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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. It looks like it can't get access to the software update package that belongs the ADR.
  2. If you can modify a collection you can also change the limiting collection. Why do you use a separate collection to import your computers to?
  3. First of all check the client log files for more information. For a list of all the log files see: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh427342.aspx Second during the next re-evaluation of the software updates it's should notice that specific updates are still required.
  4. This is too litlle information, you need to look in to the real log files of these components. A list of all the log files can be found here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh427342.aspx
  5. It looks like it can't (re)install the MP at this moment. Did you check the state of the server, if it maybe needs a restart?
  6. Sorry.. It's not on the official list, yet, so you have to wait for an official statement.
  7. I'm sorry, I thought you were doing a OS deployment... In your case the standalone package would probably be the best option. Just make sure that you deploy it carefully, because of it's size.
  8. Check the mpMSI.log file and the msxml6_x64MSI.log file for more information.
  9. I would just use/ download the Windows 7 ISO including SP1.
  10. You need a minimum of CU4, see for more information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg682077.aspx#BKMK_SupConfigSQLDBconfig
  11. A task sequence of ConfigMgr will always run with SYSTEM credentials, so you could simply use psexec to test things with SYSTEM credentials. Also, if you simply want to test packages via a task sequence, you can also create a custom task sequence with only those packages.
  12. What are the messages in the event viewer? Also, did you make the boot images available to your PXE?
  13. Do they have the permission Distribution Point > Copy to Distribution Point.
  14. Could it be that the client did a self-repair? Check the CCMEval log files and the CCMRepair for some more information.
  15. It all depends on the partition and format step(s) in your task sequence what will happen. There are many way's to interact with users, like the MDT UDI, or something like this: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/7294-the-cm12-bitlocker-frontend-hta/
  16. This will help you with reusing the MAC address: http://blogs.technet.com/b/askpfeplat/archive/2014/07/28/how-to-use-the-same-external-ethernet-adapter-for-multiple-sccm-osd.aspx
  17. Did you configure the deployment types to stream (tab Content of the deployment type)?
  18. I simply look at your picture with the two different indexes...The two separate images are probably the problem...
  19. I can't find any errors in you SMSTS log files. I do see the correct information that you should be using in the task sequence (and it simply comes from the OSDSetupWizard.log) 17:55:16.992 10-23-2014 2 TSVariableRepository Saved variable 'OSDImageName'. Value = 'Windows 7 NTS' 17:55:16.992 10-23-2014 2 TSVariableRepository Saved variable 'OSDArchitecture'. Value = 'amd64' 17:55:16.992 10-23-2014 2 TSVariableRepository Saved variable 'KeyboardLocale'. Value = '0c07:00010407' 17:55:16.992 10-23-2014 2 TSVariableRepository Saved variable 'OSDComputerName'. Value = 'MININT-9RTFLJB' 17:55:16.992 10-23-2014 2 TSVariableRepository Saved variable 'OSDImageIndex'. Value = '2'
  20. Not sure what the title of your post has to do with your posted issue... When you deployed it as an old-school package, you should check the execmgr.log on the client for more information.
  21. It sounds a lot like you didn't enable scripting on the client. See challenge 2 here: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/deploy-app-v-version-of-office-2013-with-configmgr-2012/
  22. The deadline time starts counting when the deployment is made availabe. After the deadline is done the update installation will start when the updates are downloaded.
  23. But even though those messages are warnings, you do have to keep an eye on them. If it's for example all the time the same client (GUID) there is defenitly something wrong with that client.
  24. It will also turn critical with a lot of warnings. What are all the warnings about?
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