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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. We need some more information then this... What do you see when you boot a machine with PXE? Any errors? Any logs?
  2. Correct, in the case of a computer replacement you should use a State Migration Point (this is a standard possibility in a Task Sequence with Capturing User State).
  3. That's not possible.... Secondary Sites inherit the ports settings from the Primary Site. Take a look here for more information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680376.aspx
  4. Take a look here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff189805.aspx Keep in mind that it uses the RPC Dynamic range, which is something like 1024-5000 on Server 2003 and somthing like 49152-65535 on Server 2008.
  5. You don't need XP drivers in a W7 Bootimage....
  6. Why would you want to save it on a servershare?? The idea of hardlinks is that you store the links to the file locally, then wipe the drive (which save the hard-links) and then reinstall.
  7. Which version of SCCM do you use?
  8. Or do neither of them and create a Capture Media (CD)
  9. With ADSIEDIT
  10. Run extadsch.exe from SMSSETUP\BIN\I386
  11. I'm afraid not... normally I would say, create a new Site, make it a child, let it sync and cut the top Site of again... but in this case it could cause more trouble, as it will probably sync the problems too...
  12. Probably your last action caused this behaviour, because it is not supported to change the domain membership or computer name for a Configuration Manager 2007 site system after it is installed. Take a look at this post: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/configmgradminconsole/thread/d90b77c0-c6bf-440a-be3f-7a720440a8b9
  13. But what I am trying to say is that when a machine has a combination of the 5 products, it also has a combination of the Maintenance Windows. So to continue your example, if a machine is in all 5 collections it has a Maintenance Windows at june 3 (prooduct 1), june 10 (product 2), june 17 (product 3), june 24 (product 4) and july 1 (product 5). Which is the same as a weekly recurring Window.
  14. That's not possible... All Active Maintenance Windows count for all machines in the Collection. So if a machine excists in both collection, both Maintenance Windows will count for the client. It is not possible to specify which Maintenance Window to use with an Advertisement. For more information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb694295.aspx
  15. Site Boundaries and Server Locator Point.
  16. I don't really get what you are trying to achieve, but I do know that it is not possible to set a Maintenance Window per Product
  17. Just re-format the drive, put the image on the first partition and use GPO's to re-direct MyDocuments.
  18. Take a look here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc817128.aspx
  19. Is WDS running?
  20. Why not adding the step after the prepare configMgr client -step?
  21. Do you have R2 installed? If so, you can use a Run Command Line -step in your Task Sequence and provide an installation account.
  22. Take a look at the client logs (execmgr.log)
  23. Just a simple yes or no would be good... You need a to have a client installed before you will be able to deploy applications.
  24. I see two errors: 1. "Failed to connect to "\\sccm.corp.sccm.com\SMSPXEIMAGES$\SMSPKG\KIE00002" (5) --> Error 5 is Access Denied. 2. "Failed to connect to "\\Site Name\SMSPKGC$\KIE00002" (67) --> Error 67 is Network name not found. Make sure your name resolution is working correct.
  25. Location is the same... are you sure there is a client installed?
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