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  1. Hi guys, finally I managed to solve this puzzle. In configuration.mof file, somebody has put in the //Physical Memory and // Physical Memory Array classes, but they weren't compatible. So I deleted them from mof file and HInv started to work. Thank you both for your contribution!
  2. Hi one more question: If I select top 1000 rows in a table dbo.HinvMOFs I see this: But when I try to edit top 200 rows I get this: The SMS_DEF.MOF.XML is empty, and also I cannot edit it? Also if I copy the MOF text from the first image, this text ends with: <InventoryClass SmsClassID="MICROSOFT|DRIVER_VXD|1.0" Name="Win32_DriverVXD" SmsReport="False" SmsGroupName="Driver - VxD" Namespace="\\.\root\cimv2"> <Properties> <Property Name="BuildNumber" /> <Property Name="Caption" /> <Property Name="CodeSet" /> <Property Name="Control" /> <Property Name="Description" /> <Property Name="DeviceDescrip It seems, that the SMS_DEF.MOF is missing some statements. How can I fix that?
  3. I have also found an old sms_def.mof file from 2015, but I am unable to import it to Default client settings. Also it appears that this older mof file is healthy, because there are great differences between older and current one. But the issue is that this 2015 .mof file could not be compiled, I receive error: error SYNTAX 0X8004400a: Unexpected token at file scope Compiler returned error 0x8004400a
  4. Hi, thanks for the hint, but still the same. I just opened PolicySpy and found this policy to be in error in Requested Policies\Machine\Configuration\CCM_Policy_Policy5: Everything looks fine with both .mof files.
  5. Hi Sherry, I found 5 bak files dating 3 years back and 5 bad.bak dated last year. Tried them all, but all they do is remove Hardware inventory action from CM Applet. When copying them to hinv folder I see Warning in dataldr.log: Warning - could not get current time/date/crc of C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\clifiles.src\hinv\configuration.mof (retry later) When applying back the original configuration.mof file I receive error on applying 2 policies in PolicyEvaluator.log: <![LOG[Failed to compile action '{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}' in policy '{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}' Namespace: \\.\ROOT\ccm\Policy\Machine\RequestedConfig Compiler Error: Phase 3, Object: 116, Error: 80041002 Action Data: instance of InventoryAction { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{f828070c-65cd-4db2-bf3c-66351fd83e55}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; DefaultTimeout = 600000; ReportTimeout = 4838400; Description = "Hardware"; ReportType = "Delta"; ReportDestination = "mp:MP_HinvEndpoint"; InventoryActionLastUpdateTime = "20181019064204.000000+000"; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{3597d572-2cc6-4662-a2a2-41cce07aa4d5}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "CCM_System"; DataItemID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0001-000000000009}"; Namespace = "\\\\.\\root\\ccm\\invagt"; Properties = "Name, SMSID, Domain, SystemRole, SystemType, LocalDateTime"; Timeout = 600000; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{3f5f9f20-873f-4184-b1ea-ca9e7998f55a}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "Win32Reg_SMSGuestVirtualMachine64"; DataItemID = "{00ABACED-2403-48CE-8CD0-FE646F2285B6}"; Namespace = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"; Properties = "InstanceKey, PhysicalHostName, PhysicalHostNameFullyQualified"; Timeout = 600000; Context = { instance of InventoryDataContext { Name = "__ProviderArchitecture"; Type = "3"; Value = {"64"}; }, instance of InventoryDataContext { Name = "__RequiredArchitecture"; Type = "11"; Value = {"true"}; }}; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{7f377e36-c89a-4148-b0f0-632d34d58ec2}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "Win32_SystemEnclosure"; DataItemID = "{03637D1A-8101-4CC6-A883-4F9D7F7C6373}"; Namespace = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"; Properties = "ChassisTypes, Manufacturer, Model, SerialNumber, SMBIOSAssetTag, Tag"; Timeout = 600000; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{a34ab104-72c3-41f1-94d4-6bf473e8de78}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "SMS_Windows8Application"; DataItemID = "{1558682F-ABD5-4C7D-AAD7-06A7FF63836D}"; Namespace = "root\\cimv2\\sms"; Properties = "ApplicationName, Architecture, ConfigMgrManaged, DependencyApplicationNames, FamilyName, FullName, InstalledLocation, IsFramework, Publisher, PublisherId, Version"; Timeout = 600000; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{71fb3169-4921-4faa-98c8-dbb528bd9323}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "SMS_PowerSettings"; DataItemID = "{1611EA8E-1853-4CB7-83CF-8C76BB0C2D28}"; Namespace = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\sms"; Properties = "ACSettingIndex, ACValue, DCSettingIndex, DCValue, GUID, Name, UnitSpecifier"; Timeout = 