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  1. I have set-up a task sequence to deploy a wim I have captured and all is almost good with that. I am wondering what is the best practice to add in apps after this. I have apps like adobe, flash, ie spell etc to install after the image is dropped on the box. I didn't want to add them into the wim because i wanted to make it dynamic. So, it is easy to upgrade versions of 3rd party apps. Should I just add steps in the TS or is there an easier way to do this? Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. I created a driver package for my task sequence and put all the applicable drivers in it. I put the driver package in the TS after the apply operating system. When I log into the computer after the TS successfully runs I am prompted to install the remaining drivers. I just hit next and the drivers are found automatically and installed. I want to try and avoid this step. I have attached the SMSTS.log file. DC7100smsts.log
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