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Scott Schaaf

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Everything posted by Scott Schaaf

  1. Hi, Has this problem been resolved? We had this same problem. After several calls to MS my homeslice and I got it working. Identifed 2 machines Stopped the CCMEXEC service on the client Deleted the SMS certificates (if any) Deleted SMSCFG.ini Ran the sql query using both machine names to clean the db. (see below) Uninstalled the Client using ccmsetup.exe /uninstall Reinstalled the client. Run this query on the DB server. If you have dups, this will confirm it. Replace "computername" with the problem device and execute. select * from System_DISC where Name0 like '%computername%' In order to delete duplicate guids, run this.Replace "computername" with the problem device. DECLARE @Name VARCHAR(25) SET @Name = 'compuername' DELETE FROM SYSTEM_DISC WHERE Name0 = @Name DELETE FROM ClientKeyData WHERE SMSID IN (SELECT SMS_Unique_Identifier0 FROM SYSTEM_DISC WHERE Name0 =@Name) DELETE FROM MachineIdGroupXRef WHERE MachineID IN (SELECT ItemKey FROM SYSTEM_DISC WHERE Name0 = @Name) DELETE FROM System_AUX_Info WHERE Netbios_Name0 = @Name DELETE FROM ImportedMachineIdentity WHERE ItemKey IN (SELECT ItemKey FROM SYSTEM_DISC WHERE Name0 = @Name) Good luck...What a pain in the the #$#$ this was!
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