600000; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{7272dc48-808d-4ffc-aa51-aa85e1023375}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "Win32Reg_SMSAdvancedClientSSLConfiguration"; DataItemID = "{16C6E5B9-419A-4AB8-9210-A7866EA426D8}"; Namespace = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"; Properties = "CertificateSelectionCriteria, CertificateStore, ClientAlwaysOnInternet, HttpsStateFlags, InstanceKey, InternetMPHostName, SelectFirstCertificate"; Timeout = 600000; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{19526d16-fe41-4a12-8e27-0979bbe0f549}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "Win32_SCSIController"; DataItemID = "{1AFBE4CD-B154-4169-9A3C-78BAB8CA2981}"; Namespace = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"; Properties = "Availability, Description, DeviceID, DriverName, HardwareVersion, Index, Manufacturer, Name, Status"; Timeout = 600000; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{50461aa0-422e-455f-879a-fa39c9f4790f}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "SMS_Processor"; DataItemID = "{2403F3C1-A2A9-4F6D-AF0A-3C670CCB3826}"; Namespace = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\sms"; Properties = "AddressWidth, BrandID, CPUHash, CPUKey, DataWidth, DeviceID, Family, Is64Bit, IsHyperthreadCapable, IsMobile, IsTrustedExecutionCapable, IsVitualizationCapable, Manufacturer, MaxClockSpeed, Name, NormSpeed, NumberOfCores, NumberOfLogicalProcessors, PCache, ProcessorId, ProcessorType, Revision, SocketDesignation, Status, SystemName, Version"; Timeout = 600000; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{6793929e-4d52-4fc4-9a2a-00bcd152fd2c}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "SMS_ActiveSyncService"; DataItemID = "{259A7793-D88C-4AC9-8BC9-3AD2B128AA55}"; Namespace = "root\\SmsDm"; Properties = "LastSyncTime, MajorVersion, MinorVersion"; Timeout = 600000; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{a354c961-78b4-486f-a6eb-5320eab8bafd}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "Win32_UserProfile"; DataItemID = "{25F9D56A-307B-422D-A716-B88F1D2471A3}"; Namespace = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"; Properties = "HealthStatus, LocalPath, RoamingConfigured, RoamingPath, RoamingPreference, SID, Special, Status"; Timeout = 600000; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{a773db23-79cf-475e-9bf7-f54d5d7b4dd0}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "Win32_OptionalFeature"; DataItemID = "{2B64D89B-687E-4091-ABC5-E13E5006842E}"; Namespace = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"; Properties = "Caption, Description, InstallDate, InstallState, Name, Status"; Timeout = 600000; }; instance of InventoryDataItem { PolicyID = "{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}"; PolicyVersion = "63.00"; PolicySource = "SMS:PSM"; PolicyRuleID = "{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}"; PolicyInstanceID = "{bfb153a7-b4f5-4889-b508-53aca0c35302}"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; ItemClass = "Win32_PhysicalMemory"; DataItemID = "{2BE868B4-4CDB-4D18-B1BA-3C7A74C3B3AB}"; Namespace = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"; Properties = "BankLabel, Capacity, Caption, CreationClassName, DataWidth, Description, 1.1.1601 0:00:00 1682186272 (0x64442020) Bad policy dumped to C:\Windows\CCM\Temp\badpolicy-SMS_PSM-{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}-63.00-{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}.txt PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 19.10.2018 9:11:00 18916 (0x49E4) Already sent a policy rule application failure status message within the last 6 hours, not sending. PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 19.10.2018 9:11:00 18916 (0x49E4) Failed to apply policy rule {091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}. PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 19.10.2018 9:11:00 18916 (0x49E4) The policy CCM_Policy_Policy5.PolicyID="{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}",PolicySource="SMS:PSM",PolicyVersion="63.00" failed to compile. State has been set to 'Error' and policy will be rolled back. PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 19.10.2018 9:11:00 18916 (0x49E4) Bad policy dumped to C:\Windows\CCM\Temp\badpolicy-SMS_PSM-{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}-63.00-{091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}.txt PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 19.10.2018 9:11:00 18916 (0x49E4) Already sent a policy rule application failure status message within the last 6 hours, not sending. PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 19.10.2018 9:11:00 18916 (0x49E4) Failed to apply policy rule {091bb494-310a-4acc-8351-66ecab5e7d8a}. PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 19.10.2018 9:11:00 18916 (0x49E4) The policy CCM_Policy_Policy5.PolicyID="{bede4f4a-65f8-41f7-89bb-02b01bc5862b}",PolicySource="SMS:PSM",PolicyVersion="63.00" failed to compile. State has been set to 'Error' and policy will be rolled back. PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 19.10.2018 9:11:00 18916 (0x49E4) So what can I do about sms_def.mof file?
