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  1. Is the SQL service running using the built-in system accounts or an AD service account? Under "administration --> overview --> security --> Administrative Users" does the service account have the appropriate permissions there? For example, I have a service account called "domain\svc_sccm" that has "Full Administrator" permissions. If you are logged into the admin console of the server, does it connect during that interactive session? In short, these couple tests will help rule out general Windows server connectivity behavior. If the SQL still fails after validating the above, it may be something else.
  2. Yes, sccm can find this location, but like most of the links, it typically only uses a UNC. Such as "<SERVER.FQDN>\SMS_<SITECODE>\" which maps to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager" I looked at the notes you posted. Seems odd that the x86 folder appears nested inside the x64 folder, but that may be just name tags and not contain the actual wim files. When I get some time, I'll pxe boot a vm and grab my pxe file to compare.
  3. I typically have them check every day for clients (servers have their own policies). This is what I have setup. I add the "custom severity - none" option so that if there is a patch released that needs to be blocked, I can change that field on each individual patch to block it. Much easier and cleaner. Here aremy properties.
  4. Yes. List all the versions of said software (such as the Publisher 'Nitro') and the associated computers with version(s). I hope I'm not missing something that is right in front of my eyes
  5. There are many reports on software, but what I have not found is a report or method to gather a list of all computers, with a piece of vendor software, regardless of software version. For example, under asset intelligence, I can see I have multiple versions of "Nitro" (see image). What I would like to have is a list that has all the "software count" expanded to show the computer objects they are installed on. I can run other reports and do this per line and can compile the reports into a master. That is time consuming. Does anyone know if there is something oob or a custom report script where I can create this? SCCM build: 1806
  6. Typically, I go to monitoring and content status. I look for targeted and compliance. For example...I have 9 targets. If I have a package that says (9), but does not have 100% compliance, then I push it again. As for an automated script...I'm not aware of that, but it could be handy.
  7. One option may be to create an uninstall package/application for 7zip. Then "require" it for a custom collection that you added specific users/computers to. That way it will auto run in the background and remove the app.
  8. Looks like from what I can see, when you publish third-party content, the system then downloads it. In that process, if the server you are downloading from (in my case HP) throttles or pauses, after 30 seconds the connection is reset and the downloads fail. Seems to be on the larger downloads mostly. I know it is HP's servers, but I have not found a way to change the 30 second timeout for SUP downloads. Any ideas out there?
  9. I am running 1806 and have configured the "third-party software update catalogs". I can see the lists and download smaller packages. I am using the default HP list since I have HP computers. I am trying to download larger sp's; however, like usual, HP's host site keeps pausing and that causes the publish option (or downloading) to fail in the logs. Example from log: [69, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:33:22] :SyncUpdate: 'Intel Video Driver and Control Panel [15.65.5018.WS1] (Update:'00004850-0000-0000-5350-000000087555' Vendor:'HP Business Clients' Product:'Driver')' is synchronized to WSUS without content, revision to add content is required. [69, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:33:22] :SyncUpdate: Checking if certificate is registered for server pusadg216.flexco.com [69, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:33:22] :SyncUpdate: 00004850-0000-0000-5350-000000087555 - Downloading file: 'http://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp87501-88000/sp87555.exe' to 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\ISVTemp\pspw2ejp.wfz\sp87555.exe'. [82, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:33:36] :SyncUpdate: 00004850-0000-0000-5350-000000087555 - Download of is 6 percent completed. [78, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:33:51] :SyncUpdate: 00004850-0000-0000-5350-000000087555 - Download of is 12 percent completed. [83, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:34:43] :SyncUpdate: 00004850-0000-0000-5350-000000087555 - Download of is 18 percent completed. [83, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:35:13] :SyncUpdate: 00004850-0000-0000-5350-000000087555 - Download of is 24 percent completed. [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: An unexpected error ocurred attempting to download content from 'http://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp87501-88000/sp87555.exe': [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: ==================== Exception Detail Start ======================= [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: Exception type: WebException [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: Exception HRESULT: -2146233079 [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: Exception Message: The request was aborted: The request was canceled. [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: Exception source System [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: Exception TargetSite Int32 EndRead(System.IAsyncResult) [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: Stack at System.Net.ConnectStream.EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadBitsReadCallbackState(DownloadBitsState state, IAsyncResult result) --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.ISVUpdatesSyncAgent.DownloadManager.Request.<DownloadFileAsync>d__24.MoveNext() [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: ===================== Exception Detail End ======================== [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: The download request was cancelled due to timeout, verify the download can be downloaded successfully and try again. [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: WebException status : 'RequestCanceled [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: 00004850-0000-0000-5350-000000087555 - Download of update 00004850-0000-0000-5350-000000087555 failed, unable to continue [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :STATMSG: (SRVMSG_SMS_ISVUPDATES_SYNCAGENT_UPDATECONTENT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL). [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :STATMSG: (SRVMSG_SMS_ISVUPDATES_SYNCAGENT_UPDATECONTENT_FAIL). [81, PID:9488][09/06/2018 09:39:22] :SyncUpdate: 00004850-0000-0000-5350-000000087555 - Completed. Is there a way for me to download the sp patches manually and inject them into the system so that the system sees them as if it downloaded them? the issue has to do with how the URL for downloading from HP works. It is an http://ftp... link which seems to be the issue. If I go straight to Filezilla using the FTP portion, it downloads very quick. If I cannot manually inject the sp's, can I change the timeout for downloads? General searches have not yielded results I was looking for. Thanks.
