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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Switch the .Name and the MACAddresses around and you should be close
  2. I would start by looking at the deployment node in the console and the AppEnforce.log on the client.
  3. The cleanup wizard should clean the WSUS folders of the update types that you selected. To really clean up disk space you might want to remove the expired and superseded updates from the deployment packages.
  4. For the Company Portal app a Symantec certificate is required. For more information see the FAQ here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/61e9b6c3-8795-49b0-8ab2-a9a05ee3ea1f#BKMK_FAQ
  5. It sounds like a application installation failure. Please look at the installation log file for more information.
  6. Two separate collections for unknown computers could help when it's really one-on-one with the architecture and boot image.
  7. To add-on to Niall's correct answer, this might give some more information: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/windows-phone-8-1-and-the-microsoft-intune-company-portal-app/
  8. Are you absolutely sure you installed the right version of the Windows ADK and also on the right server?
  9. True, it first removes everything from the software update group and than adds everything that matches the selection. You can either adjust the selection criteria or create a new group per month.
  10. You could use a group policy (preference) for that.
  11. You could use the move user (/mu) parameter. For more information see: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh825190.aspx
  12. That usually happens when you initially boot from a different boot image than the one assigned to the task sequence.
  13. Often that's related to issues with the unattend.xml, see also: https://nikifoster.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/failed-to-open-unattend-xml-0x80070003-error/
  14. Is your site server running Windows Server 2008 R2? If so, see: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3025419/
  15. You should be able to install ConfigMgr 2012 R2 based on these guides. There are only some minor differences in things like supported SQL versions.
  16. Are you providing the right computername during the task sequence?
  17. Did you enable the installation of Endpoint Protection in the Default Client Settings?
  18. Just leave it default, which is Next available formatted partition.
  19. That's very strange. I just ran a test in my lab without any problems. Please run through the script, line by line and output the different variables to see the values.
  20. Your current installations are failing because there is still an installation (or at least the service) running. See your error "An instance of ccmsetup is running as a service. The current instance will be terminated."
  21. The first screenshot looks like a not supported operating system. Please have a look at the installation log files for more information.
  22. Í'm not seeing a lot errors besides 0x8024D009, which translates to WU_E_SETUP_SKIP_UPDATE An update to the Windows Update Agent was skipped due to a directive in the wuident.cab file.
  23. Yes, just don't target the new version of the application to those systems.
  24. I find that very hard to believe as it's an object that always exists in a task sequence. Can you provide some more details, like log files and or screenshot(s)?
  25. When you removed the deployment of the task sequence, update de machine policy on the client and the deployment should go away.
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