  6. Is sms_def.mof still used in SCCB 1806? Whre can I find it? All I see from searching are SMS_DEF.MOF.xml files
  7. Hi guys, I've been struggling with this one for over a week. I updated SCCM from 1710 to 1806. Had some trouble with AV software, but all in all the update finished with success. All components seems to be working (OS deployment, Software updates, Application Installation...). But hardware inventory just won't work, neither on workstations and neither on servers. In InventoryAgent.log there always appears the same message:Inventory: *********************** Start of message processing. *********************** InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:14 5128 (0x1408)Inventory: Message type is InventoryAction InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:14 5128 (0x1408)Inventory: Temp directory = C:\Windows\CCM\Inventory\Temp\ InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:14 5128 (0x1408)Inventory: Clearing old collected files. InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:14 5128 (0x1408)Inventory: Opening store for action {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001} ... InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:14 5128 (0x1408)CInvState::VerifyInventoryVersionNumber: Mismatch found for '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}': 15.5 vs. 0.0 InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:16 5128 (0x1408)Inventory: Version number mismatch; will do a Full report. InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:16 5128 (0x1408)Inventory: (80004005) InventoryAction does not exist () InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:16 5128 (0x1408) Raising event: [SMS_CodePage(852), SMS_LocaleID(1060)] instance of CLIMSG_HINV_ERROR_COLLECTIONFAILURE { ClientID = "GUID:B18F2F08-D6C0-488B-B82E-F6E4FE5E9479"; Data1 = "0"; Data2 = "0"; Data3 = ""; DateTime = "20181012065016.877000+000"; InventoryActionID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; MachineName = "PC328923"; ProcessID = 5652; SiteCode = "PSM"; ThreadID = 5128; }; InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:16 5128 (0x1408) CInvState:Init: ReadInventoryActionPolicy() failed: 80004005 InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:165128 (0x1408)Inventory: Initialization completed in 2.152 seconds InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:16 5128 (0x1408)Inventory: Cycle completed in 2.277 seconds InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:16 5128 (0x1408)Inventory: Action completed. InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:16 5128 (0x1408)Inventory: ************************ End of message processing. ************************ InventoryAgent 12.10.2018 8:50:16 5128 (0x1408)steps I have tried so far:- Repair CM Client- Uninstall/install Client- Created custom HINV setting and deployed, but still same error- Forced a full HW inventori via WBEM https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com...p-forcing-a-full-hardware-inventory-for-sccm/I am managing arround 4000 clients, and HINV doesn't work on any of them. Also there is no SCCM Hardware inventory task in Task Scheduler. On the other hand, software inventory works fine.Previous to the upgrade, Hardware Inventory worked.Can anyone please point me in the right direction to solve this problem.
  8. Hi, yes, there is only mentioning about: Disable database replicas for management points at primary sites: Configuration Manager cannot successfully update a primary site that has a database replica for management points enabled. Disable database replication before you:+ Create a backup of the site database to test the database upgrade. Install an update for Configuration Manager. No word on DRS, should it be enabled durring upgrade? Thanks
  9. Hi, I was wondering, how can I temporarily disable DRS in our SCCM enviroment, prior to upgrading SCCM from 1606 to 1702? Is it necessary? If someone has some instructions on how to enable/configure DRS I would be very thankful. All I can find is instructions on how to troubleshoot DRS. Thank you in advance!
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