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Everything posted by kavren

  1. As an FYI, I think why the client wasn't seeing the adverts was because under "client agents" -> "computer client agent" properties -> "BITS" tab, the radial button "Not configured" was checked. Once it was set to "Apply to branch distribution points and all clients", everything seemed to work.
  2. On the client machine, In "Run Advertised Programs" I only see 1 entry. But inside the program called "SMS Client Center", under "Advertisements" (on the client machine) I see all 3 adverts. If my client can see all 3 adverts, why is only 1 showing up in "Run Advertised Programs"?
  3. I am beyond confused here.... Ok, I have 1 package, and have created 1 program out of it (all of this being done yesterday). Also, yesterday, I created 2 advertisements (1 advertisement early in the day, and then another advertisement off of the same program later that day). Then, just a little bit ago, I created a 3rd advertisement. Still, nothing was showing up. *Just* about 2 min ago, the very *first* advertisement shows up on my client... Why in the world did it take so long? It's been like, 18 to 20 hours since I created that advert. And mind you, the other 2 adverts havn't showed up yet.
  4. Created a new advert (still using the same package/program). Also, the clients firewall is not up. I am still having the same problem. Under Client Installation Methods, under the general tab, "Enable Client Push Installation to assigned resources" is *not* checked. I did this because I didn't want the client pushed out to every computer. Could this be a problem with the advertisement? I was still able to manually push the client install, and the accounts tab in the client push installation properties tab has an account.
  5. Yes. The client is showing up in the all systems collection with Client = Yes and Approved = Yes status
  6. I received and error (basically the fields were blank). I realized that I had done a dcpromo to remove ad but had not removed the DNS or AD roles on the reboot. I have since removed those rolls and nslookup seems to be working. Default Server: i5-adsrv1.emeraldqueen.com Address: > Still having the same problem though. I have also done an initiate of machine policy retrieval & evaluation cycle user policy retrieval & evaluation cycle Also, I can get to the hidden share on the config manager server that holds the .exe file from the client computer. Also, would it be possible to get a rough showing of what the total log entries (and subsequent log names) for a successful package/program advertisement and intallation? the advertisment and program would be called firefox and the client comp would be testxp and the sms server would be 2k8sms this way I could try and trace where the failure is at.
  7. I have a Configuration Manager 2007 (Version: 4.00.6221.1000) server. When I made this server, I made it a DC, but have since removed the DC and DNS role. My test XP client that I have in its own collection, is not seeing the advertisement I have created. I have created the advertisement per http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=499 and have assigned it to my collection that has just my test xp sp3 client in it. For the package, under "programs", "properties", I have selected "this program can run on any platform". Under collection, my configuration manager server can see the test computer and see's that it is approved. The test client see's the "site" properly. Under "modify collection settings", "advanced" I have "enable collection specific policy polling interval" set to 1 minute. I have looked through some of the logs but have not found a specific error. I am lost on what to do next. I just feel really overwhelmed by this. Man, there is a lot of stuff that config manager can do...
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