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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. If you mean that you created a standalone media, then you should have added that password during the creation of that media.
  2. It indeed sounds a lot like a missing network driver, but you should be able to see more details in the smsts.log file. If it is the network driver, you can add it by right-clicking the driver and selecting Edit > Boot image.
  3. Have a look at the client.msi.log for more details.
  4. Here are some pointers for enabling the new software center: http://www.scconfigmgr.com/2015/12/06/enable-the-new-software-center-in-configmgr-1511/
  5. A sync of the software update point doesn't trigger a distribution point update. Those are two separate things. The only thing that happens is that a new catalog will be synced, but you shouldn't see that on your distribution point.
  6. Yes, you do need WDS in combination with ConfigMgr. ConfigMgr relies on WDS for handling PXE.
  7. You don't have to pull the install.wim from your custom image. Your custom image is the WIM file that you import in ConfigMgr.
  8. If you make sure that the clients have a PKI certificate available, there isn't much of an impact on the clients.
  9. You mean that you're using variables to install apps during the task sequence? If so, keep in mind that those variables should be numbered sequentialy. Meaning always start with 01, 02, 03, etc
  10. It simply disables the task sequence on all the devices that it's deployed to. No matter if the device was just imaged or not.
  11. You can remove the deployment of the policy. When you select the policy, you will have a deployments tab on the bottom of the screen. Select that tab, select the deployment and delete it.
  12. Correct and if you're not sure you can fairly easy test the behavior.
  13. If you're not using the boundaries for automatic site assignment, there shouldn't be a problem with overlapping boundaries.
  14. Not sure, but as more people are seeing this issue I would create a ticket with Microsoft support and have them look at it.
  15. To my knowledge, you can't achieve that with the out-of-the-box task sequences. It will always wipe the existing operating system first. Maybe, really maybe, you can achieve something with a format step on a specific disk/partition and apply the new operating system to that same specific disk/partition.
  16. First of all, the ConfigMgr agent will never automatically remove software. It will only remove software if you deployed something that would perform the removal. Also, yes, you can configure an Application in ConfigMgr to detect the installation of an application, even if it's not installed through ConfigMgr. A good detection method is the key.
  17. The first thing you do is create those groups, the second thing is to create collections based on those groups and the third thing is to deploy software to those collections. That should get you started.
  18. You don't have to configure those options when everything is on the same network and/or VLAN. Also, if you do need those options you might want to look at IP Helpers. They are the preferred method.
  19. Also keep in mind that the console shows the deployment status, which is not exactly the same as update compliance. For example, during a re-evaluation of the deployment, something can fail causing an error. However, that error doesn't mean anything as the update was already installed the first time. I would always use reports for checking compliance.
  20. If you're using a new version of MDT, I would redo the integration; The task sequences themselves are not affected, but you're boot images will. Keep that in mind. Also, make sure to read this regarding the ADK version: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/configmgrteam/2015/11/20/issue-with-the-windows-adk-for-windows-10-version-1511/
  21. I just checked my lab and, with default configuration for mobile device inventory, I'm seeing all installed apps on my iPad in the Resource Explorer in the category Mobile Device Installed Application.
  22. I think you want to use the Attribute class of System Resource.
  23. Did all the components succesfully upgrade? More specifically verify the upgrade status of the management point.
  24. Correct. The first installed SUP will be the one synchronizing with Microsoft Update and the additional SUPs will synchronize with that SUP.
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