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  1. Same with 1903...good QA MS. HP SMART was another app holding up the process.
  2. This may help. Some of the paths may have changed but the file names are still the same. https://kickthatcomputer.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/endpoint-protection-log-locations/ And https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/core/plan-design/hierarchy/log-files#BKMK_EPLog
  3. And update for 1709 capture. Remove the following apps: All games. News Paid WiFi Caller Skype Print 3D Weather XBox Live.
  4. @TrialandError that was it. Thank you!
  5. I forgot to add that if create an "Apply Driver Package" task in a deployment only the current driver packages appear.
  6. Strange issue I cannot find any posts about. I deleted some obsolete driver packages, then the drivers, and then the data files and they still appear in the Task Sequence deployment. Tried a few different script out there to delete driver packages and the did not see them either. Restarts and no success in removing them from the TS Deployment. Server: Windows 2012 R2 SCCM CB 1702, WADK 10.1.15063, MDT 6.3.8443.1000, and SQL 2014 in 2012 mode Thank you.
  7. To answer my own question it did allow me to add the whole file name but it never showed up in the InventoryAgent.log. Instead I got the requestor to nail down a folder I am we entered the file extension and selected a path to where it should be.
  8. Hello, In the Software inventory > Inventory these file types is it allowable to enter a file name instead of a file extension? We would like to search for ThisNamed.dll and not all *.dll's. Thank you.
  9. Same problem here, removed Sway, RemoteDesktop, and Eclipse app and the capture worked. Really wish MS would clean up stupid stuff like this.
  10. Hello, I need some collection help lease. I am trying to make a collection of machines that have a specific software product and all three of the hotfixes. The result is zero which I know is not true since I have a couple test VM's with all 4 items. Thank you.
  11. Thank you! One day WDS and SCCM will be a little more intuitive.
  12. loon

    Report 06A Question

    Thank you, got it to work: declare @Loc_Publisher nvarchar(1000) declare @Loc_ProductName nvarchar(1000) declare @Loc_Version nvarchar(1000) if(ISNULL(@Publisher, N'') = N'') select @Loc_Publisher = N'' else select @Loc_Publisher = N'%' + @Publisher + N'%' if(ISNULL(@ProductName, N'') = N'') select @Loc_ProductName = N'' else select @Loc_ProductName = N'%' + @ProductName + N'%' if(ISNULL(@Version, N'') = N'') select @Loc_Version = N'' else select @Loc_Version = @Version + N'%' if ISNULL(@NumberOfRows, 0) <= 0 SELECT @NumberOfRows = 0 IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#TempMemb_Soft06A') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TempMemb_Soft06A CREATE TABLE #TempMemb_Soft06A(ResourceID int, PRIMARY KEY(ResourceID)) INSERT #TempMemb_Soft06A(ResourceID) select distinct v_FullCollectionMembership_Alias.ResourceID FROM fn_rbac_FullCollectionMembership(@UserSIDs) v_FullCollectionMembership_Alias inner join fn_rbac_R_System_Valid(@UserSIDs) v_R_System_Valid_Alias ON v_R_System_Valid_Alias.ResourceID = v_FullCollectionMembership_Alias.ResourceID where CollectionID = @CollectionID select TOP(convert(bigint,@NumberOfRows)) NormalizedName as [Product Name], NormalizedPublisher as [Publisher], NormalizedVersion as [Version], FamilyName as [Family Name], CategoryName as [Category Name], UninstallString0 as [uninstall String], count(ResourceID) as [instance Count], @CollectionID as [Collection ID] from ( Select ResourceID, v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedName, v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedPublisher, dbo.fn_TrimVersionTail(v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedVersion, 2) as [NormalizedVersion], v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.FamilyName, v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.CategoryName, v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.UninstallString0 from fn_rbac_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED(@UserSIDs) v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias Where v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.ResourceID IN ( select ResourceID FROM #TempMemb_Soft06A ) AND (@Loc_ProductName = '' OR v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedName like @Loc_ProductName) and (@Loc_Publisher ='' OR v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedPublisher like @Loc_Publisher) and (@Loc_Version ='' OR v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedVersion like @Loc_Version ) ) S_Data group by FamilyName, CategoryName, UninstallString0, NormalizedName, NormalizedPublisher, NormalizedVersion order by [instance Count] desc DROP TABLE #TempMemb_Soft06A
  13. loon

    Report 06A Question

    Yes it is and I ordered the "book" too.
  14. loon

    Report 06A Question

    Sorry for got to add that, yes I did.
  15. loon

    Report 06A Question

    Thank you Garth. I added the UninstallString in the Query Designer and my tests failed. Below are the changes I added. declare @Loc_Publisher nvarchar(1000) declare @Loc_ProductName nvarchar(1000) declare @Loc_Version nvarchar(1000) if(ISNULL(@Publisher, N'') = N'') select @Loc_Publisher = N'' else select @Loc_Publisher = N'%' + @Publisher + N'%' if(ISNULL(@ProductName, N'') = N'') select @Loc_ProductName = N'' else select @Loc_ProductName = N'%' + @ProductName + N'%' if(ISNULL(@Version, N'') = N'') select @Loc_Version = N'' else select @Loc_Version = @Version + N'%' if ISNULL(@NumberOfRows, 0) <= 0 SELECT @NumberOfRows = 0 IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#TempMemb_Soft06A') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TempMemb_Soft06A CREATE TABLE #TempMemb_Soft06A(ResourceID int, PRIMARY KEY(ResourceID)) INSERT #TempMemb_Soft06A(ResourceID) select distinct v_FullCollectionMembership_Alias.ResourceID FROM fn_rbac_FullCollectionMembership(@UserSIDs) v_FullCollectionMembership_Alias inner join fn_rbac_R_System_Valid(@UserSIDs) v_R_System_Valid_Alias ON v_R_System_Valid_Alias.ResourceID = v_FullCollectionMembership_Alias.ResourceID where CollectionID = @CollectionID select TOP(convert(bigint,@NumberOfRows)) NormalizedName as [Product Name], NormalizedPublisher as [Publisher], NormalizedVersion as [Version], FamilyName as [Family Name], CategoryName as [Category Name], UninstallString as [uninstall String], count(ResourceID) as [instance Count], @CollectionID as [Collection ID] from ( Select ResourceID, v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedName, v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedPublisher, dbo.fn_TrimVersionTail(v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedVersion, 2) as [NormalizedVersion], v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.FamilyName, v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.CategoryName, v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.UninstallString from fn_rbac_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED(@UserSIDs) v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias Where v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.ResourceID IN ( select ResourceID FROM #TempMemb_Soft06A ) AND (@Loc_ProductName = '' OR v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedName like @Loc_ProductName) and (@Loc_Publisher ='' OR v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedPublisher like @Loc_Publisher) and (@Loc_Version ='' OR v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED_Alias.NormalizedVersion like @Loc_Version ) ) S_Data group by FamilyName, CategoryName, UninstallString, NormalizedName, NormalizedPublisher, NormalizedVersion order by [instance Count] desc DROP TABLE #TempMemb_Soft06A
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