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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. That's very little information... I would think that the log file provides more information.
  2. All Workstations Collection is not a default collection, so yes you should be able to rename it.
  3. I would say that the message is pretty clear Site Component Manager failed to install this component, because the Microsoft Installer File for this component (MP.msi) could not install. Refer to the MPSetup.log, the MPMSI.log. Please do as suggested and look in the specific log files to see why the management point is not installing.
  4. Based on your initial post I think it's your x86 boot image. A clean boot image of WinPE 5.x boots almost all the older models available, but it will require some testing.
  5. You can use any account that you want, as long as it's local administrator on the client device. I would just strongly advise to use separate accounts for separate actions/ services, just to keep it organized and to provide getting accounts that can do everything in an environment.
  6. The only thing you would use your software update point for is for clients scanning for compliance. If you can handle that traffic then I would only use the distribution point for the content.
  7. Ehmm... are you saying that you accidentally installed SP2 for Office 2010?
  8. Not a direct answer on your question, but that looks like you've got an insane amount of drivers in your boot image. You should try to keep that number as low as possible, also the most recent Windows versions support the most network and disk controller drivers. Personally, I would start over with a clean boot image.
  9. See in the console \Software Library\Overview\Application Management\Applications. If you create an application there you need to specifiy how ConfigMgr can detect that specific application. By default the client evaluates every targeted application deployment once every week, which would cause a new installation even if somebody removed it.
  10. AFAIK, the answer is that the message can't be modified..
  11. Console performance is definitely not a reason why you should install another primary site. If you're seeing console performance issues, I would look at installing a terminal server close to the primary site server and install and run the console from there.
  12. There are many examples available, for example (my first hit in my favorite search engine): https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/SCCM-MDT-Computer-Auto-7969a373
  13. Not sure what you're exactly looking for, but ConfigMgr can be configured to use HTTPS if that's what you mean.
  14. Isn't it easier to just use the application model for that. The application will detect if it's installed or not (based on the detection rule) and install if required.
  15. What products and categories have you selected in the software update point?
  16. That's not possible at the moment the deadline arrives, it will install and restart (if applicable). The only thing you can do is suppress the restart, but than you'll leave it all up to the user... Another thing that just popped-up, so it's just a thought, you might be able to allow the updates to install outside the maintenance window and just schedule them. Then make sure that the maintenance window arrives a week after for the restart of the devices.
  17. Keep in mind that it will only provide you with the local printers. You should be able to simply select the information in SQL management studio by selecting the right table.
  18. Did you try the batch file outside of ConfigMgr? It could be that it's asking for a confirmation..
  19. It doesn't have to be a separate server, but do keep in mind that it's the most useful with IBCM and than you want to place it strategically and probably on it's own. You can find the prerequisites here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg682077.aspx#BKMK_Win2k12SiteSystemPrereqs There are reports available; No, because you should assume that you're clients will be able to communicate as you would otherwise have bigger and different problems.
  20. Hmm.. AFAIK that information is not stored...
  21. Yes, you can use a maintenance window to prevent update installation and restart from happening outside that window.
  22. Does this mean that you found the information you're looking for?
  23. The image file it should get is specified in the task sequence that the machine should start.
  24. The CAS doesn't run discoveries anymore
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