  10. I manually populate that field via a script I run against my HR report monthly. The field for "managed by" requires input (whether it be via powershell, or other) to be in a specific format. I believe that the CN or username must be used. It is an odd field that does not populate with static data. For example, you will get script errors if you try to add a name to that field and the account your are trying to insert does not exist in AD. The "managed by" field must contain users who exist if you want to script.
  11. SCCM version 1802; Console 5.1802.1082.1807; Site 5.0.8634.1000 yes, I completely rebuilt my MDT OSD TS using the wizard. I did recreate the tools and settings package for the new TS.
  12. What I ended up doing was upgrading my MDT to the 6.3.8450.1000 build (as you noted). Then, I tried my non-MDT TS...it still failed. I have no clue why. So I then recreated my entire OSD MDT TS. A few small TS tweaks and it now works with the older and the current Gen5's. For my 1803 deployment, I have the "apply operating system" ts set to "use an unattended sysprep answer file" and my unattended.xml is this: ********************************************** <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State"> <OOBE> <HideWirelessSetupInOOBE>true</HideWirelessSetupInOOBE> <NetworkLocation>Work</NetworkLocation> <SkipMachineOOBE>true</SkipMachineOOBE> <SkipUserOOBE>true</SkipUserOOBE> </OOBE> </component> </settings> </unattend> ********************************************** Then, at the bottom of the auto created group called "install" (this is where the OS is applied and such). I have a "run command line" that sets the power plan so the computer does not sleep during OSD. This cmd line is: ********************************************** PowerCfg.exe /s 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c ********************************************** I apply drivers next. I integrated the HP MIK into my SCCM and now I create driver packages via that method. Seems to create smaller packages than previous when I was downloading the larger driver packs. I filter each driver pack by wmi query model. At the bottom of the drivers section, I increase the ccm cache size to 20GB using a powershell script. At the end of the OSD TS, I reset it back to 10GB. This allows larger packages to be installed during OSD. I hope this helps a bit.
  13. Resolved - Not sure what was/is wrong with my original OSD, but after updating my MDT tools to the latest, I recreated the MDT OSD TS and now it works. Actually, the same process is now averaging about 37% faster OSD times. My guess is the MDT was out of date and something with the latest chipsets.
  14. +1 I also use MDT; however, I use a TS after the section in MDT called "State Restore". It is just before I start installing applications. My ps1 is the same as above (minus the Import command). I have the cab file "microsoft-windows-netfx3-ondemand-package.cab" and ps1 in the same source folder. The TS is straight forward. 1. Run PowerShell script 2. Browse for the package that is created 3. Script name <insert ps1 file name> 4. PowerShell execution policy = Bypass The package in step #2 is an empty package that just points to the source folder with the ps1 and cab file.
  15. What version of SCCM are you using? Which WADK do you have installed? Does it boot no problem into a VM using pxe? How about a system that has Win10 installed? Is it only failing on systems that are older and have Win7? If yes, then there may be a driver problem in the boot image (winpe) for that system/build.
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