshots of any other settings that may be the issue. Win 10 build and capture lab.zip
  8. Yes on a vmware workstation setup. My sccm and ad dc vm's are also running on the same workstation host and the dc is set up for dhcp and dns.
  9. I found some time to look at the link posted about the bug but say it's fixed in 1602 which I have, The log is attached smsts.log
  10. Sounds like this may be heading in the right track, will post the log tonight
  11. I can't seem to find a clear noob process to Build and Capture Windows 10 in sccm (Current Branch)??? Is one on the way ? I've tried the win7 sccm 2012 process but it fails after Prepare Configuration Manager Client step and just loads into the os without capturing it.
  12. Wanting to Set up my first home lab and I'm looking for some good guides for setting up the DHCP sever on the DC and TFTP for pxe boot ?
  13. I'm really confused as to why MS would go down this path and not just use wsus for this? I'm guessing this will replace wsus for everything else at some point ? Also in 1602 you can simply right click on Updates and servicing found under Administrator > Cloud Services and click the check for updated button
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