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  1. Are you trying to run this script before joining the domain If you are running in windows PE, you need ADSI support in you boot.wim file
  2. I had a computer which is missing I would like to know who was the last person who login to that computer via AD. Note: the computer is not online
  3. it is not working. Task sequence finish in 3 second. it is not display the Hta menu. I have attached my smsts.log file the system restart by itself without deploying windows please help me smsts.log
  4. can anyone tell me what action should i put for re-installation how Task sequence will know which operating system to install
  5. Hi there I would like to know how can I install Sccm application in IIS manually(Or separately) other than Sccm whole setup. Note I am using SCCM 2012 r2 on windows 2012
  6. Hi there I am try to deploy image on hyper v and I am getting this error 80072efd. does anyone know how to resolve it I am attaching my smsts.log file please follow it up smsts.Log
  7. i am getting the follow while try to boot through pxe Note I am running SCCM 2012 I have distributed x86 and x64 PXE support has been setup on boot images as well as on distribution point
  8. how to add a group automatically based upon Organisation Unit for example If the computer organisation unit is "corporate" it would add to corporate group similarly If the computer organisation unit is "IT" it would add to IT group
  9. thanks for your reply but i am looking for something which is free
  10. Hi there I have created an application group and I have different organization unit (Corporate, Information Technology,..). I would like to know is there anyway to link this application group to Corporate so that any new Object (computer) will get membership automatically Note We deploy applications through based on "member of" field
  11. Is there anyway to get key directly from active directory through this script rather than MBAM Server
  12. Is there any free software or any application for IIS (other than MalikKoster) to access active directory and do some certain task
  13. Why do we need "install APPS for COMPUTER via LDAP - multiapp.xml" Is there any script which save the group membership into csv file and than we will use csv files to install applications/group
  14. Could you please let me know which user name and password I have to type Is it Domain credentials or something else
  15. I would like to install clean. but I don't know how do you setup the following task in sccm task sequence. My friend is using a script called gather local data and process rules with customsettings.ini file but i don't know how to use it For Non Existing Computer in AD Show all the task sequence Credential to use the whole process Check computer Model (if the driver exist for that model in Sccm source directory, proceed to next step) New Computer Number (Let me select the new computer number and check whether it is already exist or not) Organisation unit with drop down menu Summary before Proceed For existing Computer in AD Show only the specific task sequence ( if the computer was build as win 7 x86, show only task sequence win 7 x86) Credential to use the whole process Check computer Model (if the driver exist for that model in Sccm source directory, proceed to next step) Summary before proceed can we install AD group membership software (which is associated with the computer number) during windows deployment
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