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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Did you already take a look at the execmgr.log?
  2. Did you already take a look at the execmgr.log? Also for the next time when you are waiting on an advertisement, just go to the action tab (of the client) and iniatiate the machine policy cycle.
  3. Which WebDAV Settings did you use?
  4. Did you take a look at the Technet documentation here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc817162.aspx ?
  5. You also need to make some changes in your WebDAV settings. For the exact settings take a look here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc431377.aspx
  6. As this is a double topic, I will close this one.
  7. A Secondary Site doesn't have a console, because you manage a Secondary Site from a Primary Site. Besides that you can install a ConfigMgr Admin Console on every machine in your domain that you want (that includes your own workstation).
  8. Update for R3 (BETA). Also the Client Agent gets an update to 4.00.6487.2125 because of the new Power Management Agent.
  9. I've been there too... luckily it was in a test environment... It happens when you selected a wrong type certificate. I couldn't get a solution for the problem myself (didn't had the time), except for a re-installation...
  10. Great post! Just keep in mind that when you are using MDT and SCCM 2007 R2 on your server and you want the same options on your workstation, you need to install those too. That's why I am using the following batch file: @ECHO OFF REM -------------------------------------- REM Install Configuration Manager Console REM -------------------------------------- %~dp0bin\i386\setup.exe /script %~dp0INSTALL_x64.ini /nouserinput REM -------------------------------------- REM Install Configuration Manager R2 REM -------------------------------------- MSIEXEC /i %~dp0R2\ConfigMgr2007R2.msi /l*v %TEMP%\ConfigMgrR2Install.log /q REM -------------------------------------- REM Install MDT 2010 REM -------------------------------------- MSIEXEC /i %~dp0MDT\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit2010_x64.msi /l*v %TEMP%\MDTInstall.log /q
  11. Take a look here: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/Installing-Deploying-Windows-Live-Writer-with-ConfigMgr-2007.aspx Replace Writer for Messenger and you are ready to go.
  12. What is exactly the problem that you are running in to?? Because all of the four numbers/ steps are basic SCCM Subjects and there are Step-By-Step manuals on this forum.
  13. It is possible to have multiple DPs in a protected site, but SCCM doesn't have any form of load ballancing between the DPs (it only has a max. on total connections). The only thing you could do is to divide the packages manually between the DPs.
  14. There is no picture.... Also you could provide the logfiles.
  15. Where did you configure the variable? Also where do you use this variable in the Task Sequence and how?
  16. I would start with understanding the difference between WQL Queries and SQL Queries (when to use and how to create one from the other).
  17. It is not needed, for an OS Deployment, to have MDT installed. For help on your problem with bringing back the user state from the State Migration Point, we need more information (like logfiles and how your SCCM environment looks like). Also I would advise you to open a new topic for that.
  18. This is the commandline that I use(d) with version 16 and 17: jre-6u17-windows-i586.exe /s IEXPLORER=1 ADDLOCAL=ALL REBOOT=Suppress JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0
  19. Well.. I was a bit to quick with saying that it is not needed at all, because it can be used to store license associated with the software updates... You can also just clean up the WSUS directory, by opening the WSUS Console > Options > WSUS Cleaunup Wizard. This will cleanup al unwanted, expired, superceded, etc updates.
  20. You probably selected Store updates locally during the installation of WSUS. This means that you are storing the updates on three different places, the WSUS folder, the Updates package and on the DP.
  21. Nope, it doesn't have to... Only the PXE SErvice Point has to run on the same machine as WDS.
  22. I agree with Kinom here. You should use an unattend.xml when you are deploying your machine. I couldn't find something on the forum here so quick, but you could take a look here: http://scug.be/blogs/sccm/archive/2010/02/02/sccm-windows-7-deployments-amp-unattended-xml.aspx
  23. I don't think that USMT is the solution in this case. What parts are you missing during a normal Capture of the OS?
  24. I think it is because there is some crap on the D: drive that it is trying to Capture... <![LOG[WIM error:D:\Art Of Murder Cards Of Destiny [English][PCDVD][WwW.GamesTorrents.CoM]\gow-aomcod.r82. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="21:28:36.334+000" date="03-14-2010" component="CaptureSystemImage" context="" type="3" thread="1536" file="wimstate.cpp:182"> <![LOG[WIM error:D:\Cursed Mountain [MULTI4][PCDVD][WwW.GamesTorrents.CoM]\vty-0288.060. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="21:28:47.784+000" date="03-14-2010" component="CaptureSystemImage" context="" type="3" thread="944" file="wimstate.cpp:182">
  25. Take a look here: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/How-to-create-a-Capture-Only-Task-Sequence-with-ConfigMgr-2007.aspx Just keep in mind that it will show exact the same steps as you are already using. You should start this Task Sequence from the Run Advertised Programs and NOT from WinPE
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