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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. On Technet and MSDN there are the full version available of SCCM 2007 incl. SP1 or SP2. Here you can get only the SP1 Upgrade: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=5AAE62E8-4B7F-4AF7-BE01-AEFAA4BF059A&displaylang=en
  2. Take a look here for all the different OS requirements: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/bb680717.aspx
  3. Did the Site server already communicate with the client?
  4. Is your IIS installed and Configured correctly?
  5. By default it will search for a SMP.
  6. Did you advertise the Task Sequence to the collection?
  7. The OSDStateStorePath variable is the place where USMT will put the User State, so if you make that a local place it will place it there. When you want it on the State Migration Point, just leave the OSDStateStorePath as it is.
  8. How does your Task Sequence look like (what steps?)?
  9. That is possible. Take a look here for more information: http://blogs.technet.com/b/office2010/archive/2009/08/24/volume-activation.aspx
  10. USMT 3.0 doesn't support hard-linking, so what is the "tweaking" that you did? And also, why not using the built-in capture-and-restore -steps?
  11. 1. When the machine is still in WinPE there is already a smsts.log file. 2. What version of SCCM are you actually running?
  12. Did you take a look at the smsts.log?
  13. Configure a Network Access account to make connections to the network shares.
  14. Possible, just add different Driver Packages for the different types of hardware.
  15. I would Build and Capture XP to a WIM, main reason is that it will deploy much quicker.
  16. You can do it "by hand" with Collections based on AD Groups, or "semi-automatic" with AD Groups and a Task Sequence (like here: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1782-how-can-i-deploy-applications-based-on-ad-security-group-membership-for-computers-using-a-task-sequence/)
  17. Thats not a standard/ default option of SCCM, if that is something that you want you have to make/ script it yourself.
  18. Instead of /UI (User Include) you should use /UE (User Exclude). Something like /ue:ComputerName\*
  19. There will be no problems if you extend the AD after SCCM installed. The AD extention will only make your work a lot easier.
  20. Nope, you need to create a new Boot Image. You can always use the new Boot Image as you Standard Boot Image.
  21. Make sure the machine is imported correctly.
  22. When you are still facing the new problem, please open a new post, as it has nothing to do with this issue.
  23. Your problem is: Failed to resolve package source "SKS00005". This seems to be the package of your SCCM CLient. Make sure the package excists on the DP and that it is accesible for the client machine.
  24. There must be a different log, because this one only goes until the Partition Disk step...
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